Scott Picks Patronis, Brown For PSC; Skips Escambia’s Murzin

September 19, 2014

Looking to a political ally to fill the job, Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday named state Rep. Jimmy Patronis to a seat on the Florida Public Service Commission.

Scott also reappointed Commissioner Julie Brown to a four-year term on the panel that regulates utilities. Both appointments take effect in January, when the current terms of Brown and outgoing Commissioner Eduardo Balbis expire.

Scott chose Patronis and Brown from a list of seven finalists that also included former state Rep. Dave Murzin, R-Pensacola.

Patronis, 42, a Panama City Republican, is scheduled to leave the House in November because of term limits. Patronis, vice president of the family-run Captain Anderson’s Restaurant, was an early political supporter of Scott in 2010 and most recently has served as chairman of the House Economic Affairs Committee.

“Representative Patronis has faithfully served Florida families during his years of service in the Florida House of Representatives,” Scott said in a prepared statement. “I am confident that Jimmy will make an excellent addition to the Public Service Commission as he continues to put Florida families first.”

Brown, 39, an attorney from Tampa, has served on the Public Service Commission since January 2011. Balbis declined to seek another term.

by The News Service of Florida

Pictured: Dave Murzin.


4 Responses to “Scott Picks Patronis, Brown For PSC; Skips Escambia’s Murzin”

  1. oh my my on September 20th, 2014 10:14 pm

    you get what you vote far another nightmare with scott………

  2. Walnut Hill Roy on September 19th, 2014 9:17 am

    To Kathy

    And maybe Crist is not right, perhaps Rick Scott is picking the best people for the job.

  3. Kathy on September 19th, 2014 6:02 am

    There you go, Scott fans, a political hack appointing only those who will support you to the highest paying State government jobs. Maybe Crist is right.

  4. Jane on September 19th, 2014 3:54 am

    Is Julie Brown one of the ones who voted for the huge increase they gave Gulf Power? I doubt anyone is happy with that! It meant our power bills went up by at least $30 a month and for those retired folks that is more than the 2.5% increase they got. Lets hope Patronis isn’t another one like that.