Woman Gets Probation For Allegedly Tossing Brick Into Vehicle With Husband, His Girlfriend

July 31, 2014

A Century woman that allegedly chased down her estranged husband and his new girlfriend and tossed a brick through his car windows has been sentenced to probation.

Judge Michael Allen placed 29-year Tasia Valenta McCall on probation for 36 months while withholding adjudication on criminal mischief and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges.  Additional charges of deadly missile and aggravated assault were dropped.

McCall was also ordered to pay $718 in fees and court costs.

The victim told deputies he and his girlfriend were driving along Highway 29 south of Century when McCall began to follow them and attempted to maintain contact. When they arrived at their destination on Hilltop Road, McCall followed them down a long driveway. Before they could exit the vehicle, McCall began cussing and yelling at them before tossing a brick though the rear window of the occupied vehicle, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrest report. There were no injuries.


2 Responses to “Woman Gets Probation For Allegedly Tossing Brick Into Vehicle With Husband, His Girlfriend”

  1. voice of reason on August 3rd, 2014 5:44 am

    No man is worth it. The best way to get even is to have a wonderful, joyful life without the guy. I’m sure you deserved better anyway. And now you’re free to find someone who will make you happy.

  2. XD9RACER on July 31st, 2014 7:49 am

    She got off very light but with the probation added it might be hard to follow. She made a bad decision to throw the brick then and could do worse next time if she has not gotten over losing her man to another woman. Most can’t do probation–just a delay in a worse action to end up in prison. Maybe she can get someone in her life to fill that void and be able to move on. She might could consider pursuing the new girlfriends former boyfriend if she has the thought of getting back.