FHP Child Safety Awareness Month: Be Aware While Backing

August 11, 2014

The Florida Highway Patrol has designated August as Child Safety Awareness Month. The FHP is offering tips for safety around vehicles and preventing children from being hit when a vehicle is backing:

Blind Zones

  • All vehicles have blind zones/blind spots.
  • Get to know a vehicle’s blind spots.
  • Typically, the larger the vehicle, the larger the blind zone; blind zones are often larger for shorter drivers.
  • Blind zones can be affected by the size and shape of vehicle mirrors and windows, elevation of driver’s seat, and slope of driveway.
  • Keep your windows and mirrors clean. Never back a vehicle when the rear windows or any mirrors are covered with dirt or any other substances.

Backing Out

  • When backing in and out of a driveway, make sure all children are safe and accounted for.
  • Walk around and check behind your vehicle before you get in.
  • Whenever possible use a person outside the vehicle to help you back up.
  • Check your rearview and side mirrors. Roll down your windows to listen for children/pedestrians.
  • Keep your foot on the brake until after you put the vehicle into reverse.
  • Place your right arm on the back of the seat and turn around so that you can look directly through the rear window.
  • Back slowly and check the path repeatedly.
  • Bicyclists often ride on sidewalks so look both ways before backing over a sidewalk.
  • Children on bicycles can be unpredictable and can make sudden changes in direction. Be especially careful when children are present (school zones and residential areas).
  • Florida Law states (f.s. 316.1985): The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.
  • Prevention of backing crashes is what it’s about, so TAKE A SECOND LOOK, if you have any doubt!

Driveway Safety

  • Discourage children from playing in driveways and designate safe play areas away from vehicles.
  • If children play in the driveway, have an adult supervise at all times.
  • Teach children to never play inside, on, around, or under vehicles.
  • Keep vehicles in driveways/garages locked and store keys out of child’s reach.
  • Keep toys, bicycles, etc. off the driveway.


2 Responses to “FHP Child Safety Awareness Month: Be Aware While Backing”

  1. Freda Whaley on August 11th, 2014 1:21 pm

    I rented a car this summer with a back up camera. Amazing. Kept me from hitting a child the first time I used the car. Not perfect, you still have to look and be aware but a great help and I feel every new car should be required to have them.

  2. paul on August 11th, 2014 7:23 am

    More teenagers are killed by texting and driving than they are from D.U.I.’s.. When are the lawmakers going to do something about it? Where’s MADD? Shouldn’t they be MADD about Any death?