Off-Duty Escambia EMT Killed In Pensacola Wreck

August 22, 2014

An off-duty Escambia County EMT passed away Thursday night from injuries he received in a traffic crash on his way to work.

Blake Ressler, 27, was westbound on his motorcycle on Creighton Road at Tippin Avenue about 5:40 p.m. when he struck a 2007 Acura SUV driven by 71-year old Judith Kicker of Pensacola, according to Pensacola Police.

Both drivers had a green signal when Kicker turned left into Ressler’s path, according to a police report.

Ressler, who was wearing a helmet, was taken to a local hospital where he died from his injuries. Bell said Kicker was wearing a seatbelt and was not injured. Charges are pending the outcome of the investigation.

Submitted photo for, click to enlarge.


35 Responses to “Off-Duty Escambia EMT Killed In Pensacola Wreck”

  1. Danielle on September 15th, 2014 4:32 pm

    My son heard the crash and came running outside, prayed over this man and stayed with him until the first responders got there, then moved his bike out of the road. Prayers to his friends and family. May he rest in heaven…..I can’t imagine how much he helped others in the very same situation he was in….such a tragedy. No matter how much “look twice for bikers” is stressed, this keeps happening…….a split second error in judgement takes a life and affects so many more.

  2. Jen on August 25th, 2014 7:35 am

    Mr. Reality, you are heartless and cold. Your on the path to joining Westboro Baptist Church! If roles were reversed, and you had a family member involved in this accident, would you recant your ignorant statements? Food for thought. Rest in peace Blake.
    Do not point a finger unless your hands are clean.

  3. William L on August 25th, 2014 3:04 am

    Mr. Reality, If and when you sit on that jury, judge all you want, but until then how about not doing it here. We have a justice system to put people on trial, a comment section on a news site is not the place to be passing judgement on someone.

    Michell, Well said, the families on both sides are going through enough pain, they don’t deserve to read all the ugliness being spread by partially informed people. I’m not demeaning the journalism here by any means, William and his staff do an excellent job getting the news out to us all, but we are not a jury, so judgement should be withheld until this is in the court room; courts are for judging.

  4. john on August 23rd, 2014 9:01 am

    In my opinion there are plenty of careless drivers in this county, I have personally been tee-boned and rear-ended in this county three times in the last five years BECAUSE FOLKS CANT DRIVE IN THIS COUNTY. There needs to be more consequences for not paying attention behind the wheel, but also we need better traffic engineering.

  5. Medic I Am on August 23rd, 2014 8:48 am

    It doesn’t get any easier as the days go on. I work for Escambia County EMS and knew Blake very well. No words, hugs or kisses will ever bring Blake back but he will live forever in our memories. Every time I hear a motorcycle I will think of him. Any time I see a beard I will think of him. Every time I blare the siren I will think of Blake. Blake, ride the highways of heaven and know that you are loved and missed. This was a tragic accident and just that, an accident. Please don’t bash the driver of the vehicle. She will relive that day for the rest of her life. God speed Blake Ressler. I’m sorry Ressler family and to all of ECEMS.

  6. Michelle on August 23rd, 2014 7:53 am

    Prayers to all involved in this tragic ACCIDENT. I am part of the healthcare team, also. Nobody starts there day thinking of mortally harming someone else. I’m sure the driver of the SUV will carry this pain for the rest of her life. Who wouldn’t? Blake>s family will also. ( and I don’t mean to diminish their grief in any way.) ,
    Stop all the hating and say a quick prayer for some healing and lessening of grief for all that were involved.
    But for the grace of God… Is there any driver out there who has not made an error in the car, that in a different set of circumstances, could have harmed someone? I know I have.
    It’s tragic, But it is so hurtful to cause more grief to the driver. It doesn’t help his family and friends either.. It just breeds hate.And hate breeds hate. Prayers. And THEY DO WORK.

  7. Mr. Reality on August 23rd, 2014 3:17 am

    Hey WILLIAM…You said “it is not your place to judge or bash her.”….Isn’t a JURY made up of YOUR PEERS who are there to JUDGE YOU??!!

  8. William L. on August 23rd, 2014 2:31 am

    A terrible loss for our community, I don’t know this young man but i would bet money that he is a terrific person, EMT’s do not make a great amount of money, so, they do this job because they care about people and are willing to put themselves in harms way to save others. My heart goes out to this young mans family and his work family, i know what it’s like to lose a coworker who is loved, respected and valued as a friend and member of a group who puts themselves out there for the benefit of others.
    I would also like to send prayers and support for the woman who is involved in this sad tragedy, I’m sure she is suffering greatly for a mistake that cost another human beings life. I feel that those who are being nasty towards this woman sould be ashamed of themselves, it could have been one of you who made that same mistake, it is not your place to judge or bash her. This could happen to anyone; distractions happen and minds become preoccupied, especially on our way home from work. Many of us are thinking of all the things that have happened through out the day and what we have to do still before our day ends, it could happen to any of us so have a little compassions and empathy, if it was you in her position you would want a little understanding too. She will have to live with this mistake and you don’t.
    If this young man has children, I would like to know where I can possibly contribute to a fund for thier care, I know this is going to be a difficult time for his family. Once again, i send my condolence to all those affected by this tragic accident.

  9. Wendy Doggett on August 22nd, 2014 9:17 pm

    I am so sorry for all involved in this terrible situation. My heart goes out to Blake’s family!!!! RIP kind SIr!!!!

  10. Vicky on August 22nd, 2014 7:12 pm

    Praying for both family’s….there will be a major loss to Escambia County and even more so to his family and work family/friends. But try to remember the driver didn’t set out to kill someone yesterday and no matter what happens to them legally they will never forgive them self and will suffer more than any punishment. Everyone please be careful driving…..put your attention on the road!!!

  11. Thefireguy on August 22nd, 2014 5:18 pm

    As a member of the emergency services community I knew Blake. He was a good guy, fun to work with, and made my job easier. I also know Judy Kicker, it pains me that in this case I know both people. With my years of service this has never happened where I know both parties involved. Now I know the the true feeling of being sad, angry, hurt , sorry all at the same time. I wish Blakes family best wishes, and feel free to call on his brother and sisters in arms for any help or support that you need, we will be there for you!

  12. shannon milo sheffield on August 22nd, 2014 3:46 pm

    so sorry my 30year old was hit by an92year old last month 3 pins in leg same way 166$ fine again heartbroken for your loss

  13. Amber on August 22nd, 2014 3:16 pm

    Blake was an amazing guy and classmate, you will be greatly missed R.I.P. Praying for his family and friends :(

  14. Kristopher on August 22nd, 2014 2:46 pm

    I didn’t know the guy, but I had friends that did, and they said he was a great guy. And I’m sure the driver of the car just made a mistake but people need to be more responsible when they are driving 3000 lb death machines around and illegally running lights. Driving is not something that someone with any sort of delay in reaction time or impairment should be doing. And yes, some bikers are jerks with no consideration for others but not all of them are. But be more considerate towards motorcyclists and pay attention to your surroundings.

    I’m not going to pretend to pray because it doesn’t do anything. I will however express my deepest sympathies for the friends and family of the one who was lost.

  15. Reader on August 22nd, 2014 10:43 am

    >>>Did anyone else note, that the article read that they both had a green light?

    That would mean he had the righaway. She would have made an improper left turn (turning in front of oncoming traffic on a solid green). She did not have a green turn signal.

  16. Scotty on August 22nd, 2014 10:39 am

    Did anyone else note, that the article read that they both had a green light?

  17. Sidney Sharp on August 22nd, 2014 10:25 am

    My deepest sympathies to his family, friends and co-workers at Public Safety.

  18. Ashley on August 22nd, 2014 9:55 am

    Prayers to his family and all of the people who are saddened by the loss of such a great man. My sister was devastated when she found out it was someone she knew and we were so close to the accident. It truly was an accident and the woman who crossed into his path did not have any intention of ending a life on her way home from work. She’s shaken up as well. From what I hear, he was a great EMT and will be truly missed. RIP Blake.

  19. Loretta on August 22nd, 2014 9:52 am

    Blake was a wonderful guy to work with , he will be truly missed, my condolences to his family, RIP Blake.

  20. cyclerider on August 22nd, 2014 9:47 am

    RIP Blake.

    I’ve seen this too many times. The driver will be fined $166 for violation of right of way. STOP DRIVING DISTRACTED. Lives are on the line. CHECK TWICE & PUT THE PHONE DOWN.

  21. ff D. Wright on August 22nd, 2014 9:38 am

    One guy to remember. .. ive ran many calls with him as a firefighter. …he always had a smile…

  22. 1stresponder on August 22nd, 2014 9:15 am

    Thank you for posting this, thank you for all the respect you give the first responders of this county. We greatly appreciate the work that you do!

  23. Celtichealer on August 22nd, 2014 9:02 am

    Such a loss to those of us in Emergency medicine. Try to be kind in your thoughts of the other driver there is a reason they call them accidents, they are not malicious. I’m sure she is suffering emotionally already at having been a part if someone losing their life.

  24. Carl on August 22nd, 2014 8:45 am

    Steven, the driver will probably be charged with failure to yield the right a way. He made the same mistake as if it would have caused a minor fender bender. He will be punished more by the lawyers that will work him, and his insurance company over. I am sure he is suffering now.

  25. TraumaQueen on August 22nd, 2014 7:56 am

    Prayers go out to his family and friends…such a tragic loss, he was a great young man!

  26. mgirl on August 22nd, 2014 7:33 am


  27. firechick on August 22nd, 2014 7:11 am

    Blake will be truly missed by many. He was a free soul and never a dull moment sound him. There are many heavy hearts within Escambia County and surrounding areas today. Please say a prayer for his family and friends as well as all coworkers, which are more like a second family. Rest In Peace Blake!! You will be missed! God Speed and please watch over your brother and sisters!

  28. kevin on August 22nd, 2014 6:54 am

    Blake was one of my partners at work. He came to me a green EMT and no beard. We had some good times and some good calls. He taught me the ways of the beard by offering me insight to not having it itch like crazy! We nicknamed him Thor because he looked like a Nors God haha. He truly was a great guy and friend. All of us in EMS and Escambia lost a great EMT.

  29. Deborah on August 22nd, 2014 6:37 am

    Praying for his family!

  30. Austin A on August 22nd, 2014 6:21 am

    Passed by a little after it happened and saw how bad of shape the motorcycle was and figured the driver had to be in critical condition. Prayers for his family.

  31. Steven on August 22nd, 2014 6:21 am

    Hopefully the driver is criminally charged.


  32. Susan Jackson on August 22nd, 2014 6:18 am

    Rest in Peace, my heart, my thoughts, my prayers for all involved !

  33. Coworker on August 22nd, 2014 5:21 am

    William, Thank you from the bottom of our broken hearts for the wonderful tribute (picture). You are a class act. Blake was a wonderful spirit and kind soul and a GREAT EMT. He will forever be in the sound of our sirens as we continue the call.

  34. Lee on August 22nd, 2014 5:09 am

    Damn. Used to see him at golden corral before or after shift. My son and I would check his bike out. What a shame. Say a prayer. He stood out to me because I wondered how many motorcycle riders he helped and still rode a bike.

  35. emschick on August 22nd, 2014 2:23 am

    How sad. Praying for all involved. RIP brother.