Man Opens Fire Into Multiple Residences

August 14, 2014

A man who shot into at multiple residences Wednesday night in the area of Toni and Goodrich streets in Pensacola is in custody.

Jeremy French, 27, of 1460 Langley Ave. was charged with one count of attempted murder, three counts of aggravated assault with a firearm, five counts of shooting into a dwelling/conveyance, and one count each of improper display of a firearm, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, and discharging a firearm in public.

Police were notified of the shootings when Torya Nobles, 41, of 1311 Toni St., called 911 around 7:15 p.m. Wednesday and said a man was shooting into her home. Two bullets struck Nobles – one in the hand and one in the hip. She was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Pensacola Police Officer Dennis Salon said French fired approximately 15 rounds into Nobles’ apartment. Salon said Nobles is the property manager for the duplexes. French lives in one of the duplexes and also was the maintenance man for the residences. Police determined he shot into the residences because he had been fired from his job on Wednesday and given three days’ notice to move out of his duplex.

After French shot into Nobles’ residence and her vehicle, he walked to nearby duplexes and fired into at least three more. Motives for the additional shootings remain under investigation.

Salon said the aggravated assault with a firearm charges were filed on French because he pointed  the handgun toward at least one man, and Nobles’ two daughters – ages 12 and 13 – were inside her residence at the time. They were not injured.

Police determined French fired at least 20 rounds before he was taken into custody at Langley and Sanders avenues, located approximately two blocks away from the initial shooting.

French was holding a handgun and also had additional ammunition on him when he was taken into custody, said Lt. Stephen Davis.


7 Responses to “Man Opens Fire Into Multiple Residences”

  1. David Huie Green on August 16th, 2014 10:23 pm

    “Something happened
    That caused a break from reality. He did not know what he was doing.”

    You’re saying he has gone crazy?

    Is that what happened back in 2006, 2007, 2008. 2009 too?

    David for people who know what they are doing
    and do good things

  2. Nora Dando on August 15th, 2014 11:26 pm

    Have know Jeremy for many years.
    He is a religious person. Hard working, kind,and very gentle.
    He would do anything he could for anyone. I don’t know what
    Happened but I do know this is not the real Jeremy. Something happened
    That caused a break from reality. He did not know what he was doing. God bless
    Him and help him thru this.

  3. XD9RACER on August 14th, 2014 9:23 pm

    He was rather quick at thinking to put the 4R’s to work; REVENGE, REPRISAL, RETALIATION and RETRIBUTION. Now he has time to RELAX, REMEMBER, RECALL and REGRET what he did and prepare himself for a long stay and get more REST and RELAXATION in the PRISON SYSTEM regretting what he did. When are these people going to learn their QUICK TEMPER will get them more time in the system than they ever wanted but until they learn the STATE will be adding more prisons to keep up with the escalating crime rate. Be prepared to do the time if you do the crime.

  4. mick on August 14th, 2014 7:11 pm

    The reasons he did it does not matter, what does matter is he is a CONVICTED FELON WITH A FIREARM! enough of this crap, this ticking time bomb that had no intention of of doing the right thing in the first place (possessing a firearm) belongs in prison for the rest of his life.

  5. DD on August 14th, 2014 7:04 pm


  6. just tired on August 14th, 2014 5:50 pm

    I wonder if he’s related to the other guy named French who is charged with assaulting the two women. They both need to be kept off the streets.

  7. David Huie Green on August 14th, 2014 12:42 pm

    I know, I know, he’s a good man too and it’s all her fault for provoking him.

    David for better people
    Or worse shots