What A Good Teacher Does At School: Dresses Snazzy, Smells Like Strawberries?

September 4, 2014

When first graders at Molino Park Elementary School were asked “what does a good teacher do at school?”, there were the usual answers about reading and recess, but there were a few surprises too.   It is, after all, important that a good teacher “dresses snazzy” and “smells like strawberries and candy” (actual answers).

So what does a good teacher do at school? Here are actual answers from first grade teacher Sara Calhoun’s class at Molino Park Elementary School:

  • makes sure everyone obeys the rules
  • helps us learn to read
  • their voice always sounds kind and nice with gentleness
  • reads us stories on the rug
  • takes us to recess
  • cares and takes care of the kids
  • smiles a lot
  • gives good instructions for the playground
  • dresses snazzy
  • lets us have centers
  • helps us to be rockstar readers
  • let’s us get a treat from the birthday blessing box
  • looks fancy and has pretty clothes
  • sings “Who Let The Vowels Out”
  • has lots of iPads and computers
  • always feeds us lunch
  • we can clip up if we make a good choice
  • never yells or screams
  • lets us have scissors and markers
  • gives us stickers and candy
  • we get cozy critters to sit on our desk if we are good
  • teaches us to be ‘bucket fillers’
  • teaches us our supplies are tools not toys
  • helps us know how to be quiet in the hallway
  • makes learning fun
  • gives us treasure box
  • tells us to add more details to our writing
  • gives us a compliment party
  • smells like strawberries and candy
  • always lets the kids go to the bathroom
  • teaches math
  • sings silly songs
  • lets us have a class pet
  • reads “Pete the Cat” books
  • gives lots of hugs


6 Responses to “What A Good Teacher Does At School: Dresses Snazzy, Smells Like Strawberries?”

  1. Betty Killam on September 8th, 2014 8:59 am

    What a great teacher—-kindergarten and first grade is where the love of school begins. There will be a special place in heaven for the wonderful elementary school teachers who truly love children. I remember my first grade teacher and all the fun stories and life skills she taught me. A wonderful lady, Mrs. Raleigh Jackson, at Byrneville Elementary School in 1946. Rest in peace Mrs. Jackson, you touched so many lives and made learning fun for so many students.

  2. Dennis on September 5th, 2014 6:46 am

    The foundation for learning is established here. Sounds like these children are going to do great. This tea her makes learning fun!

  3. Inspired on September 4th, 2014 6:57 pm

    I’m a teacher myself and was inspired by this article. Thanks, William, for sharing some good news about our schools. We have some great kids, teachers, and schools in the north end of the county.

  4. PATTI on September 4th, 2014 4:14 pm

    I’ve seen Mrs. Calhoun in action and she is JUST WHAT the students described! A lovely young Christian lady who loves each of her students, and they love her. Isn’t it wonderful to have as teacher like that . One that wants her students to learn what they need to know to be able to pass onto the next grade. One who teaches these students a lot of what their parents should be teaching them at home. A teacher who is CONCERNED!

  5. No Excuses on September 4th, 2014 3:48 pm

    Congratulations Sarah! I know your students love you!

  6. :) on September 4th, 2014 8:17 am

    This says a lot about Mrs. Calhoun! Wish more children could be brought up under someone’s sweet guidance and care! I’ve met her and know this is exactly how she is………what a wonderful woman!