One Of Two Defendants Enters Plea In Molino Murder

September 17, 2014

One of two people charged with a Molino murder has entered a plea and is set for sentencing.

Debra Burge, 24,  has pleaded no contest to a lesser charge of second degree murder charge in the death of Harvey Ray Smith. She was originally charged with first degree murder. She will be sentenced in December.

Her co-defendant, 24-year old Zachary Greer, is still awaiting trial on first degree murder charge. He is due back in court in November.

The body of  Smith, age 43 of Pace, was found stuffed into a trunk behind a Motel 6 on Davis Highway the morning on May4. Smith had been reported missing in Santa Rosa County. Family members located his vehicle at the motel and then discovered the body.

Reports state Burge and Greer conspired to rob Smith. Burge allegedly lured Smith, her acquaintance, to her home in the 3900 block of Highway 97 in Molino. She told deputies she went inside while Smith and Greer remained outside. When she later exited the home, she found Smith on the ground of the Molino home bleeding. She told Sheriff’s investigators that Greer told her he stabbed Smith and put his body in the trunk of the car that was later driven to the Motel 6 on Davis Highway in Pensacola.


15 Responses to “One Of Two Defendants Enters Plea In Molino Murder”

  1. kelly campbell on September 20th, 2014 10:13 am

    She knew about it and she lured him over..that is all I know for now…I shouldn’t have to tell our daughter how her daddy got killed and stuffed in the trunk of my car and how I found him in a fetal position with his eyes opened. Should have never happened .R.I.P. I love u Ray.

  2. summer on September 19th, 2014 12:06 pm

    She set ut up and should get the same if not more time than greer…. if she would not have called my dad that night he would still be here! She set my dad up for some petty money for drugs she did not care about the outcome of her actions then so why should anybody care about her actions now….she does not deserve a break just because she is testifying against greer ….we already know and have evidence he did it , she should be held more responsible. #Justice4Ray

  3. Charlie Lewis on September 19th, 2014 11:22 am

    I predict she will get life without and he will get lethal injection.

  4. Don on September 19th, 2014 9:51 am

    Greer has the blank soulless eyes seen in many young criminals ….

  5. perdido fisherman on September 18th, 2014 11:14 pm

    Is it just me or do these two look like they have no emotion what so ever or is it empathy? It’s like they either don’t care or they don’t comprehend the gravity of the situation. There is a serious disconnect with todays youth or maybe i’m just turning into the grumpy old guys from the days of my youth. anyway, I have no sympathy for them.
    I don’t care for murderers and i hate a thief. I usually lean toward the death penalty in cases such as murder, but i think that would be letting them off to easy. They are young so life without the possibility of parole “Ever” will be way more punishment for the both them. It has got to be aweful to live 3/4 of your life in a cage, missing out on lifes adventures, both good and bad.

  6. danielle on September 18th, 2014 6:22 am

    Both are guilty, but doing the killing carries a little more culpability, don’t ya think? The girl might not have known he was going to kill the man. He might have told her he was going to rob him only. We don’t know.

  7. Anne on September 17th, 2014 8:53 pm

    How did they become so worthless at 24yrs? Sad for Mr. Smith and his family who loved and needed him. Lesser charges sure aren’t fair to the deceased!

  8. Lori Watson on September 17th, 2014 5:28 pm

    I knew Ray for many many years and he was a good man. He did not deserve this andI also hope like heck that these 2 ROT IN HELL for taking this man from his MANY ffriends and especially his family (children).

  9. rasbone on September 17th, 2014 8:32 am

    I just can not understand why some people do the things they do and live with it.Think I would go crazy if I killed anyone in an accident.These people should never get out of prison.My heart goes out to the loved ones of the victim and the scum bags who committed this terrible act.

  10. Just wondering on September 17th, 2014 8:03 am

    So I’m confused, she told deputies when she came outside she found Smith on the ground bleeding, but told investigators that Greer told her he stabbed Smith and put his body in the trunk.. So which was it or does she not remember now? Both had a part in this and should be charged the same punishment.

  11. haley on September 17th, 2014 7:37 am

    So young. so dangerous.

  12. XD9RACER on September 17th, 2014 6:51 am

    SHE ORCHESTRATED THE WHOLE DEAL BY LURING HIM THERE UNDER ANOTHER PRETENSE SO THIS COULD BE CARRIED OUT SO HOW DOES HERS BE DROPPED TO SECOND DEGREE MURDER. Although she went in the house and left GREER to do the killing she should be charged with FIRST DEGREE MURDER just like he did like in other cases where a willing participant in a crime of that magnitude / nature get charged the same. She planned it and got GREER to do the dirty work and participated in transporting him to the motel so she is directly involved in all phases of the crime so why the reduced charge for her unless the STATE worked out a deal where they need her testimony to help put GREER away. EQUAL CHARGES FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS

  13. mick on September 17th, 2014 4:57 am

    Both should get life sentences at the least – they conspired, the guys death was just an after thought of the intended robbery to these sorry excuses for human beings

  14. Thomas on September 17th, 2014 3:32 am

    She will…She is young enough to do her time and get out.

  15. Matt on September 17th, 2014 1:25 am

    Hope they never see daylight again!