Man Gets Jail Time For Stealing Makeup, Drug Possession

August 20, 2014

A Century man has been sentenced to jail for stealing a large quantity of makeup from a Walmart and for drug possession.

Eric James Grimes, age 23 of Highway 168, was convicted of possession of  crack cocaine with the intent to sell, manufacture or deliver,  methamphetamine possession with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver, and grand theft.  He was sentenced to 90 days in the county jail.

In late April, a deputy in the Casino Beach parking lot stopped to assist Grimes, who seemed to be lost. Grimes told the deputy he’d lost his yellow Nissan truck, and began to act nervously, according to an arrest report, telling the deputy that he had an outstanding grand theft warrant for his arrest.

As he was taken into custody, deputies reported that  they located plastic bags of crack cocaine and a sandwich bag containing a “significant” quantity of methamphetamine on Grimes’ person.

The  grand theft warrant stemmed from a March 5 incident at Walmart on Mobile Highway. Grimes was positively identified from a photo lineup as the man a store loss prevention officer said he observed in the cosmetics department taking large quantities of expensive cosmetics, concealing them in his jacket and exiting the store.


9 Responses to “Man Gets Jail Time For Stealing Makeup, Drug Possession”

  1. chris burgans on August 21st, 2014 11:29 pm

    Thats it 90 days well blessed if it wasme they would have thrown the keys away … thats how youknow our system is so messed up in florida hopefully the FEDS straighten this place up .. its getting crazy

  2. David Huie Green on August 20th, 2014 11:41 pm

    Every crime has some underlying cause.
    If bad drugs are the cause of the problem — questionable, but IF — maybe some good drugs will solve the problem.

    Maybe we can do away with incarceration for all crimes — even murder and rape, for example — with the right combination of drugs.

    David for better people
    by any means necessary

  3. erica on August 20th, 2014 8:50 pm

    yes this man needs drug counseling and rehab not jail. jail is a revolving door for people with drug problems. and yes the sister is right unless u yourself or u have known someone with a drug problem it can change the best person into someone u don’t know anymore. especially these kinds of drugs he needs a good support system and to stay away from any bad people who associate in that lifestyle. hopefully he can change and stay that way.

  4. deBugger on August 20th, 2014 6:57 pm

    Tika, I hope you’re correct.

    Hope he gets away from “the life”.

  5. luvmyboys on August 20th, 2014 3:31 pm

    Crack and meth, with intent to distribute AND grand theft and he gets 90 days?!? There are no words…

  6. Mark Boltz on August 20th, 2014 11:43 am

    Waste of jail space. This young man needs counseling and job traing. Education not incarnation. It is cheaper to rehabilitate than to lock this man up.

  7. Tika Campbell on August 20th, 2014 9:40 am

    This is my brother and for all yal that have so much bad to say, I almost bet that your child, or other family has has problems with drugs. U think 90days isn’t a punishment enough, yeah the jails should be full of ppl who can be reformed from drugs. So not to be enough room for child molesters ect. (Who can not be reformed) he did wrong but there is places to help him. I know him like you also don’t, I love him and want him to get help, not jail time. It doesn’t help.

  8. deBugger on August 20th, 2014 4:06 am

    wow is right – 90 days – for “possession of crack cocaine with the intent to sell, manufacture or deliver, methamphetamine possession with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver, and grand theft.”

    OK, if he’s snitching, it’s a slap on the wrist so he still looks sorta BENT & Lucky to other tweakers~~~ if not, he had a helluva lawyer, eh?

  9. Gina on August 20th, 2014 1:30 am

    Wow… 90 days good job judge. All thats gonna do is give him time to catch up on some much needed sleep and rest so he can go right back to the stuff. I just don’t understand anymore.