Atmore Hospital To Be Managed By Infirmary Health; Baptist Out

August 29, 2014

The Escambia County Healthcare Authority (ECHA) voted during a called meeting Thursday afternoon to move forward with a management agreement with Infirmary Health of Mobile rather than renewing a 20-year old agreement with Baptist Health Care of Pensacola.

Baptist entered into an agreement in 1995 to manage the 49-bed facility; that agreement expires in June 2015.

ECHA issued a request for management proposals as part of an inquiry period that began in late 2013. The proposals, including one from Baptist Health Care, were analyzed by the ECHA Executive Committee which ultimately recommended Infirmary Health.

“I am confident the board has recommended the option that will be best for employees, providers, our patients and the communities we serve. Now the hard work begins as we complete due diligence and negotiate the new contract. Be patient with us because we don’t have all the answers yet but will be working diligently to ensure the final contract represents the best interests of our staff, providers and the community,” said Ruth Harrell, chair of the ECHA.

As the largest non-governmental, not-for-profit healthcare system in Alabama, Infirmary Health is composed of three acute care hospitals, three post-acute care facilities, three diagnostic centers, and more than 22 medical clinics and other affiliates serving an 11-county area along the Gulf Coast and treating more than 800,000 patients annually.

Infirmary Health currently operates Mobile Infirmary, Thomas Hospital in Fairhope and North Baldwin Infirmary in Bay Minette. The company employees more than 4,900 people with about 700 physicians on staff. The company is the largest private employer in Mobile.

“We are pleased to have been selected to manage Atmore Community Hospital and are dedicated to providing superior healthcare to residents of the Atmore community. As a community-based health system, Infirmary Health has a 104-year history with a demonstrated record of exceptional quality and safety measures, high employee and
physician engagement and commitment to the communities we serve,” said Mark Nix, president and CEO of Infirmary Health.

Pictured: Atmore Community Hospital. file photo, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Atmore Hospital To Be Managed By Infirmary Health; Baptist Out”

  1. BamaGirl2011 on September 3rd, 2014 4:35 am

    Almost three years ago I was taken from acute care to the ER and saw by a Doctor I cant remember. I was immediately flown by LifeFlight to Baptist Hospital in Pensacola and stayed there 2 months and sent to the Mayo clinic for a month and back to Baptist for another month. If It were not for the the Doctors and nurses in the ER at ACH I would not be here. I had went into End Stage Renal Failure and this was diagnosed by a hometown Doctor who saw the need for immediate help from and acute care facility. I will forever be in debt to ACH.

  2. brenda on September 2nd, 2014 3:54 pm

    Comments sometimes are harsh. I will say this about Atmore as an x employee.
    I’ve grown to know most of the nurses and other staff very well. 90% of them are true and caring people and yes its hard to run a facility on small funds. I myself had issues which at the time I was on duty and had the absolute best care from the staff that treated me. I’ve gone through a lot and loved my job and gave the best work ethics possible not all are accepting of it but most were. The above comment is right it is the people and no matter the name on the sign once inside it all about you and the workers and the one who care. I was dismissed recently it was a complete shock and no no one stood up for me its all about a right to work state and if the company wants to get rid of you its not hard to do so. But let me stand up for what I believe in and the for a small facility it takes better care of patients than you know and others are right they work hard stay late and go home to take care of a family. I loved the people there saw their work and shared their moments in distress, but I will stand up for them in a heart beat. No one can determine how things effect others unless you walk in their steps so be careful and note that if more of you promoted the hospital rather than give out negative comments things might be better in your life. Changes will more than likely come that’s true but be careful what you say it could happen to you. I’m standing up for you Atmore Community Hospital and Thanks for all you have done for me.

  3. michael on September 2nd, 2014 8:31 am

    Looking at the comments from all about the change of name in Atmore for the hospital. First look at the hospital only the name Baptist is on the sign then look for improvements that hasn’t been made to the hospital… The hospital doesn’t make enough money to stay in the green and Baptist isn’t going to put money in a facility that doesn’t make money. Jay Hospital must be a write off because there isn’t enough patients there to make money has to be more going out than coming in. I’ve read these pros and cons but get real its the employees that really make the difference. If they have good communication skills with the Administrative staff that’s one thing, but when you get to gossip and rumors among the staff that not only hurts the people they are talking about but the facility itself. For many years there have been so many things that people are not accounted for and there are one who may fear others. I will say inside Atmore hospital there are good nursing staff and so many that need to be replaced and show through their personalities that they think they are above everyone else. One thing I will say is I don’t see any pats on shoulders to employees that deserve them and many who feel if one of the people in their department speak up they get tagged as trouble makers. Who do you blame start at the front. Administration staff should be the back bone of the facility and stand up for the employees that show their pride in their work and their
    work ethics that shine through. It doesn’t happen if so very few times. The outside of any facility can look inviting but once you step in its a whole different ballgame. Believe me anyone can tell the difference you cannot change how the staff personalities come across you see it and feel it. Very few in Atmore hospital have that quality and the others are like a snake better watch and see who bites. I pray for the Infirmary to have good judgment of the employees and seek a better staff for improving the hospital really dig in deep and get rid of the fakes and snakes.

  4. Tigers on September 1st, 2014 11:11 pm

    I think Mobile Imformary taking over is a great thing. I have had several complaints about thet hospital several times and never get answers. Just a bit ago I had a relative that was in a room upstairs and we had several issues I finally spoke to the icu manager upstairs and then when she did not take care of the issue and was rude about it I went to the director there and again no answers. Those 2 need to be replaced. I have called several times to get answers and no one will give me one. In my opinion they are all cold hearted and I hope mobile will get some new people.

  5. R.Rochester on September 1st, 2014 9:01 pm

    Hospitals in Alabama are struggling thanks to the corrupt government we have in Montgomery. Bentley and his crew haven’t provided the support needed to keep rural hospitals alive and well.

  6. In need on September 1st, 2014 4:48 pm

    I can say that I have been to ER at ACH as well and had great care. It was about 3
    Months ago and the ER manager was the nurse taking care of me. She kept me updated on progress explained everything and was very nice and friendly. I understand some people have to wait and I did have to wait for about an hour but when I got to the back it was a very pleasant experience. Every Hospital has issues but let’s hope that mobile infirmary still keeps Atmore the small
    Community hospital like it should

  7. Current employee on September 1st, 2014 10:37 am

    Not all employees at ACH are part of a click as stated earlier. Some are extremely hard working and caring employees. They understand why they are there and that is to provide the best service they can with extremely limited funding. They beg and borrow to do everything they can for the patients and facility. Many employees are passionate about improving the service and condition of the hospital. How do I know this because I’m a current employee at ACH and I spend many hours thinking of ways we can improve the overall experience for our patients.

  8. ACH employee on September 1st, 2014 10:16 am

    tamaratiger, If u only knew…..We deal with a very high level of stress on a daily basis. When u have more than 5 patients, somebody does not receive the care they feel they need. Not to excuse bad attitudes from the nursing staff, but maybe try to understand it from their point of view. There are a LOT of really great people that choose to make ACH their home. Extra shifts are pulled at a moments notice with no complaints, snacks are sometimes provided to patients out of the nurses own pocket, family members are taken care of with cots/blankets/coffee, the list is as varied as the nurses. While it true, that at our facility, as well as every other hospital in the world, there are times when the staff will vent. If you happen to overhear it, I’m sorry. There is a reason that when nurses leave for “greener pastures”, a lot of them come home to us. We love the sense of home and family that ACH provides.

  9. CW on August 31st, 2014 9:31 am

    >”Any hospital connected to MOBILE is a NO for me! Don’t like Mobile! I just bypass Atmore Hospital all together and go straight to Pensacola.<"

    ^ This is the silliest thing I've ever heard. Mobile Infirmary is one of the best hospitals in the region without going to Birmingham. I had surgery there a few years ago which required an overnight stay and I had no complaints whatsoever. I really do hope the ER administrator here gets her walking papers, they need to bring in someone from Mobile who knows how to do their job correctly!

  10. rena on August 30th, 2014 4:29 pm

    Like all hospitals good or bad its the people who make the difference. Nothing is about what work you do or how well you do it. In Atmore its who you are friends with. Good people come and go its not who’s name is on the sign but the care of the people inside. I have been there many times in ER and upstairs with a family member. You can hear who did what when and where just by listening in the hallway. Nurses that sit at the desk when the elevator opens don’t even look up. The ER was a more pleasant experience the Dr.wasn’t a town doctor and the nurse was fantastic, but you don’t have caring nurses upstairs anymore use to be most are gone even the ones left wouldn’t give you time of day. People it starts from the admin staff and how they are in touch with the people. If these people don’t have a come to Jesus meeting soon when the infirmary takes over they better have a cushion to sit on. This hospital needs a good housecleaning from admin to all. Wish the infirmary had the chance to sit for a while and watch how their loved one was treated and employees treated by their superiors. They may have changed their mind.

  11. I say NO on August 30th, 2014 7:53 am

    Any hospital connected to MOBILE is a NO for me! Don’t like Mobile! I just bypass Atmore Hospital all together and go straight to Pensacola.

  12. bmr on August 29th, 2014 11:43 pm

    well I have had two kidney and never went to the ER yet . so I wouldn’t know but I wouldn’t go to ACH.

  13. Big Dog on August 29th, 2014 8:09 pm

    The most experience I have with ACH is the Emergency room ! A 3 hr wait and we were the only ones In there there’s no excuse for that kind of service and this was not the only time that It happened ! I won’t go there if there unless there is no other option! I mostly go to Scared heart for everything , but one time I had an emergency on a Sunday night and went to Bay Minette hospital , the service was good but we had to go to Mobile Infirmary was there for a week it was the best hospital stay I ever had! I was blown away these people were awesome and the had guidelines to follow and did so and the person that followed up asked if everyone treated you with respect and answered all your question to my satisfaction these folks were on the ball! If they run Atmore the same way I will go there with no hesitation!

  14. Atmore Employee 2 on August 29th, 2014 7:17 pm

    I too am a ACH employee & have been for quite a few years. I can truly say with NO reservations I am proud to work there. Yes, we have our problems but so does each & every hospital. If you can find one hospital that has never had a mishap, or never made a patient upset, or where each employee is a #1 a class employee Please let me know but I have no fear you can’t find it. Don’t be so foolish to think that every hospital don’t have their horror stories. I’ve heard many about many. Just because we’re a small town & word travels fast, we get a bad rap. Just because you haven’t heard about it in other big hospitals don’t mean it hasn’t happened. Sometimes there are long waits in the ER & I understand it’s frustrating when you’re the one sick or in pain but rest assure there is someone’s mother, father, child, etc in a bed that is taking extra attention from staff trying to save their life. How would you feel if it was your family member that needed immediate care for a heart attack, a stroke, etc but they called another person back to be seen that wasn’t as urgent because they got there first? We treat patients in order of acuity. Instead of criticizing & belittling your hometown hospital, pray for it!! Pray for the employees, the doctors, and each patient. Show your support! It might be the very place or person that saves yours or your loved ones lives one day!!

  15. Puddin on August 29th, 2014 6:34 pm

    I dont care what any of you say, Im thrilled things are changing. I am also praying its for the better. I could give a long list of how freinds and family are treated there, including one dear lady is who is figting for her life because of a mis diagnosis for over two years. But anyone whos used it knows how they are. Hoping and praying the bad doctors (not the few good ones) take a hike, and take the lazy nurses (again not all the nurses) with them.

  16. bama3 on August 29th, 2014 4:44 pm

    To differ infirmary health did not build north Baldwin s new building. It and the wellness were already established and equipment were purchased through grants etc. The infirmary assumed their debt with the bulidings, but a fantastic system to work for. I was employed there many years and yes some of the good ole boys either had to accept changes or change employers. Sometimes it takes a strong person to put on the big boy pants and make non partial and positive changes. Yes some of the employees had to make big changes. Just be ready to see how a real hospital functions. At more is in for a rude awaking its not going to bve who is in the right click. get ready . I think it will be a blessing for that area.

  17. Anna on August 29th, 2014 4:16 pm

    The problems I have experienced is in the emergency room, not all, but certain doctors and staff don’t care and I certainly hope the change weed out the bad ones and what makes is that the doctors that gave that horrible service is not from out of town, they are the same ones that we and other family members go see here in Atmore in their office. Praying that the change will bring about positive results!

  18. Atmore on August 29th, 2014 2:36 pm

    Of course people have just got to say negative things about the hospital. Be glad you have a hospital and people that care for your community. Most of the negativity is ignorant anyway.

  19. Good luck on August 29th, 2014 1:57 pm

    I really think Atmore will greatly improve from this. Baptist could care less about its two smaller hospitals Jay and Atmore. They are the dirtiest and most unkept places I have seen. The maintenance managers should run a better ship at keeping up the facilities. There are many places that need painted and the floors are disgusting. I know they are limited but come on get off your rear and put some elbow grease into making the place look clean and at least presentable to patients

  20. just sayin' on August 29th, 2014 9:33 am

    to Thankful: there are “good ole boys” everywhere!
    I have been in my fair share of hospitals as both patient and/or employee and I can tell you that before Infirmary took over in
    Bay Minette, I heard it all fjrom “don’t go to Bay Minette if you’re dying” to “I wouldn’t take my dog there”. Well now it’s the greatest place! (or is it?) Bay minette got better because the money was spent on A NEW BUILDING WITH NEW EQUIPMENT AND A BIGGER ER!!!!!!!!. If anyone had put that much money into ACH weather it was Infirmary, Baptist, or a group from Tim-Buck-Two, the same could be said about them.
    But then again the community has to rally around their facility if they want to see it grow!

  21. Bama on August 29th, 2014 9:14 am

    Re:just saying
    No I disagree ,the Infirmary holds a higher standard than Baptist ,,I believe they will come in and fix the problems ,, I sat in ER 6 hours while others came and went Before you say it. Yes I was in dire need of medical help. They ignored me for people that walked in and was able to laugh and joke. I was wheeled in (with insurance )and ignored. Just saying I pray they clean they place out and up

  22. ACH employee on August 29th, 2014 8:36 am

    We have our problems…..but on a whole, ACH is a good hospital with a really terrific nursing staff!!! Any health care facility is gonna have folks that like it and folks that don’t. Unfortunately we are human and humans make mistakes.

  23. Thankful on August 29th, 2014 7:19 am

    Thank you Ruth Harrell and ALL those members who believe ACH can and will be a better place to serve the people of Atmore under Mobile Infirmary. As a former employee, I can tell you it was often “the good ole boy” who got served first in
    business and health. I realize there are some that feel it can’t get better. YES IT CAN and IT WILL! Thank you, thank you Board Members for stepping up to the plate and doing the right thing for the area citizens.

  24. Just Saying... on August 29th, 2014 7:01 am

    I hope all of you realize that just because the contract is being renewed with a different company, the SAME people will still be working there, therefore you’re care will more than likely be the SAME! Names can change all day long, but in the end it’s the people who are responsible for your care NOT the name of the facility. You can label a pile of crap as being a beautiful fragrant rose, but in the end, it’s still looks and smells like a pile of crap. Just saying.

  25. Ulysses Everette McGill on August 29th, 2014 6:27 am

    They took good care of my mother when she had her fall. I couldn’t have asked for more….no hospital is perfect but the folks who worked with the PT-fall unit stuff on the 2d floor were first rate. I’m glad they are there.

  26. CW on August 29th, 2014 6:04 am

    I really hope this happens! I’d rather drive 25 miles to Bay Minette in excruciating pain than go to this hospital in Atmore. The service here is terrible! I had a kidney stone attack and had to wait over an hour to be seen. Anybody who has had a kidney stone knows how painful they are. I will never go to another hospital run by Baptist if I can help it.

  27. Bama on August 29th, 2014 5:47 am

    Hopefully will be a major improvement ,, I live here in Atmore and have always gone to other hospitals due to the poor quality and cleanliness