Report Projects $336 Million Florida Budget Surplus Next Year

September 8, 2014

State lawmakers will have about $336 million extra in the budget year that begins next July, according to a draft state report issued recently

The Long-Range Financial Outlook, an annual report, says that surplus takes into account the likelihood that the Legislature will continue to set aside $1 billion in reserves and spend money on other high-priority areas.

The report says lawmakers could use the surplus on programs or tax cuts that continue from one year to the next, but that doing so would have “a compounding effect over time” and leave less money for the Legislature to use in future years — though the state would never go into the red as long as it keeps the reserves steady.

The report also says that Florida’s economy will likely continue to grow for the time being but is still trying to fully regain its footing.

“In the forecast, months of modest growth are expected before normalcy is largely achieved by Fiscal Year 2016-17 with construction and real estate still presenting notable exceptions,” it says. The draft report is scheduled to be presented Wednesday to the Joint Legislative Budget Commission, a panel made up of House and Senate members.


One Response to “Report Projects $336 Million Florida Budget Surplus Next Year”

  1. Jane on September 10th, 2014 5:11 am

    Considering how many other states are in the red I think Gov. Scott has done what he said he would. He has cut costs and gotten the budget into better shape. He is creating jobs which means more taxpayers and less drain on the budget. The legislature seems to be working with him, which is more than I can say for Washington.