Robin Williams’ Death Shines Light On Suicide, Depression

August 13, 2014

As details emerge about the reported suicide of actor and comedian Robin Williams, family members and friends acknowledge he was suffering from a long battle with depression. Many Florida families suffer the same anguish, and suicide is the ninth leading cause of death in the state.

Betsey Westuba, who chairs the Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition, said she hopes Williams’ death serves as a reminder to help people who may be suffering from depression.

“It’s a biological disease,” she said. “Just as we have bodily diseases, we have brain diseases – and, so often, people don’t want to acknowledge that.”

Last year, more than 2,800 Floridians committed suicide, or about eight people a day. It is the second leading cause of death for people ages 25 to 34.

The National Suicide Prevention Hotline has help available 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255. Warning signs that someone may be experiencing suicidal thoughts include a sense of hopelessness, apathy and extreme changes in behavior.

Westuba said she has a family history of depression, and a brother who committed suicide in 2007.

“Remember that there are many, many people that go through depression, but they are able to get through it,” she said. “We can help to teach each other skills. We need to educate each other.”

Mental-health experts recommend reaching out to people who may be suffering from depression. She said pets sometimes lift the spirits of those who are depressed, and making future plans may help provide them with a sense of hope.

by Florida News Connection


19 Responses to “Robin Williams’ Death Shines Light On Suicide, Depression”

  1. ccr on August 14th, 2014 12:11 am

    I feel sorry for those who are not compassionate when someone takes their own life. I hope those individuals never known the pain of feeling so hopeless they choose to give up, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind. I lost my father that way, he was the strongest man I knew, an amazing man and father. Its hurtful to read such negativity and I sincerely hope those so heartless in their words will never be forced to feel such loss.

  2. Rebecca on August 13th, 2014 10:51 pm

    I understand what he was going through. how terrible one can feel but put on such a good front to avoid people feeling sorry for you. then it builds up inside you so much that you feel like there is no other way than to kill yourself. I’ve been there before. its not selfish, or cowardice. It is mercy in my opinion. if there is no point in living, why live any longer? I feel sorry for robin williams, but sometimes you just have no other choice.

  3. Old Coach on August 13th, 2014 7:16 pm

    Paul I never said it was. I went to my pastor and he gave me his own experience. We didn’t even talk about religion, just depression. For me that was the right thing to do. I never suggested that each person with depression should talk to a pastor.

  4. GG on August 13th, 2014 3:50 pm

    William, thanks for posting this article. I believe the widespread attention of this sad situation may help someone or cause someone to seek help.

  5. Paul on August 13th, 2014 3:20 pm

    Old Coach — the LAST person on earth I would go to about my depression is some no-nothing sky pilot. For me, this is NOT a religious thing, so don’t try to make it out to be.

  6. Walnut Hill on August 13th, 2014 2:03 pm

    Paul – have you been on meds and they didn’t work? I hope there is a way for you to see daylight again. My roller coaster is up and down but hasn’t bottomed out in awhile, thank Heaven.

  7. Old Coach on August 13th, 2014 1:42 pm

    So many people think that is easy to deal with depression. My bout started in 2001. It began with the death of a friend my age. Managed it early with exersize, but as the years grew I needed more than exersize. Depression hurts and it is so hard to explain this to loved ones, friends and sometimes to those who have never experienced it.I don’t have words to help those who don’t understand. I’ve tried many times to tell what it does to me, but most often so many still don’t understand. I’ve cried, agonized, felt hopeless, and yes I have thought about suicide, but I think of a thousand reasons not to do it. I can’t say what goes through others mind who suffer from severe depression as I do. My family doctor in 1990 told me that you can never say that you would or would not do. Why? Because we haven’t been in that situation. He was a brilliant doctor, but he understood the pain of depression. Do I know why Robin Williams committed suicide? No, but I do know this. He saw no escape from his mental pain. When I am experiencing a battle with depression I can only escape it by trying to sleep. If you don’t have depression thank The Lord. Be compassionate and caring to those you might know who are battling this mental disease. When I first felt the symptoms I asked my pastor if he know anything about it? I was surprised when he said yes I do. He was battling it to. He said too many people think that God’s people don’t have mental problems. They are wrong. Jesus said that we would suffer hardship. I’ll take His word over any man or woman who just says get over it.

  8. Bobbie Respress on August 13th, 2014 10:59 am

    To Carolyn…yes everyone is entitled to their opinion…but it is very evident you know nothing about depression… It Is A Disease! Until you have dealt personally, whether it be yourself,family or friend, please educate yourself…God Bless You

  9. TheBlackHole on August 13th, 2014 10:43 am

    Depression is the most horrible illness I know of. You wake up every morning and it is like a wave hits you of sorrow and pain. It feels like you have lost a love one every day. You dread going to bed because you are scared it will be worse the next day and at least today you know you are dealing with it. I have many times wanted to end it. But I just keep thinking of my son and I can’t do it. I can’t make him live with the fact that his mother killed herself. But I have come close to not even caring about that. So I understand why he did it and I’m very very sad that he did. I will keep hanging on because I know that is what God wants me to do and for my son. I hope everyone with this illness finds something to hold on too. Just keep holding on!

  10. Paul on August 13th, 2014 10:01 am

    As a future suicide, I sought help for my 35+ yrs of depression, only to be told “snap out of it” “grow up” and the ever-popular “come to Jesus.” Thanx for nothing.

  11. INFERNAL BEAR on August 13th, 2014 9:23 am

    Carolyn, is this your way of helping other prepare to meet their maker? I feel sorry for YOU.

  12. sparnell on August 13th, 2014 9:01 am

    As a paramedic I have run on a lot of suicide calls and the way people end their lives tells me that they aren’t thinking rationally. I’m sure the deceased didn’t wake up and say “I think I’ll jump from a bridge and endure the pain of hitting the water at 80-mph breaking bones and drowning,just to have my body lurk in the dark abyss until I’m found.” Rational people who are able to think straight just don’t think like that.

    I too have suffered from depression but luckily for me it is controlled with meds. My whole family has some sort of depression,including my own children, from the occassional blues to bipolar disorder so I know, as well as many who have commented here, exactly how hopeless depression can make things appear.

  13. Walnut Hill on August 13th, 2014 8:08 am

    Shame, shame on you, Carolyn. If you have not had a brush with depression, bully for you. But we who suffer from it know how badly it hurts, the crushing pain, the voices that won’t shut up. It is an illness, not a lifestyle choice and all the money in the world won’t help if you don’t get treatment. Robin did get treatment. It just didn’t work. I don’t have addiction issues, thank God. Struggling with addiction and depression must have been such a double whammy. Robin was in and out of treatment. He did try.

    When the blue meanies come, your head hurts, your body hurts, there is no joy, no hope, no interest in what is going on around you. I’m one of the lucky ones. Drugs and counseling (and my dogs and horses) have kept me going the last 20 years. But some days, it’s stiill hard not to say, Lord I want to go home. This world just hurts too badly to stay. Doesn’t meant I’m not a Christian, doesn’t mean I want to hurt myself or anybody else. But there comes a point that you are not rational from the pain. And it’s a real physical pain that hurts all over like nothing you can imagine.

    When I was young and arrogant, I didn’t understand mental illness and thought some people were just weakwilled. I didn’t understand why anyone would commit suicide. But I do now. I know when to call for help.

    I’ll pray your life stays simple and uncomplicated and your brain chemicals never get a bit “off”. But don’t cause any hurt to some who may be suffering with a condition you obviously cannot empathize with.

  14. Stacey on August 13th, 2014 7:51 am

    Carolyn, he had a DISEASE that made it extremely difficult for him to take care of himself. I suggest you prepare to meet your maker by practicing compassion and let Him pass the judgements. Stop it with the self-righteous babble.

  15. leochic on August 13th, 2014 6:52 am

    He knew how to make others laugh and lift spirits, he just couldn’t make himself laugh. I know this is a debilitating disease as a sufferer of depression myself for over 30 years. I don’t take medicine anymore, I just learn to cope and live for my children and grandchildren. Praying for his family and especially his childrem. He will be dearly missed.

  16. Carolyn Bramblett on August 13th, 2014 5:33 am

    Maybe the death of Robin Williams is a reminder that we have a day of reckoning. He had a disorder and did what to take care of it? Choices. Life is about choices and it looks like he made some lousy choices on this earth. Now people want to feel sorry for him. But man has an eternal soul and what did he do to prepare to meet his Maker? Quit with the psycho-babble.

  17. Jane on August 13th, 2014 5:12 am

    This is so sad for his family…my thoughts and prayers are with them at this time. Such a great talent and such a tragedy.

  18. 429SCJ on August 13th, 2014 5:08 am

    These are very depressing times we live in and as the nation sinks further into the abyss, we must think of the days of our founding fathers and the citizenry of that time. They were not sure of what the future held for them, but they did what they had to do and what emerged was a great nation, under God, indivisible.

    Hold tight to your beliefs and be prepared, as this season will pass and the bad will be cleansed, washed away if you will. We will emerge stronger and wiser.

    To those of us who are alone or lonely, remember we are never alone with God and we always have a friend in the redeemer Jesus Christ.

  19. sparnell on August 13th, 2014 1:16 am

    It is sad knowing that “Robin Williams” had the ability to lift us up by making us laugh and yet he never saw what he did for other’s or rejoiced in the fact that he had that ability. Sad way for things to end for such a funny guy