Workshop To Explore 6-Laning Highway 29 South Of 9½ Mile

August 28, 2014

The Florida Department of Transportation  will host a public workshop concerning proposed improvements to Highway 29 from I-10 to  Nine and One Half Mile Road. The meeting will be held Tuesday, September 9, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Northside Apostolic Church, 213 West Nine and One Half Mile Road, Pensacola.

The intent of the project is to increase vehicular capacity of the corridor as well as accommodate bicycle and pedestrian traffic. Improvements include widening 2.46 miles of U.S. 29 from four to six lanes, while adding curb and gutter, sidewalks, improving drainage and constructing various safety upgrades along the corridor to meet current standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Additionally, there will be traffic signal modifications and the construction of storm water drainage treatment facilities, the project is funded for right-of-way acquisition and construction.

Maps, drawings and other information will be on display. There will be no formal presentation. Representatives from FDOT will be available to discuss proposed improvements, answer questions and receive comments.


6 Responses to “Workshop To Explore 6-Laning Highway 29 South Of 9½ Mile”

  1. Mike on August 29th, 2014 8:30 am

    I have lived in north cantonment all my life and this should have been started a long time ago. I have been saying this needs to happen for a long time BUT GO TO 10 MILE. DON’T STOP AT 9 1/2. It’s only 1/2 mile further and there are a lot of cars that get on and off at 10 mile.

  2. Mr. Reality on August 28th, 2014 11:49 pm

    OH MY GOSH THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN 6 lanes 20 YEARS AGO!!!!! But, the idiots on this road won’t go any faster if it were 10 lanes. They all have to slow down near walmart to look in the parking lot I guess to see if mommer and dem is at walmart.

  3. mick on August 28th, 2014 6:36 pm

    Not necessary…a waste of money, its not going to expedite traffic any more efficiently . The notion to accomodate a larger volume of traffic only to bottle neck again at the end point?…just like the efforts on I-10 east and west of davis hwy. The only thing they have done is kill 300 yr old oaks and strip the noise barrier of those that live along the interstate.. .

  4. Ronald Nall on August 28th, 2014 10:07 am

    It’s obvious money is the driving force to four lane in front of Navy Federal first, rather than beginning at Hwy 29. I’m supportive of Navy Federal and it’s contribution to that region of Pensacola. It’s a great company and welcome to Pensacola. But what about the long time tax payers money from the residents between Hwy 29 and Pine Forest Road that were here before Navy Federal, doesn’t that count? D.O.T. has already answered the question by their decision to begin west of Pine Forest.
    I ask D.O.T. to reconsider the starting point of the project and the (60+) years of tax base money from the residents between Hwy 29 and Pine forest Road.

  5. area resident on August 28th, 2014 7:38 am

    TOTALLY agree with “local resident” on both concerns. Travel these roads daily and could not have said it better myself.
    It is interesting that they are going to 4 lane Nine Mile Road West of Pine Forest Road just to accommodate the employees of Navy Federal, but they don’t seem to be concerned about Nine Mile Road Road between Hwy 29 and Pine Forest Road when there is plenty of “right of way” for them to use already available. Ever tried to navigate Nine Mile Road in that area around 4 to 5 pm – it is a nightmare. It’ is obvious the people making the decisions don’t live in this area, or listen to the citizen’s concerns.

  6. Local Resident on August 28th, 2014 4:16 am

    How ’bout taking care of 9 Mile Road first. We need more lanes from Highway 29 west to, at least, Pine Forest. Many new neighborhoods have been developed north and west of Nine Mile and 29 with no traffic accommodation. They keep telling us 9 Mile will be widened, but so far NOTHING.

    And, speaking of 9 1/2 Mile Road, who’s idea was it to put the mailboxes so close to the street when the new sidewalks were poured from, I believe, Cove to Hwy 29? Let’s hope they use better judgement on Hwy 29.