Chumuckla Redneck Christmas Parade Canceled, Has Become ‘Trashy Beer Fest’

September 24, 2014

The Chumuckla Redneck Christmas Parade has been canceled.

For years, the parade has been sponsored by the Chumuckla Athletic Association, with proceeds from parade entry fees and t-shirt sales used to purchase the gifts for needy children in the Chumuckla community. Each child received about $100 worth of gifts.

“The parade has gone from a wholesome family event to a trashy beer fest,” the Chumuckla Athletic Association posted on their Facebook page Tuesday night. “We hate to end what started as a family event but it has gotten out of hand over the years with the drinking, the trash people leaves (sic) all down the road tearing up the fields and vandalizing and disrespecting the property of others.”

But the Chumuckla Athletic Association is not giving up on fund raising to help needy kids at Christmas. They have scheduled the “Chumuckla Redneck Run” for November 1.  “The run takes you through the beautiful countryside of downtown Chumuckla, Florida where you will find obstacles of walls, mud, low crawls, tire rolls and heavy chores no city folk are used to,” according to the run’s website at file photos, click to enlarge.


43 Responses to “Chumuckla Redneck Christmas Parade Canceled, Has Become ‘Trashy Beer Fest’”

  1. ashley on November 11th, 2015 8:38 am

    This really sucks i miss the “Redneck Christmas Parade”

  2. Rose on December 3rd, 2014 4:16 am

    THANK GOD, WE DO STILL HAVE COMMON SENSE LEFT IN THIS WORLD! Its time to give our children wholesome not gruesome!

  3. MeAgain on November 26th, 2014 12:47 pm

    I am so disappointed. I have wanted to go every year because it sounded like a lot of fun, but I have never been able to. This year I had planned to go to this if I didn’t go anywhere else- it was on my “must do this year” list! I guess I waited too long. :’-(
    As usual, the ones of us that know how to behave like adults in public lose out on our fun because some people have to go and be idiots. That makes me so mad.

    Is there any possibility that you would reconsider, and add/enforce stricter rules?

  4. RB on September 26th, 2014 5:18 pm

    I used to live a mile from there and my kids went to that school. I remember the week after the parade there would be tons of trash across from the school and even furniture (a sofa) just left out there one year. We went once, never went again. Always made sure we were out of town. The one year we went, my kids were scared, there were so many drunks and they were obnoxious and rude for the most part. I’m glad it’s been changed to something else. Was giving Chumuckla a bad name. A shame it came to this. But, it was allowed to go that far so…

  5. greg on September 26th, 2014 9:56 am

    There is a big difference in rednecks and trashy people. A lot of my close friends and i used to go out there every year and cookout and have a good time and yes we would have a few drinks but we kept it with in reason noone got drunk. We also picked up everything we brought with up and the trash that other people left around us. I hate to see it go i have had some good times out there. Maybe if people would go back to teaching their kids some respect and responsibilities this would not have been such a problem.

  6. Grumpy Girl on September 26th, 2014 9:47 am

    I think this is just an excuse. If you wanted to keep this fund raising event, then there should be someone to set regulations and to make sure they are enforced. For example… other local parades do not have beer drinking chicken slinging riders on the floats, but this is however allowed on your parade floats. If this is what you allow then how can you complain once it all goes bad?? Anyway, I will say it was entertaining the couple of times I was there.

  7. well on September 25th, 2014 7:56 pm

    Maybe yall can put on a redneck horse parade.

  8. dixiebug on September 25th, 2014 6:19 pm

    you darn drunkard`s,,,this was going to be my first time to go to the parade,,having taken care of my mother for years..could not leave her..bless her soul…and you jerks go and ruin it for others,,shame on you..

  9. jeeperman on September 25th, 2014 11:57 am

    It got out of hand because they allowed it to get out of hand.
    “They” being the ones that said nothing and stayed home the next years.
    “They” being the LEO’s that looked the other way most of the time because the paperwork and time involved to arrest is too much.
    As soon as some started to act up, there should have been a chainlink corral to toss the offenders into nearby until the parade was over.
    And right next to the parade so that all of their friends and neighbors could laugh at them in the cage.
    But no, that would be too much so cancel the whole thing.
    Congrats to the drunks.

  10. Tonya on September 25th, 2014 10:58 am

    Well, there goes another public event that welcomed horses. I quit attending parades as the horses have been banned. I know many people who would LOVE to attend events of any kind, where horses would be welcomed. I AM ONE!!

  11. Apple Bettie on September 25th, 2014 2:41 am

    As one of the Queens featured in the top photo, I had enjoyed being in the Parade for a number of years and had great fun but the drunken attendees had appeared to get more out of hand. I am sorry to see the Redneck Christmas Parade pass. I’ll have to go find another to toss my beads and candy and roosters in. Merry Christmas ya’ll.

  12. Eddie Cook on September 25th, 2014 12:43 am

    I am an original resident of Chumuckla,having lived on Roy Cook Road all my life until I Graduated from Chumuckla,went in service and never lived there again but my heart has always been there. Roy Cook Road was named after my Dad,his Father John Wesley Cook,lived there all his life. I was proud when the Redneck Parade was begun but it got so big and I too think Alcohol got involved so I quit trying to attend. There is a time and place for everything and Chumuckla always had God serving Christians living there so these party goers ruined a wonderful thing. Now they can go to the Mardis Gras’ and party on. Chumuckla doesn’t want this.

  13. lewis on September 24th, 2014 8:50 pm

    Is it just a coincidence that anywhere alcohol is heavily consumed there will be a good chance of obnoxious drunks? Really? Christmas parade+lots of beer=trouble
    If you have kids and want to celebrate Christmas, avoid places where alcohol is flowing like water…just my opinion.

  14. Molino Mom on September 24th, 2014 6:08 pm

    This may come as a shocker to alot of you but ALL rednecks are not drunkin’ idiots! I stopped going to this parade a few years ago myself because of the drunk and obnoxious people who we had to deal with. Again, this was suppose to be a “Christmas Parade” for families to enjoy, not a bar room brawl which is what it turned into the last couple of years.
    Sad for the kids!

  15. Rural Geek on September 24th, 2014 3:26 pm

    So what your saying is you had to cancel the Redneck Parade because the rednecks actually showed up for the parade named after them.

    Maybe it should have been named the “Responsible Civilized Rural Folk Christmas Parade”.

  16. Tammy on September 24th, 2014 2:08 pm

    Alcohol should be considered for prohibition again. Just imagine how many fights and obnoxious behavior would have been seen if it still went on when pot becomes legal.
    Methods of intoxication should be removed from our country because 10% of the population cant maintain.

  17. Ginger on September 24th, 2014 1:50 pm

    Well I hate to see it end. We’ve had a lot of fun there the past 10 years.

  18. Carmen L on September 24th, 2014 1:48 pm

    I’m glad , I live on the route and it was loud, messy, and the drunks that night destoyed my mail box …… So good riddance

  19. Ulysses Everette McGill on September 24th, 2014 1:38 pm

    Ultimately it’s all about the money… Probably too expensive to police, to difficult to pick up the trash, fix the yards…someone said that people could bring a trash bag…I agree….I don’t know that anyone really believed it was a family environment…nobody wants to “offend” anyone anymore that’s part of our modern problem. There was a time around those parts when those woods were wild….a lot wilder than a redneck parade….but whatever… Guess they’ll outlaw New Years Eve next b/ c too much of a chance people will drink and drive…then I guess some of these folks will get a hurt arm from patting each other on the back

  20. Family man on September 24th, 2014 1:04 pm

    I hate to see it go. But the last few years had not been as much fun for me and my family. The drinking got outta hand. It’s wasn’t a family event anymore. And I was wondering who was driving all the drunk people home?

  21. Makes Sense on September 24th, 2014 11:51 am

    How can I still donate to Chumuckla Athletic Association? Thank you for having the nerve to stand alone.

  22. Tammy on September 24th, 2014 10:10 am

    Really sad!! Went every year was always fun!!

  23. Teresa Reynolds on September 24th, 2014 10:10 am

    Its not a matter of the morality police or not liking it. People that are drunk, cussing, throwing beer and trash everywhere and at people, fighting, acting belligerent. They are the ones that need to stay home, or go to a bar. I could care less about people drinking, that is their business, but their behaviors were out of line!

  24. Tammy on September 24th, 2014 10:06 am

    We went every year & always had fun!! Its like any where you go there is always idiots that you got to put up with!! Really sad we always lo
    oked forward to going!!

  25. former parade fan on September 24th, 2014 10:02 am

    We use to go to the parade every year and had a great time.. but 3 years ago we went and decided that was out last. The issue wasn’t beer at a family event, the issue was drunken stupidness. Some people camp to get a good spot and drink way too much for 2 days straight. People so drunk they were walking out in front of cars. People falling down drunk who wanted to try to drive. People showing body parts that shouldn’t be seen by minors (and some of the ones showing those parts were minors) the cops that were there did a fairly good job of controlling most of it but with 10’s of thousands of people there aren’t enough law enforcement. Not all of the experiences were bad.. we had laughs and met nice people but I can see why its being cancelled… too high of liability and too many people who take a good time too far.

  26. molino jim on September 24th, 2014 9:43 am

    For those who feel it should go, I wonder how many of you are willing to clean up the mess that’s left behind. Trash of every kind and garbage. People just throwing trash on the ground– “it’s to much trouble to bring a trash bag”. Ruts in yards and on the sides of the roadway that have to be filled in. After it’s over just drive off and leave it. This is one of the reasons so many functions are being canceled.

  27. ProudArmyParent on September 24th, 2014 9:38 am

    It seemed to me the “Bon-Fire Jam” took the family atmosphere out of the Redneck parade! I noticed that since the “Bon-Fire Jam” became part of the parade, the Redneck parade went down hill.

    Very regrettable that a fun family time is lost due to bad decisions!

  28. clint on September 24th, 2014 9:37 am

    Just another case where a few people, mess it up for everybody

  29. hawghead on September 24th, 2014 9:09 am

    Beer at the parade is not the major issue. It’s what happens after too many beers have been consumed. Their have been fights, people damaging property, excessive trash being left on the roadways. If people would be more responsible with their alcohol consumption then the parade would most likely continue. Unfortunately that is not the case here. It’s sad when a few have to ruin it for the many. So don’t blame the beer, blame the idiots who cannot handle the beer.

  30. Lucy on September 24th, 2014 8:47 am

    Ulysses Everette McGill on September 24th, 2014 7:20 am:
    “Another time honored tradition cut short by the morality police”

    Did you read the article?
    “We hate to end what started as a family event but it has gotten out of hand over the years with the drinking, the trash people leaves (sic) all down the road tearing up the fields and vandalizing and disrespecting the property of others.”

    Why don’t you sponsor it and see how you feel about folks disrespecting your property?

  31. Lance Howard on September 24th, 2014 8:44 am

    If people showed respect towards others and had morals this parade would still be going on.

  32. whew on September 24th, 2014 8:43 am

    Yay. I’m glad to hear that the Association stood up to do the right thing. I will be looking for ways to support them in the future!!!

  33. Frank on September 24th, 2014 8:36 am

    To those who think, the Morality Police canceled this???
    You take up the torch, put YOUR feet where YOUR mouth is, and take the responsibility that someone gets run over or worse yet a Child gets run over because of public drunkenness???

    Just saying!!!

  34. sue on September 24th, 2014 8:20 am

    Some adults just never mature.

  35. Michelle on September 24th, 2014 8:18 am

    Am I the only one not surprised that an event with REDNECK in the name has BEER involved??

  36. Kathleen Hammond on September 24th, 2014 7:49 am

    Wow I thought that was the best fun ever. Shame that you let a few people ruin a good thing instead of doing crowd control.

  37. anne on September 24th, 2014 7:29 am

    People so proud of acting stupid isn’t what children need to watch in a parade. I’m sorry for the kids. Maybe they can have a fun run for the kids too?

  38. steve on September 24th, 2014 7:25 am

    it always comes down to beer at family events. As a father with young kids you have to put up with it or don’t attend these events. ( we don’t attend ) Its a shame to cancel a Christmas Parade because of trash people.

  39. Ulysses Everette McGill on September 24th, 2014 7:20 am

    Another time honored tradition cut short by the morality police

  40. CW on September 24th, 2014 7:05 am

    I figured this was coming.

  41. joann stead on September 24th, 2014 6:14 am

    THANK GOD!!!!

  42. Kevin on September 24th, 2014 5:29 am

    Its about time.

  43. 429SCJ on September 24th, 2014 4:45 am

    If you are offended by such, then do not attend.

    Sounds like a good program adjustment to me.