Calendar Change: Escambia Schools Cancel ‘Late Start’ Days

August 29, 2014

Three “late start” days on this year’s Escambia County School District calendar are being removed.

Schools were scheduled to start late on September 17, November 5, and December 3, but school will now begin on those days at the regularly scheduled time.

“This decision is based on a large number of concerns that parents have expressed regarding the late start days. Many parents have indicated that starting school late will create a hardship for them. As a result, we believe it is in the best interest of the families that we serve to cancel the three late start days,” Assistant Superintendent Steve Marcanio said in an email to school administrators on Thursday.

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas will recommend the calendar change at the September 10 meeting of the Escambia County School Board for formal approval.


9 Responses to “Calendar Change: Escambia Schools Cancel ‘Late Start’ Days”

  1. Stacyk on August 30th, 2014 9:53 pm

    I’m for year round with the breaks spread out its easier for appointments. And 3 months is just to long. I know as a parent I am good keeping up with studies the first 2 months but that 3 rd month I see why I’m not a teacher. Teachers have a special gift one that I’m not ashamed to admit I’m missing:) I just feel like year round would help with the burn out everyone feels.

  2. me2 on August 30th, 2014 9:29 am

    Education is very important.
    I feel that school is a childs “job”
    therefore they ought to go to school from 7 till 3
    Just as parents have to work…
    most of us do not get late starts/early releases at work
    A child should not be penalized for having to go to appts.
    as a parent should not be penalized at work for having to take child to appts..

    (Btw ..english and grammar were not my best subjects so forgive me for being grammatically wrong with improper phrasing)

  3. Mom to Students on August 30th, 2014 7:32 am

    I would like for my kids to be out on the 19th of Dec or the kids to get out the 12th instead of the early release or late start days, the kids have been out as early as that before, go back to that schedule.

  4. Lisa on August 30th, 2014 5:54 am

    Proud Army Parent, if your grand kids attend ECSD in Florida, they do not get penalized on perfect attendance for being checked out 15 min. early, I know, because my kids have never been docked for appts. when I check them out unless you check them out really early & they just sent them just to send them to not be counted absent, but if a kid gets checked out after lunch they do not get penalized, they could let kids out on Dec. 5 or Dec19. & forget about the late start days & the early day on last day & make them go a full day on Dec 18 instead to make up the late start hours, being they wanted to help people, I really had no problem wit late start but it would help us out for kids to finish on the 18th beings someone wants to complain, I’ll jump.

  5. Sage2 on August 29th, 2014 3:30 pm

    It would seem the district jumps to the whims of everyone that may be inconvenienced.
    Thought had been given for the reasons to have such in the annual calendar.
    No parent should ever be inconvenienced when it come to the education of their child(ren). wink, wink!!
    The ECSD takes so much responsibility for the raising,feeding,clothing,health and well-being of children. Is this one of the problems that reflect the district’s poor results on evaluations? Does Santa Rosa County show being inconvenienced?

    Parents stand shoulder to shoulder and refuse to be inconvenienced and while you’re making your protest refuse to be a responsible parent…let the district do it.

    Eh, the ECSD didn’t bring that child into the world, but has had to maintain him or her, so you would not be inconvenienced. Now I feel inconvenienced for having to support such and after working 39 years in this district, I know what I’m speaking of.

  6. thetruth on August 29th, 2014 10:26 am

    Turn them into teacher planning or teacher appreciation days.

  7. Puddin on August 29th, 2014 10:04 am

    Thanks for posting this William. I work for the school district and had no idea. Early release or late start days, either way, they are a pain for all involved. If the teachers or administrators need more time, lets just add a few teacher planning days.

  8. No Excuses on August 29th, 2014 8:50 am

    Common sense! Thank you Mr. Marcanio and Mr. Thomas for rethinking this. If time is needed for something, perhaps early release days would be better than late start days.

  9. ProudArmyParent on August 29th, 2014 7:17 am

    Sure it might create a hardship for some parents, but what about the parents that just need the time to get their kids to the eye doctor or the dentist. These were good days to take care of those things. It is very hard to get an appointment after school or workday hours.

    My grandchildren had perfect attendance last year, except for the fact they were taken out of school 15 minutes early to get to the doctor’s office on time. I really think it was quite unfair to hold that time against them. Especially when all the specialty doctor’s are in Pensacola and that is a good 45 minute to hour’s drive!

    So I’m all for the late start days. Give a parent a break when they are trying to keep their kids in school and do the right thing!