FWC Law Enforcement Report

August 10, 2014

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following activity during the week ending August 7.


Officers Pettey, Livesay, and Manning conducted offshore vessel patrols this week.  They inspected 32 vessels.  A total of 26 red snapper, three grey triggerfish, one greater amberjack, triggerfish fillets and amberjack fillets were seized during the detail.  Citations were issued for possession of red snapper, grey triggerfish, and greater amberjack during the closed season.  Citations were also issued for failure to land grey triggerfish and greater amberjack in whole condition.  Several other warnings were issued for additional fisheries, boating safety and license violations.


Officers Lewis and Ramos were on patrol in Blackwater River State Forest at a primitive site when they observed one adult male, one adult female, four male juveniles, and one female juvenile on a sandbar across river.  The officers observed the adult male smoke a cannabis cigarette and give the cannabis cigarette to two juvenile males who also smoked it.  The officers observed a female juvenile and a male juvenile casually consume alcoholic beverages amongst the adults. The adults made no attempt to prevent the juveniles from consuming the alcoholic beverages. The officers identified themselves to the group and during a consensual search, Officer Lewis found cannabis, a cannabis roach, and a glass pipe containing cannabis residue.  The female adult stated that all five children were hers and the adult male was her fiancé.  The adult female’s children who were on scene ranged from 7 to 16 years of age. Officer Lewis arrested the adult female and charged her with a felony charge of neglect of a child without causing great bodily harm, misdemeanor charges for giving an alcoholic beverage to a person under 21 years of age, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.  Officer Ramos arrested the adult male and charged him with the same charges as well as with possession of not more than 20 grams of cannabis.  Santa Rosa County deputies assisted and transported the two adults to the Santa Rosa County Jail.  The children were released to the adult female’s husband.

Officers Allen, Anderson, Harrison and Jones conducted a shellfish harvest detail during the past week.  Their efforts paid off with several arrests.  Two different subjects were cited for harvesting shellfish after dark.  One of the subjects was also charged with interfering with an FWC Officer after he pushed several pounds of shellfish overboard after being stopped.  Two other subjects were cited for possession of undersized sheepshead and spotted sea trout.


3 Responses to “FWC Law Enforcement Report”

  1. 429SCJ on August 10th, 2014 7:07 pm

    @Hydronic, I did not know that.

  2. Hydronic on August 10th, 2014 4:26 pm

    Shellfish mate at night only. How would you like it if a few fools showed up at your house during an amorous adventure?

  3. 429SCJ on August 10th, 2014 8:02 am

    How do shellfish know if it is day or night?

    I fail to see the relevance, in regard to the hour of harvest.

    I suppose you could spotlight them in shallow water?