Man Gets 45 Years For Chumuckla Camping Trip Child Molestation

August 13, 2014

A man has been sentenced to prison on multiple child molestation charges after a weekend camping trip in Chumuckla.

Ramon Wade Renfro was sentenced Wednesday by Circuit Judge John Simon to 15 years in state prison for lewd or lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious molestation, 15 years in state prison for unlawful sexual activity with minors, and 15 years for contributing to the delinquency of a child  and tattooing a minor. Renfro was convicted of these charges on July 10 by a Santa Rosa County Jury.

In February 2011, Renfro had been placed on three years probation for failure to redeliver hired or leased property. Simon sentenced Renfro to five years in state prison for violation of probation, to run concurrent to his previous sentence for a total of 45 years in state prison.

The 40-year  old Renfro was supervising a group of teenagers on a weekend camping trip to Webb Landing in Chumuckla in February 2013. During the camping trip, Renfro fondled and had sexual relations with several of the girls who were between 14 and 16 years old.

He gave the teens vodka, whiskey and beer to get them drunk before molesting them. Renfro used tools he brought with him to give one of the girls two tattoos in private locations. One of the girls disclosed the activity to her parents after returning from the trip. They notified the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office and Investigator Alvin Bicasan conducted an investigation, which led to Renfro’s  arrest on May 24, 2013.

When questioned by Investigator Bicasan, Renfro denied engaging in any sexual acts or inappropriate touching. He further denied providing or bringing alcohol on the camping trip. Renfro claimed that he had not given the girls tattoos; however, during the trial prosecutor Stephanie Pace introduced photographic  evidence of the tattoos. Witnesses testified that they had seen Renfro giving the tattoos and engaging in sexual acts with the girls.


7 Responses to “Man Gets 45 Years For Chumuckla Camping Trip Child Molestation”

  1. Kc on August 14th, 2014 12:55 pm

    Look at the guy! He screams Chester Chester Child Molester. Boo on whatever parent allowed there teenager alone with this man.They should be punished as well

  2. Gembeaux on August 14th, 2014 8:01 am

    I would never turn my teenaged daughter over to any guy for a weekend “camping trip”, much less one that looked this creepy. Good grief.

  3. My2Cents on August 13th, 2014 9:57 pm

    I am proud of the young lady that was strong enough to tell someone when she got home, and her parents calling the authorities! Please get the victims counseling so they are all able to become survivors in the long run. I can only hope that Ramon gets what he has coming to him within the next 45 years. And that his parents just don’t hide this under the rug. Ramon has “2″ daughters and I can only pray that if anything happened to them they will eventually come forward. It’s not something you need to keep locked up in the back of your mind, because it will haunt you for the rest of your life until you deal with it.

  4. perdido fisherman on August 13th, 2014 9:14 pm

    He was sentenced to 3 15 year terms, the article says he has been sentenced to a total of 45 years, so I assume this means he will do them consecutively. and the VOP will run concurrent, Is that correct William? I sure hope so, these pervs have been getting off to easy.

  5. troubled on August 13th, 2014 7:31 pm

    You GET what you deserve!!! And he deserves a lot! I am tried of prev’s getting off.
    me just

  6. North end resident on August 13th, 2014 5:19 pm

    This piece of crap needs to be put away from the public indefinitely. As a parent I cannot help but wonder, what were these children’s parents thinking giving their consent for their under aged children to go on a weekend camping trip with a man like this anyway? He looks creepy, can’t believe the parents didn’t get the willies from looking and/or meeting him. JMO

  7. Curious on August 13th, 2014 5:14 pm

    Why didn’t the witnesses report the crimes instead of the teenager when she got home, of all the cell phones, why didn’t one of those other girls report this freak, especially his daughter.