Alabama Death Row Inmate Commits Suicide

August 26, 2014

Alabama death row inmate Justin Hosch, 26, died of an apparent suicide Monday at Holman Prison in Atmore, according to the Alabama Department of Corrections.  He was pronounced deceased in his cell.

The official cause of death is pending autopsy results from the Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences.

Convicted of capital murder, Hosch was sentenced to death out of Autauga County on October 14, 2010. Hosch shot a 49-year-old Joey Willmore to death after Hosch escaped from the Frank Lee Youth center where he was being held for receiving stolen property and possession of marijuana.


14 Responses to “Alabama Death Row Inmate Commits Suicide”

  1. David Huie Green on August 28th, 2014 6:44 pm

    “Most inmate suicides that we’ve heard of reported in the federal system take 5 minutes or less for the participant to reach to point of no return.”

    Don’t know about twenty minutes one way or the other, but irreversable brain damage takes longer than five minutes. And that is after loss of blood flow and oxygen, if being watched, there would be a lead-up, one would think.

    David for better people

  2. Peacebro on August 28th, 2014 10:00 am

    @Ray Ray

    He also drank water, ate bread, probably even used a toilet a time or two, doesnt mean people who do these things will end up killing someone. Don’t be ignorant and try to blame the weed for his other actions, and stop trying to piggyback cannabis related stories to spew your unjustified opinions about it. If you’re gunna commit a crime, you’re gunna do it regardless, so stop giving people an excuse to blame something else besides themselves for their actions. The only thing marijuana has made anybody kill was their kitchen.

    It’s sad what happened, yes, but don’t blame it on one single thing. This kid obviously had a lot more troubles than smoking something. People like this need help, not neglect. Everyone is so quick to judge, so quick to say something is “right” or “wrong” depending on their own opinion. People are biased, and it takes a lot to truly realize this. We shouldn’t look down on those with problems, we should lend a hand, listen to their story, and try to understand from their perspective, help them gain morals and better themselves. Just stop being so close-minded and maybe we can help each other through our hard times instead of judging and shunning everything you disagree with.

  3. David Huie Green on August 28th, 2014 6:32 am


    Obviously the death penalty does not deter all murder or there would not be murder in places with it.
    This doesn’t mean that it never deters murder because we don’t know how many times people were not murdered who would have been.
    Part of the problem with any deterrent is the fact that folks know they might not get caught, convicted or sentenced to death. Even then, the courts might overturn the sentence or even conviction, the governor might pardon them, the Supreme Court might overturn the punishment.
    It depends on how much they are willing to gamble.

    David for truth

  4. blueace33 on August 28th, 2014 12:23 am

    Were the correctional officers on duty all taking a “nap” during this 20 minute period ???

    As a correctional officer i can tell you it only takes a minute or two for someone who is serious to take there own life 20 minutes is ridiculus. I dont believe in death row either but only because the period of time that they give,most die of suicide or old age its not a deterrant to crime.

  5. Ms. Love on August 27th, 2014 4:05 pm

    Wow it’s sad to sit here and down this young man. His mother may be reading this instead of judging we need to be praying. His sin is no worst than the sins you guys is on here talking badly about him. The God I serve says to love thy brother and sisters no matter what the circumstance is. I was shot by an individual in 1996 and I have forgiven him and I still love him because he’s a child of God, this doesn’t mean I’m not afraid of him. This is just saying Let God do the judging because one day you have to be judge by the same God. Praying for both families the family that lost their loved one to his wrong doing and his family as well.

  6. No Excuses on August 27th, 2014 1:52 pm

    Twenty minutes to die? Most inmate suicides that we’ve heard of reported in the federal system take 5 minutes or less for the participant to reach to point of no return. 20 minutes is a long time. Curious to know where you got your information? Other death penalty activists?

  7. cj on August 27th, 2014 9:57 am

    As a Mom of a CO – but not in Alabama – I can tell you the CO’s work hard – do everything they can – and face more things than anyone would every want to and this is everyday – I’m sorry the young man chose this way but he did the choosing!

  8. 429SCJ on August 27th, 2014 7:49 am

    I agree with no excuses.

  9. Dorina Lisson on August 26th, 2014 8:16 pm

    As a long time anti-death penalty activist, I have learnt to be most suspicious whenever a death row prisoner “allegedly” commits suicide.

    Death row prison units are heavily monitered by CCTV and correctional officers on duty. When a person commits suicide it takes some 20 minutes for the heart to stop beating regardless of method used.

    Were the correctional officers on duty all taking a “nap” during this 20 minute period ???

  10. No Excuses on August 26th, 2014 3:38 pm

    Often, inmate suicides are the way they take back control of their situation. If he was scheduled to be executed, then he may have taken matters in his own hands and died when he chose to rather than when the State chose for him to.

    Yes, he was someone’s child, but so was the guy he shot to death.

  11. jbeardrocker on August 26th, 2014 1:46 pm

    Dont be so easy to judge .. never say never u might hav a kid that is at the wrong place at the wrong time watch out karma sucks He was someones son just like u

  12. Thinker on August 26th, 2014 11:39 am

    “apparent suicide”? So what was the apparent method of suicide? Guess they can’t say until autopsy report. You will let us know the results, won’t you?

    This was a human being and we don’t know the circumstances of his crime and we don’t even know if he was really guilty. Hold your hatred, it might get expressed some day in a murder YOU commit.

  13. Ray Ray on August 26th, 2014 8:47 am

    Lets call him a hero. Look at all the money he saved us tax payers
    See kids Marijuana is the gateway drug see where it led this kid all the way to death row

  14. Big red on August 26th, 2014 6:16 am

    At least he saved Alabama tax payers some money.