Topping Out The New Ernest Ward Middle School (With Photo Gallery)

August 10, 2014

A “topping out’ ceremony was held Friday afternoon at Ernest Ward Middle School to celebrate the building reaching its highest point.

Click here for a photo tour inside the $20 million facility. If construction continues on its current pace, students will be moved into the new building when they return from Christmas break in January 2015.

A pine tree placed Friday on the building’s highest point marked the symbolic “topping out” of the project, following a construction tradition.

Pictured: Construction progress on the new Ernest Ward Middle School photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Topping Out The New Ernest Ward Middle School (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Bob C on August 10th, 2014 9:14 am

    Interesting to see all of the different skilled jobs that go into such a project.
    Amazing to see what 1/2 cent sales tax can produce for a Community.
    Thanks to all who have done any of the work to build this school for our kids and grandkids.
    Exciting to think that in a relatively short time the halls and grounds will be filled with students, teachers, support persons, administrators and parents who are devoted to the kids having a better life.