Repairs Begins Monday On ‘Major Public Safety Issue’ Gas Leak Under Hwy 29

July 26, 2014

Preliminary work begins Monday to repair a leaking section of natural gas pipe under Highway 29 in Century, three and a half years since the leak was publicly revealed as a “major public safety issue”.

R.A.W. Construction, LLC of Tallahassee will go to work Monday to install the new natural gas lines along the right-of-way of Highway 29 (North Century Boulevard) from about McCurdy Lane to West Highway 4 near the courthouse.  Actual construction will begin on Monday August 11.

R.A.W. Construction has 120 days to complete construction, with the project due to be completed by November 25.

About 6,515 feet of 4-inch steel natural gas line was buried beneath the southbound lanes of Highway 29 when the road was widened to four lanes. Now, nearly 50 years since the almost 1.25 mile long pipe was first put into the ground, the town believes the steel is corroding and leaking somewhere between West Highway 4 and McCurdy Street.

A new 4-inch pipe will be placed on the west side of Highway 29, while a new 2-inch pipe will be installed on the east side of the highway, eliminating the need to install pipes under the road to service natural gas customers. The pipe will be installed where existing easements exist or can be obtained at no cost, otherwise, it will be installed under existing sidewalks.

The R.A.W. Construction bid was for the project was $393,500. Two other bids were received on the project — one for $795,700.75 from Utility Service Company  and one for $897,000 from Roberson Excavation, Inc. of Milton. Town Engineer Dale Long said due to the significantly lower  bid from R.A.W, he verified the company’s references and verified the bid was correct. He said the company was lower because they are primarily a gas contractor, while the other two companies are primarily water and sewer contractors.

Century actually went through the paperwork process of the project twice.  In April 2012, Century signed off on a $1.4 million USDA Rural Development loan to cover the cost of replacing the pipe. But, according to town officials, the town received the wrong form from the USDA, and as a result advertised the meetings incorrectly.

Pictured above and below: Natural gas is leaking somewhere under Highway 29 in Century. Pictured inset: Century Mayor Freddie McCall signs documents in April 2012 for a $1.401 million USDA Rural Development loan to repair the leaky gas lines. The loan was later invalidated by the USDA due to  an incorrect form. photos, click to enlarge.


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