Repeat Felon Gets 20 Years For Shooting Into Motel Room

July 23, 2014

An Escambia County man has been sentenced to two decades in state prison for shooting into a motel room.

Kendrell Maurice Sims entered a plea of no contest to the charges of shooting at, into or within a building, two counts of  aggravated assault with a firearm, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Following his plea, Circuit Judge Jan Shackelford sentenced Sims to 20 years in prison.

On October 23, 2013, at the Relax Inn on Mobile Highway, Kendrell Sims and Gregory  Henderson were in a physical altercation. Once the physical altercation broke up, Sims got a gun from his motel room and went back to Henderson’s motel room and began firing multiple rounds at the door of Henderson’s room. At that time, Greg Henderson and Elaine Green were inside the room.

Kendrell Sims was previously convicted of six felony charges, including drug related  offenses.


One Response to “Repeat Felon Gets 20 Years For Shooting Into Motel Room”

  1. mick on July 23rd, 2014 4:40 pm

    Six other felony convictions, and he was a free man walking the streets among law abiding people. An OBVIOUS IN YOUR FACE STERLING EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS FLAWED WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM. Its always “what the law allows” when doleing out punishment for the sorry lowlife scumbags. That needs to be changed. Multiple felony convictions rate one thing, a prison cell. When you give these scumbags back their free will, they will exercise what they know best, CRIME. They always, ALWAYS associate themselves with the same criminal element they were with from the start. The only ones that lose in this is the law abiding taxpayers. We all already know that we have to shoulder the burden for the ones who shouldn’t even be walking God’s earth in the first place. You ask who am I to judge? Well if he was in prison for the rest of his life, you nor I would be reading stories like this in the first place. The judgement that was levied in the first place was wrong…