Female Jogger Attacked In Attempted Rape After Woman Carjacked From Gas Station, Assaulted

September 19, 2014

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is searching for a carjacking and aggravated assault suspect after a Thursday morning incident in Cantonment. And deputies now say the suspect may be responsible for an incident a short time later in which a female jogger was attacked.

At approximately 8:15, a carjacking was reported at a gas station at Highway 29 and Muscogee Road. The victim had pumped gasoline and entered the store when an unknown black male suspect entered her unlocked vehicle and concealed himself in the backseat. The victim did not see the suspect and drove away from the store, according to information released Thursday afternoon by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The suspect confronted the victim once the vehicle was moving. He told her that he had a knife and to keep driving or he would “stick” her. She drove around randomly and eventually drove to a neighbor’s residence. Once there she honked the car’s horn in distress to get someone’s attention. The suspect struck her and pushed her from the vehicle.

He left in the car, heading back towards Highway 29. The victim was treated at the scene for minor injuries. Shortly afterward, the vehicle was located on Pine Street.


New information released Friday morning the Sheriff’s Office says that about 8:35 a.m. deputies received a call about the attempted sexual battery of a female jogger on Rocky Avenue.

The victim reported that as she was jogging when an unknown black male suspect grabbed her from behind and dragged her into a wooded lot. Once there he struck her in the face and attempted  to remove her clothing but the victim fought back and was able to escape. The suspect fled deeper into the wood lot while the victim contacted authorities. The victim was transported to a local hospital where she was treated for minor injuries and released.

Due to the time and location of the incident, description of the suspect and the vehicle found at the location, investigators believe this incident may be connected to the carjacking.

In both  cases, the suspect was described as a black male with short hair, a mustache and dark clothes. The Sheriff’s Office said investigators are actively working the case at this time and more information will be released as it becomes available. Anyone having information on this incident is asked to contact CrimeStoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


39 Responses to “Female Jogger Attacked In Attempted Rape After Woman Carjacked From Gas Station, Assaulted”

  1. angela on September 23rd, 2014 12:02 pm

    glad to hear the girls are alright. Gosh, I do alot of walking not far from this area and alone. Can you still buy pepper spray and if so where?

  2. No Excuses on September 22nd, 2014 10:34 am

    Ladies (and gents), if you have the time and can afford it, I would recommend a good self-defense class. Often, even if you can carry a weapon on your person, you may not be able to get to it right away. Self-defense tactics often take the aggressor by surprise and will give you an opportunity to get to your weapon, or pepper spray or whatever. Even a broom handle can be used defensively and can disable an attacker if you know how to use it as a weapon. JMHO.

  3. Anon on September 20th, 2014 7:57 pm

    Proactive? Coulda been more proactive with a helicopter methinks. Hmmm…..

  4. Man on September 20th, 2014 7:21 pm

    I see a lot of good advice being passed along here, and that is great. People need to be more aware of their surroundings and take appropriate precautions.

    But I also see a lot of hubris and people asserting how they would so easily make a decision to kill another human being because they believe themselves capable of doing so.

    I will offer the suggestion that talk is cheap, and many of those saying they could kill someone without hesitation and are competent enough with their weapons to do so are really not.

    Personally, I am worried about the prospect of a bunch of untrained, scared people carrying weapons thinking they can use them properly.

  5. ABC on September 20th, 2014 10:27 am

    Always lock your doors when exiting your vehicle, and attempt to do so with others in the parking lots, as when you return to vehicle hopefully there are others around.

    Acquire a weapon, learn how to use it correctly and safely, If you see a strange person lerking around your neiborhood alert your neighbors,

  6. 429SCJ on September 20th, 2014 7:23 am

    When we came through Cantonment last night at 11:00, I observed a deputy posted on the east corner at the red light, standing near his Tahoe observing.
    Friends spoke last night of seeing ECSO personnel out in force in the Cantonment, Farm Hill, Cottage Hill communities all day Friday.

    It seems that after all the NE.COM reports lately, that we are in the midst of a crime wave. Nothing like a little fear, danger and a .45 to make you feel alive, but I am glad to see Sheriff Morgan and team in proactive mode. I think about some of the weak and vulnerable citizens and I am sure that the heavy LE presence gives them some degree of comfort.

  7. Don on September 20th, 2014 6:20 am

    I’m suprised by the difficullty in finding this creature? obvious his scent was all over the victim and the car,couldn’t a team of bloodhounds track him down from the second area?

  8. SHO-NUFF on September 20th, 2014 4:10 am

    Arm yourselves folks.
    Its a mean world and getting meaner. Don’t be a victim if you can help it and be prepared to meet force with force.
    No need to get a Concealed Carry permit to keep a firearm in a vehicle, its perfectly legal. I would recommend getting a permit because it can save you a bunch of headaches if you have to use a weapon in self deference. I had rather be “tried by 12 than carried by 6.”
    You do need to ask yourself if you are mentally prepared to use a weapon to possibly take a life to protect yourself or others… Its easy to talk the talk but can you walk the walk? Don’t carry if you have the slightest doubt about pulling the trigger. Your own gun could get you killed.

  9. scared in cantonment b on September 19th, 2014 11:45 pm

    What is happening I’m afraid to leave my house anymore this happened in a big gas station well lit lots of people what are we supposed to do?? Carry guns every where we go I never feel safe anymore anywhere even if you are aware of your surroundings there is always someone more aware of you and if they want to get to you they will- do we need armed guards every where’? that’s what it’s coming too and yes then I would feel safe it’s just absolutely crazy sad and disgusting to live this was way damn those people who threaten our everyday life

  10. molino jim on September 19th, 2014 8:15 pm

    There are no one size fits all situations. Guns are great some times. As some said in the comments “knowing how to use the gun” is very important. Most of us have a very good weapon with us when we are using the car— the key. Hold the key pointed out between your fingers and it does a great job on the face/eyes or what ever. Most the ideas on here may or may not have worked. The victim #1 showed good judgement in going where she knew someone–#2 may have been in good physical shape and fought back. Hope this person is found and put away before he hurts someone more that he already has.

  11. Native on September 19th, 2014 7:32 pm

    Susan L. I couldn’t say it any better. Please put the phones down watch what is going on around you.

  12. erica on September 19th, 2014 4:27 pm

    @ lisa
    I find that an ignorant statement! I would much rather have a gun and not need it then need it and not have one. I have family in law enforcement and they will be the first ones to encourage people to be armed and know how to use your gun. Also if the “unarmed” perp just sees the gun they will most likely retreat not try to fight me over it. Either way ill take the chance and be armed!

  13. 429SCJ on September 19th, 2014 4:21 pm

    Lisa is probably right but I feel it that it is better to be loaded and locked in times such as these.

    As Friday evening approaches, enjoy yourselves, but be observant and aware.

  14. mac on September 19th, 2014 1:54 pm

    just gave my mother my .40. Forget about concealed carry, it’s unconstitutional anyway, but . Her safety means more than some permit or some thugs life. This creep is obviously targeting women and probably should have picked a different area to pull this crap. If women in that area aren’t armed, they will be.

  15. Lisa on September 19th, 2014 1:52 pm

    You all bragging about your guns, make sure you have the strength to keep them from being taken and used on you. Harder to escape a nutjob who took your gun than it is an unarmed nutjob.

  16. c.w. on September 19th, 2014 12:11 pm

    This story proves my point to a tee. I ALWAYS have Sam Colt and his sons with me. I hope I never need their help but they are there if needed. And no, I don’t have a permit to carry just like the carjacker did not have a permit to steal and maybe rape.

  17. Susan L. on September 19th, 2014 11:31 am

    I sent this story to my 15 year old daughter and asked her to PLEASE read ALL of the comments! this is SO important these days!
    -Don’t be on your phone when walking to and from your car;
    -be aware of EVERYONE in the general vicinity around you;
    - be especially mindful if there is a van parked next to the side you are getting in…….you can be pulled inside in a split second;
    -don’t be out alone after dark if you don’t have to be
    -Don’t be overly comfortable in your own neighborhood…this can happen anywhere!
    -Be aware of others that are pumping gas, jogging, walking to or from their car…….if something happens to them, you could be a great witness and help police! (I would hope if something happened to my daughter that SOMEONE would come forward with helpful details!) We can help look after each other!

  18. Suzie B on September 19th, 2014 11:25 am

    With the update now posted, it is upsetting that people have been going on about their lives, jogging alone in the mornings, walking babies in strollers, walking their dogs, allowing their children at bus stops alone, even parents waiting alone at a bus stop for it to arrive… not having quick notice about this from the Sheriffs dept. put so many people in danger. Once the carjacking took place, it appears this guy may have continued his prowl and found another female. It is fortunate that both of these ladies are ok but not making this URGENT news instantly put the public in even more danger by not knowing that it wasn’t just the one incident.

  19. TD on September 19th, 2014 11:17 am

    Unbelievable. I spent a lot of time up in that area as a kid, and still have family living there. They are safe, thankfully, glad the victims are ok…the ECSO needs to lay off the speeding ticket writing and put all of their resources into finding this sorry excuse for a human being. Catch his sorry butt and lock him up!!!!

    That area has been going downhill for years, unfortunately.

  20. Eric Burdette on September 19th, 2014 11:12 am

    Open carry would stop these situations. Ain’t no dude going to try to carjack a woman strapping a pistol

  21. Resident-Cantonment on September 19th, 2014 10:52 am

    Why is this just now being reported over 24 hours later? I know it’s not NE.com’s fault….but WHY did they not release this story or the car-jacking until HOURS after they had both happened? HELLO?? We could have all been on the look out for him…or at the very least we should have known because OBVIOUSLY he was on the prowl. We need this information ASAP to be able to keep each other safe ECSD!!!! GEEZ!!!!! Stop holding out on us!!!

  22. K. IN CANTONMENT on September 19th, 2014 10:08 am

    I want this CREEP to try and get in my car or grab me, then he will get to meet face to face MR. RUGER and that my friends would be the last thing he got to meet face to face.

  23. Kat on September 19th, 2014 8:00 am

    Get in my car without an invitation = catch a bullet

  24. West side mom on September 19th, 2014 7:22 am

    This is why everyone should lock their doors even when pumping gas. I’ve said this over and over and so glad I did my daughter was at the Tom Thumb @ Jackson and new warrington when a man waited till she finished pumping and the tried to jump in the passenger seat. Thank god doors where locked and she could only open hers and get in.

  25. Anne on September 18th, 2014 11:33 pm

    I know everyone is in a hurry but we have to take the time to look at everyone in the parking lot. A guy like that is less likely to mess with you if you can describe him. He will pick the person who wasn’t paying any attention. A police officer told me this years ago.

  26. Mary Mattheiss on September 18th, 2014 10:09 pm

    Always lock your door when exiting your vehicle and keep your phone in hand . Be aware of your surroundings at all times , day or night,if you are alone.This is scary but not surprised it happened. People are desperate to steal money & valuables in order to buy drugs. Hope women will be more cautious when driving alone. No place is safe in this area anymore.

  27. perdido fisherman on September 18th, 2014 10:03 pm

    Gloria Berry, Check your cars owners manual, you should be able to change the security settings for your door locks. I have had several different makes and models that have similar features and there was always a choice on which of the 3 settings I wanted for my door locks on both driver and passenger sides and the back doors. I hope this helps keep you a little safer and that they catch this guy soon before he escalates to physical violence.

  28. Gloria Berry on September 18th, 2014 8:23 pm

    Women need to lock their doors when they get out to fill up their vehicle. Have your keys in your hand. Don’t know if you seen video on news talking about sliders. When you get out to fill your car and turn your back to the car, they pull up beside passenger side and ease the door open to grab your purse in passenger seat. They are gone before you realize what has happened. Always keep your doors locked whether you are in the car or not. My car has a feature that I don’t like which is as soon as you put in in park the doors automatically unlock. If I am not quite ready to get out at at time I reach over and relock.

    When entering your car be aware of what us around you. As soon as you get in it lock your doors. A few seconds can mean the difference in being robbed, high jacked or possibly losing your life. Stay off the cell phone and pay attention to your surroundings.

  29. hylton on September 18th, 2014 7:30 pm

    I pray some sorry piece of trash like that gets in my car and hides like that. You wouldn’t have to worry about that scumbag hurting anyone else. Of course, his family would then threaten me and my family….. What is wrong with society now?

  30. grace corenevsky on September 18th, 2014 7:14 pm

    I lock my doors as soon as I open it to get gas and I lock them when I open them to get back in my car. I don’t wait for them to automatically lock. My doesn’t lock until I get on the highway.

  31. That guy on September 18th, 2014 6:59 pm

    CCW people, cops are always just a minute away when you need them. Please take your safety into your own hands people. I pray for the quick recovery of the victim or victims, and swift justice for the perp

  32. Bob C on September 18th, 2014 6:50 pm

    @ Pensacola Resident….

    You are EXACTLY Correct in your advice.

    Lock your vehicle — No Excuses, No Explanations.

    To leave it unlocked:
    People have intruders like this thug today.
    People have things stolen from their vehicles then are surprised that would happen.
    Not a nice world out there in many places and I ALWAYS lock the truck even if I am going to “Just be away a minute….”.

    Lock your vehicle,.
    Buckle your seat belt and do not move the car unless ALL inside are buckled in.

  33. pensacola resident on September 18th, 2014 6:04 pm

    Also, if you forget to lock the doors, when you return to your vehicle be sure to check the back seats and floor boards before getting back into your vehicle.

  34. pensacola resident on September 18th, 2014 6:01 pm

    This couldn’t have happened if she had locked her doors before walking away from her vehicle. Keep them locked while inside your vehicle also.

  35. lycrecia on September 18th, 2014 5:51 pm

    “It’s similar to what happened to me in 1983″!! but a large doberman entered my vehicle when I took my children inside my babysitters home at 4:30 am. All I could feel was warm breathing and I almost had a heart attack. I can relate to what this poor woman went through its horrible and I hope Escambia County Sheriffs Dept. gets this man n they have to pipe daylight to him “!!

  36. Billy D on September 18th, 2014 5:02 pm

    that’s when you sacrifice the car, make sure you’re buckled in a he’s not, and find the closest tree or bridge abutment to help you do a “sudden stop” I bet he would drop the knife as he went through the windshield………. just sayin’

  37. Shelbi on September 18th, 2014 4:47 pm

    Are you kidding me? This is so scary!!! For that to happen early in the morning when people are on their way to work, well for it to happen period, is terrifying. I hope this man is caught soon!

  38. melodies4us on September 18th, 2014 4:42 pm

    I am so glad the lady driver is ok. This is exactly what happened several years ago in Winn Dixie’s parking lot. The only difference is that a pretty store clerk wound up with lacerations to her face :(

  39. North end resident on September 18th, 2014 4:40 pm

    Sure hope they can retrieve his fingerprints, finding out who he is and put him where he belongs, behind bars.