Gulf Power Warns Of Continuing Scam Targeting Customers

August 4, 2014

In a recent scam, area businesses and residential customers received calls from a person claiming to represent Gulf Power Company and demanding payment — or their electric service will be cut off, according to the company.

Gulf Power is continuing to work with law enforcement in reporting these incidents, but the company has received an escalated number of calls from customers reporting fraudulent calls in the last week. Customers are being told their electric bill is past due and that their electricity will be cut off if the customer does not provide a credit card payment or other forms of immediate payment.

Gulf Power advises customers that:

  • Gulf Power employees will never call a customer at home or their business seeking any personal information, including credit card numbers.
  • Gulf Power representatives will never ask a customer for money when they visit a residence.
  • All Gulf Power representatives carry badges with picture identification that includes the employee’s name and the company’s name and logo.

Customers should call Gulf Power at (800 225-5797 if they have any questions about the identity of anyone representing Gulf Power.

Gulf Power is working with local law enforcement agencies to identify the perpetrators. If anyone has been victimized by one of these schemes, or has any information about suspects, they are asked to call local law enforcement and to contact Gulf Power at (800) 225-5797.


2 Responses to “Gulf Power Warns Of Continuing Scam Targeting Customers”

  1. fred on August 4th, 2014 9:53 am

    This sounds like one of several telephone scams operating in this area lately – the caller claims you are: being sued and must settle with a credit card or you’ll be arrested; owe the taxes and must settle or be arrested; have a pending lawsuit claim against you and must settle or be arrested. The common themes are the callers speak with a very heavy accent and used American sounding names, they are very insistent and high pressure, get very aggressive on the phone, and demand credit card or bank account info. None of these are real. You can’t be arrested for a civil matter, and the IRS doesn’t work that way. There are lots of blogs online where people all over the US tell their experiences with these guys. Don’t get scammed.

  2. 429SCJ on August 4th, 2014 6:35 am

    Sorry I don’t use credit cards and keep only cash on hand.

    Please come by my home. Just ring the door bell, identify yourself and I will take it from there.