ECSO: Suspect Kidnapped Elderly Man During Cantonment Home Invasion

August 8, 2014

One person was been charged in connection with a home invasion during which an elderly man was kidnapped near Cantonment Wednesday afternoon.

Marcus Demond Stallworth, 22, was booked into the Escambia County Jail Thursday on charges of home invasion robbery, kidnapping, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon and battery.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a burglary in the 2000 block of Stacey Road. They discovered that a home invasion had occurred. The elderly male victim had been kidnapped and driven to his bank.

Stallworth allegedly withdrew money from the victim’s account using an ATM before driving the victim to a shoe store where he used the victim’s debit card to purchase shoes. Stallworth then ordered the victim to drive him home.

The elderly male suffered unspecified non-life threatening injuries, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

Stallworth remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $325,000.


16 Responses to “ECSO: Suspect Kidnapped Elderly Man During Cantonment Home Invasion”

  1. David Huie Green on August 11th, 2014 10:11 pm

    “so instead he becomes like this guy above if u want to fix society give a felon who commits non violent acts a clean slate after 5 years of being a good citizens with no more felonies this would give the offender something to work on being good for.”

    Let’s try it this way:
    This gentleman is a poor example of what you would like to do to “fix society.” His original felony charges in 2009 included at least two violent felonies and there have been several since that one.
    Not mentally competent to understand what he was doing was wrong??

    Which led them to drop the aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and attempted robbery with a weapon charges, but over the years he was convicted for other violent felonies — even while already in jail.

    Further, you don’t “fix society” by hiding the truth from the citizens.
    People have a right to know if there are predators around them, even if they aren’t always violent predators like this one has been.

    David for informed citizens

  2. marshall on August 10th, 2014 10:49 am

    As people know, Laws are only obeyed by Law Abiding Citizens. We need a change in the Laws pertaining to Firearms and their use by Criminals. Florida’s 10-20-Life Law is not enough. We need to insure the Criminals stay behind bars when they use a Firearm in the commission of a crime. If a Firearm is used in a Violent Crime, minimum of 20 Years with NO Parole. If fired, in the commission of a crime, 25 to Life with No Parole. If you kill someone, and it is not Self Defense or Stand Your Ground, Life with No Parole or Death. I think the statistics show that about 80% or so of released Felons will commit another crime, and normally more violent. Put Sheriff Joe, from Arizona, in charge of the Nations Prison Systems and make the Prison mean…”PRISON”…not a Country Club. If the ACLU and others can not stop Sheriff Joe’s Tent Jails, then we need them everywhere! Past time to stop treating Prisoners like Guest and treat them like CRIMINALS! They don’t treat their Victims as well as they are treated in JAIL!

  3. Freda. on August 9th, 2014 6:39 pm

    Wow I’ve never heard of anything like this I wonder if they knew each other? Most homeinvasons are not so kind to just let it end like this.

  4. austin on August 9th, 2014 1:04 pm

    What happen is the person gets a felonie and is never really allowed back in to society therefore having no hope that he could never come back from his wrong doing and no matter what he does.he can never again be a valued part of society so instead he becomes like this guy above if u want to fix society give a felon who commits non violent acts a clean slate after 5 years of being a good citizens with no more felonies this would give the offender something to work on being good for. Just saying

  5. OldMan on August 9th, 2014 12:44 pm

    You got it Bob, bring back the death penalty for MORE crimes, don’t let them have 10-15 years to file crap, give em a year or 2 max, by then if their guilty take them out back and hang them. Simple as that, used to have hanging trees at the courthouse for just that, time to bring em back.

  6. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2014 11:42 am

    Bob’s brother,

    criminals break the law. They wouldn’t be criminals otherwise. Laws, by definition, are only obeyed by law abiding people. This is why the bumper sticker reminds us
    because those who obeyed the law would be disarmed
    and those who did not disarm would be breaking the law, be outlaws
    and those who were already breaking the laws wouldn’t mind breaking a few more for the right reward, say some cool shoes, money, ladies’ compliance.

    David for dissuaded do-badders

  7. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2014 11:27 am

    to take away all convicted person’s rights would require throwing away the Bill of Rights. This would be far worse than the current situation.

    Besides, maybe the jail will blow up on him or his new associates will be VERY friendly to him and he will forget about his former wicked ways and repent lest he return.

    David for better people

  8. Bob's Brother on August 9th, 2014 9:42 am

    In the years that the law regarding possession of firearms by convicted felons has been in effect, I’ve witnessed hundreds of violations of this simple law. Perhaps a 20 year sentence is too light. What if the penalty were Death? Would that deter the felon? Maybe, maybe not, but this citizen is sick and tired of criminals thumbing their noses at the law.

  9. Dee on August 9th, 2014 8:52 am

    “I know im gonna do 10-20 for this, but damn i need them new Jordans!!!”

  10. SHO-NUFF on August 9th, 2014 3:38 am

    When I was young, I was taught right from wrong by my Parents. And God forbid you did anything wrong to publicly embarrass them. There wrath would be way worse than the law could ever impose.

    Its simple my friends and its a breakdown of our society. We have thug parents raising thug kids that have never been taught right from wrong.
    If you don’t have it and someone else does, take it from those who do have. They feel entitled to take instead of work for it.

    For now, we are somewhat protected by the second amendment and can defend our personal property, but have to question how long that will last.

    Not too many years ago folks killed people that took what they worked for or were hung from a tree. Now even a heinous crime as this one will be another slap on the wrist . Sadly we can’t open our door to a stranger in need of help anymore.

  11. Fishhook240 on August 8th, 2014 8:23 am

    Do away with prisoner rights, Take away the A/C’s and the TV’s make them work hard labor while incarcerated .Criminals have more rights than we as taxpayers do while in jail/prison I think we should change that. This is one topic that needs to be fixed. Some would say that the stay in jail/prison is enough to deter more criminal activity. I say wrong, it hasn’t work yet. Let try something different. Let’s do: If convicted by you peers then let’s put them in a tent city/jail/prison with No A/C, No TV, No phone and most importantly “NO RIGHTS”. I think we could all agree that the present way is not working and that this could happen to us, so let’s make this Hilton hotel of a jail/prison system very hard place to be at so maybe they want commit any more crimes for fear of going back.

    Just my Thoughts

  12. Dave 54 on August 8th, 2014 7:52 am

    So…the victim took the home invader home after taking him to the bank and shoe store? That’s like calling the police on your self.

  13. steve on August 8th, 2014 6:59 am

    How to fix the problem? We pay Santa Rosa about 65.00 a day to house felons. I say take that money to pay the felons to clean up our streets in 8 hour shifts. the rest of have to 8 hours a day. So what if its hot , cold or raining. they are cruel to the people they rob. Think how clean the United Stated would be if they had inmates working 2 shifts 8 hours a day.

  14. hylton on August 8th, 2014 6:17 am

    It’s just one after another, never ending isn’t it? How can we ever put a stop to this war being waged against the good hardworking folks that bring prosperity to our nation? Any ideas?

  15. mick on August 8th, 2014 4:00 am

    He’s a convicted , habitual felon, put him away for life…society has had enough of this scumbag…

  16. XD9RACER on August 8th, 2014 2:51 am

    What is happening in our society? Criminals are going crazy for money and the victim is lucky to be alive today. Most that stoop this low have the fear of being recognized and will kill the victim in an attempt to avoid being caught. Thanks to someone or the victim himself for being alert and aware to be able to alert the authorities soon enough to catch this man. The thugs know who to target to get what they want and more than likely knew this man personally and had reasons to be in his home to know what he needed to do to obtain what he wanted. THANKS to the fast acting deputies actions to be able to take the culprit down before there was a worse situation or loss of life.