Escambia, AL, Animal Shelter Now Empty, 200 Animals Gone Days Before Closure

August 28, 2014

The animal shelter in Flomaton is quiet today…almost 200 animals either adopted out or pulled by another rescue group. The Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.)  announced in July that it will no longer operate the shelter as of the end of the August.

“When we saw ourselves a month ago with no future in the shelter, but with almost 200 poor souls whose future depended on us, we almost went into despair,” the group said in a written statement. “But anything is possible with the help of so many animal lovers out there.”

As for the future of The Humane Society of Escambia County (Ala.), the group plans to form a network of foster homes. They’ve pledged to continue helping animals as they can in Escambia County, Ala. but without a kill shelter.

The humane society decided to close the shelter, saying that they were unable to “humanely operate” on a $120,000 per year budget proposed by the Escambia County (Ala.) Commission.


8 Responses to “Escambia, AL, Animal Shelter Now Empty, 200 Animals Gone Days Before Closure”

  1. Ulysses Everett McGill on August 31st, 2014 3:42 pm

    We all know its a patronage system up there…someone must not have been on the right side of the politicians.

  2. Maggie A. on August 30th, 2014 10:53 am

    These people were expected to do animal control AND the animal shelter for the entire county on only $120,000 a year??!! Talk about having to feed the masses with five loaves and two fishes. What did the County Commissioners think they are? Miracle workers? Do the commissioners have any idea how EXPENSIVE it is to take care of that many animals?

    And now the County Commission has shot itself and the residents of the county in the foot. They have no animal control and can the humane society even legally take in strays or can they only do owner surrenders? Because if they can’t do strays, then that’s another shot in the foot for the county. No animal control, nowhere to take stray animals — way to go Commissioners.

  3. Just thinking out loud. on August 29th, 2014 7:15 am

    Why not take that $120,000.00 and have free neutering or spaying and rabies shots for cats and dogs. Set traps to catch these feral cats, have them fixed and release back into their habitat. Many people are feeding stray animals that have wandered up to their homes but simply can’t afford the cost of vet care. If governments would concentrate on this effort the population would go down.

    We could have short term foster homes for those animals that are being neglected or abused.

    Any animal that attacks another animal or person should be destroyed.

  4. Ron Hendricks on August 29th, 2014 7:13 am

    Well “well’, all the money did not come from the taxpayers, many a private citizen and business made donations have made contributions over years and in the finals days to help the animals. The biggest problem in Escambia County, Alabama are the people who are too irresponsible to own animals.

    CB, animal control in Escambia County Alabama is going to be the responsibility of the county commission and the sheriff’s department. If you have problems, make sure you call your commissioner or the sheriff’s department.

  5. CB on August 28th, 2014 8:16 pm

    Sure hope someone is taking up the slack for animal control, otherwise I feel very sorry for the people who get stuck living amongst feral cat colonies and dogs running wild, not everyone is qualified to be a responsible pet owner yet anyone can adopt/buy one.

  6. well on August 28th, 2014 8:14 am

    So at the end of the story, anything is possible with enough money.

    In this case taxpayers.

  7. Ron Hendricks on August 28th, 2014 6:18 am

    It needs to be clarified that when you put “humanely operate” on the $120,000, they were responsible for animal control for the county. This was in addition to running the shelter and the expenses for that.

    The employees of the Escambia Co. Alabama Humane Society worked tirelessly to cut the euthanasia rate and get animals adopted, fostered, and transported to new homes. Being responsible fro animal control took away from other areas of endeavor, such as education and spaying and neutering.

    The employees and volunteers deserved a LOT of credit for all their hard work, compassion, and loved for the animals. It was really fantastic to see all of the animals be moved in such a short time.

  8. 429SCJ on August 28th, 2014 6:08 am

    Margaret would be happy that the animals are safe.