Old Sid Nelson, Ransom Middle Coming Down For Bus Compound

July 21, 2014

The old Ransom Middle School on Muscogee Road is coming down, most likely to make way for a school  bus compound.

Most recently, the buildings housed the Sid Nelson Community Learning Center with a preschool and alternative school that shut down about four years ago. And a head start program called the old campus home, but it has now been moved to the Molino Community Complex for the next school year.

The Escambia County School Board voted to demolish the buildings, and, unless there’s a change in the next few weeks, construct a paved bus compound to park school buses overnight,  provide basic maintenance and provide a fueling station.

But the Cantonment Improvement Committee, which was formed in 2012 to address blight in Cantonment, wants a community center on the property because their area is currently without one.

“There is a need for the bus compound in that part of the county, whether it is that site or not,” Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas said. “That site must come down; there is no building there suitable for a community center.”

Thomas said he’s game to listen to proposals for the site if someone can find him about 10 acres in the Muscogee Road and Highway 29 area that is on a major road and suitable for the bus compound. Or, he said, it might be possible for the bus compound and a small, newly constructed community center at the Sid Nelson site to c0-exist on the 12 acre parcel.

“But I will not deal with the Cantonment Redevelopment Committee,” Thomas said, “because community centers are a county responsibility. I would deal with the county directly.”

But so far, there’s been no positive news from Escambia County about a possible community center for the Cantonment area. For now, the Escambia County Commission has pulled the renewal of the local option sales tax (LOST) off the August 26 primary ballot.  LOST dollars are often used for project like community centers, but there are no funds for a Cantonment community center on a “wish list” of projects that would be funded by a LOST renewal.

“The Sid Nelson site ads to the blight of the area,” Thomas said. “And right now I’m stacking buses on school sites where there’s not room and inadequate light. That Cantonment site is what we need — and it’s already owned by the taxpayers.”

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


41 Responses to “Old Sid Nelson, Ransom Middle Coming Down For Bus Compound”

  1. John Buck on October 14th, 2015 2:39 pm

    Its not up to tax payers to provide after care for certain groups of people.
    There’s nothing in cottage hill for kids,the parents do it.
    But we don’t have tons of illegitimate chill’in running around that we don’t want to be responsible for.

  2. Rubbie Williams on March 12th, 2015 5:52 pm

    When my grandfather donated the land he wanted it to be used for the education of the people in the area. Even if there was a after school program there. But something to help the families to better their children.

  3. mr on July 28th, 2014 6:47 pm

    when you agree with the comment that you or your parent paid for your activities ,was this the comment you made when the county and /or the school board facilitated the community centers in other areas. the cantonment citizens are only saying our children and seniors are as important to us as any other community (equality). in the last 2 years there are many facilities where exactly what this community is asking for has been done, how can we justify this action the land that old ransom existed was donated by some of the civic minded citizen . the last center was being headed by someone who has only been a member of this community for a short time(pensacola) the residents asking for the ransom land are life long tax paying citizens. there is a center in 3 different areas since the cantonment request, equality!

  4. Football Mom on July 25th, 2014 9:43 am

    I agree with “well”. I too grew up in this wonderful Cantonment community. I didnt have a community center to play at. I didnt live in a neighborhood. I lived on the highway. I wasnt allowed to leave my yard in the summer while my parents were at work. I used my imagination 90% of the time and the other 10% were chores my parents made me do BEFORE they got home.

    My children are growing up in this wonderful Cantonment community. They dont have a community center to play at. Nor would this particular one be available to them either. When they were “childcare” age, I PAID FOR IT. I didnt wait for someone to come in a fund the responsibility I created. Now, they entertain themselves while we work. They are decent, well mannered, children because I TAUGHT them to be.

    I dont understand why parents would want a community center in the middle of an industrious area. Put the busses there. They will match the decor of semis, dump trucks, log truck ect. And, if you want a community center, raise $$ and put one in a less hazardous walking / biking area, away from the hustle and bustle. The safety of the children you are trying to serve should come first right???

  5. well on July 25th, 2014 7:24 am

    I remember when I was young. Mom and Dad provided activities for and made sure I did them. Did not need taxes and other people to worry about keeping up with me.
    I was their responsibility and they handled it.

  6. T. M. on July 24th, 2014 6:25 pm

    I had several good memories from the Old Ransom Middle School. I’m not pleased being a taxpayer and we have nothing here in our community. We had a descent middle school until racism played a major role to relocate to the rich upper class area and now I ask the question. What are we paying local taxes for?Our police sub station has been closed down,there’s no school in our community, Mr. Thomas and other officials should agree and push for our county commissioners to vote to allocate this vacant property as a large high tech community center. It’ sure doesn’t seem legal for Escambia County School Board to use donated land for a bus compound. What type of government do we have here in Escambia County? 99.5% of our schools are located far away from our Afro American communities. Abus compound is not going to help our community and besides how are you all planning on keeping our air green and clean no body wants all those fuel fumes in our community. How will chemicals be removed from this bus compound and how will traffic flow smoothly ? Well hope this posting open eyes and lets every elected official know that someone is observing the bad behavior toward hard honest working tax payers in Harvester Subdivision area.

  7. My Two Cents on July 24th, 2014 2:25 pm

    Quintette has a community center…nice facility that is rarely used. How would the old Ransom center be any different?
    Have you ever been to the Fricker Community Center? Gull Point Community Center? Sanders Beach Community Center? All of these are in the city of Pensacola. All of them have trouble with gangs & undesirables attempting to ruin the fun/education for the VERY few children that actually attend programs there. Parents are too worried about the possibility of their child being hurt by pedophiles or attacked by gangs to actually send them to the community centers.

    Cantonment doesn’t need a community center. Cantonment needs an economy. Work on bringing jobs to our area so that people can afford to take care of their children and would look forward to putting their money into community centers/activities.

  8. Cantonment Resident on July 24th, 2014 2:25 pm

    I believe the property should be used for a community recreation center. I understand the buses have to park somewhere, where better than a narrow, two lane road that happens to be the main entrance/exit to our community. Yea, everyone uses the school bus system…but Everyone uses the sewage system too..Nobody wants to smell it though(Camp5). I believe a bus depot on Muscogee Rd would really inconvenience the community without adding many if any advantages…But i guess that’s not a problem for the people who make the decisions to worry about…We Need/Want a community center. We don’t Need or Want a bus depot!!!

  9. BELINDA HILL-BEASLEY on July 24th, 2014 9:03 am

    We are neighborhood and community concerned this Our history and we are needing resources in our community for our youth as well as the elders giving a bus port in our neighborhood is not helpful if you all can look at how the crime is in escambia county we really need good resources that may change and give the youth something to do,this has been a school for ever and The Ransom’s that made this a Success for the community we are asking to honor our request for Community Resources.Thank You Kindly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. nunu on July 24th, 2014 7:38 am

    Idk why the tour that school down because it was a part of history they could of used that build a nice recreation center not for no bus parking lot them bases was fine how they was smh

  11. mr on July 23rd, 2014 9:24 pm

    i am sadden to the old ransom high school torn down ,regarding the community center i to remember going to summer school at ransom in the sixties . the school was used as a community center this empowered the students and gave us direction when school was out . during this time there was no problems or crime committed, just kids that had no place to go. also for my situation there were 10 kids being raised by a single parent ,who was happy that we were in a structured program,just one of many things that a center would do.

  12. KAYLA C on July 23rd, 2014 1:23 pm

    So sad to see Sid Nelson go . Went to Pre K there .

  13. 429SCJ on July 23rd, 2014 4:44 am

    Prior to 1969 the facility did actually serve as a community center.

    The children would play and color with crayons ect. When lunch time came the whole community would come over and have lunch, then the women would clean up the kitchen and everyone would go home.

    Those were happier times in the Great Society, provided by the late President Lyndon Johnson. He’s the one who gave us Vietnam, if your having trouble remembering who and what he was.

  14. mr on July 22nd, 2014 8:57 pm

    the sports complex around the corner is not a community center there are no building with resources in it . lets give thought to what the community need , there are centers in many of the affluent neighborhoods,we are all gods children made in his image this community deserve the same oppertunityes

  15. NOYB on July 22nd, 2014 5:34 pm

    I agree with Cantonment Mom

  16. McE. Moorer on July 22nd, 2014 5:20 pm


  17. Jomarian L. Robbins on July 22nd, 2014 4:23 pm

    Cantonment, Florida has an old issue. Issue such as economic growth and opportunity, education, and health care has brewed far too long and grown to incorporate others. Drugs (fabrication, distribution, and usage), violence, and underage promiscuity has plagued our children. As a member of this community, spiritual leader, and active duty Soldier, I have learned that we must educate, train, and incorporate the solutions to these problems. A bus hub in the community is not the answer. Rather, it is further confirmation to the feeling that our community struggles and desires are not heard behind legislative doors.

    A community center shows that officials want the future to be bright with success for the community shareholders (our children). It takes the off the streets and gives them time to be children instead of adult-situated children. We cannot simply ignore the issues or pretend they do not exist. Our leadership are voted into position to act on the behalf of the people of the community. They must not only tell the community they are on their sides during election seasons, but show their love for their follow man by demonstrating it.

    Josh Womack and the Cantonment Improvement Committee has aggressively attacked the legislature by reaching out to the city. It is the time for the City of Cantonment reciprocates their efforts. It is not just dollars that makes a community strong, it is consistency and modeling behaviors. Josh and his committee have exemplified this to the highest standards. Our governing systems leaders should be dedicated to improving the lives of the community through progressive ideas and action. They should build on the achievements of progressive pioneers such as President Teddy Roosevelt and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership sets the standard and atmosphere. Our community cries out for this leadership. Selfless service is its nature and it possesses the personal courage to stand against status quo.

    The community needs a positive structure instead of what is planned. We have an increased number of medical personnel living in Cantonment. Many are single parents desiring a safe place for their children to play while they are continuing their education or working. A community center would suffice.

    SFC Jomarian L. Robbins
    Kaiserslautern, Germany
    Ransom Middle School
    1987 – 1990

  18. NOYB on July 22nd, 2014 3:31 pm

    Bus transportation is a very important part of our school system to get our kids back and forth to school safely I’m sure Mr. Earl Ransom would be pleased with what Mr. Thomas has in mind for the property.. enough said!!! its for the youth and most importantly education

  19. William on July 22nd, 2014 2:18 pm

    >>What happened to my previous comment? It did not violate the rules, I don’t think?

    Looks like you are probably referring to one made about 10:00 last night? It was 772 words long so it was auto-deleted by the system.

    (6) Limit your comments to the subject in this story only, and limit comments to 300 words or less.

  20. Jacqueline on July 22nd, 2014 1:43 pm

    What happened to my previous comment? It did not violate the rules, I don’t think?

  21. Josh Womack on July 22nd, 2014 12:54 pm

    Ms Mary a community and resource center would bring resources and activities for the youth and elderly of the community together for the understanding of true community structure.

  22. my first thought on July 22nd, 2014 12:36 pm

    After the Langley Bell debacle do you really think any of the county big wigs care about the original intentions behind land donations?

  23. Rachel on July 22nd, 2014 12:34 pm

    A true community center would be great for that area. It could provide tutoring for the children during the school year and a summer program that could entail summer tutoring in areas the students struggled the most during the school year. It could serve for mentoring programs for the youth and individuals from the community who have made a difference in society or who have a story to share that could help redirect the mindset of our youth could come and share their lifes story.

    It could house a library and computer center for students to conduct research for projects. The seniors could have a program that allows them to come together for a few hours a day and exercise physically or mentally while learning to use computers.

    People complain about the youth and the activities they engulf themselves in but here is an opportunity to give them something more productive to focus on that could derail the enemies plan of destruction and people are against it!

    Wedgewood’s community center has had a summer program going on this summer daily from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. The children are engaged, being educated, and getting exercise all while staying out of the streets for the summer! No one is allowed in the center durimg these hours as protection for the children.

    There are so many positive end results that could come from a true community center in Cantonment! We know there are sports complexes in the area and there is a park but the youth there are not all aspiring athletes so lets address the needs of all not just what you people have sterotyped the area to produce!

  24. mary on July 22nd, 2014 12:24 pm

    Ok, so a community center is for elders and youth in the local community….who takes care of the facility, supervises the youth, and provides activities for the elders? Is that a paid position, are there volunteers? Who decides? I read the county owns the property so I’m trying to figure out who the committee that’s been mentioned is and where did they come from. Just seeking knowledge here, folks.

  25. Curtis Moorer on July 22nd, 2014 12:14 pm

    Excuse the typo on my previous post. Submitted from my phone….

  26. Curtis Moorer on July 22nd, 2014 12:07 pm

    As a former student at Ransom, and visiting Cantonment, I was surprised to see see Random being demolished, and to read this article on the planned use of the land.

    I feel that the land was originally donated to benefit and enhance the surrounding community. With that thought in mind, I think the land should be used to further benefit the community, as this was the original intent when donated.

    Something on the lines of a Community Development and Advancement Center consisting of all or some of the following: a Community Library; a Job Training Center; a Community Hall Suited for Community Meetings, that can be leased/utilized for Community and Family Gatherings; and also become a central location for Voting.

    This also, would also be a good location to relocate the Small County Police Force down the on Muscogee, to be co-located on the property.

    Additionally, if any remaining space is available, on the rear side of the property a satellite location for buses might be ideal, not a full sized Bus Hub.

    Again, the larger portion of the land should continue to be utilized to benefit the community, as it was given by the community, for the community. A Multi Faceted Community Development Center might be the jump start that this part of North Eacambia needs. This could be an opportunity to enhance lives with job training, which ultimately enhances the tax base.

    I pray the best for the community and that the correct decision is made, in the favor of Community and People Development. I truly believe this would be a win-win situation for both the County and the residents of the surrounding community of this land/project.

    Curtis Moorer
    –Concerned Former Student and Resident
    –U.S. Army (Retired)

  27. 2loop on July 22nd, 2014 11:47 am

    I think a library would be better

  28. mr on July 22nd, 2014 11:21 am

    The ransom site was donated to the school board to impact this community in a positive way, how great it was that Mr. Earl Ransom and other community minded people cared enough to give the land for a school where there was no school. wouldn’t it be great if we (the community,school board ,county commissioners} continued the spirit of Mr Ransom and the school board that sat at the table and came up with the plans for old ransom school. i wonder what would that group of people[Mr. Ransom and the school board of that day ] would think of whats happening to the land and the intent of the school board. can’t we do as they did ,come to the table and come up with a solution that will be a win win answer to the problem. a community center would continue the spirit of empowering not only the youth and seniors of cantonment but also the surrounding communities.so lets please as the decisions of what to do with the old ransom school are made use empathy and consider what would you want within your neighborhood.

  29. Jerry (Johnson) Williams on July 22nd, 2014 9:27 am

    I grew up in Cantonment, and attended Ransom as a young child, aside from the local park and our school, children had no other outlet, and to tear it down and replace the school with a parking lot for buses is a moral sin, there should be a community center for the children in that area as they do not have any outlets, a community center would give them a place to go, where they could be sheltered and learn about sports, gain help in academics as well as other activities, so Ms. Mary that’s what you do at a community center. people within the community center, commune and learn, and talk about how to make their community better, it’s a place where children can go in the after noon when they get out of school and get support from the adults within their community. Crime has always been around in each and every community and putting a parking lot for school buses will not help to stop it, but a community center might bring others closer together where they might get to know one another and gain a mutual respect for each other thereby reducing crime instead of supporting it.

  30. Joe N. Mack on July 22nd, 2014 8:29 am

    Acommunity Center would be ideal for that particular location since the land was practically given to the school board by Mr. Earl Ransom for school and community purposes. Now that land is not being utilized for the original intent, the school board/Malcolm Thomas should do the right thing and give it back to build a Resource /Community Center. This Center could house a Library, Computer and Educational Job Training Classes, also a much needed summer enrichment program for our Youth who have no organized activities during the summer months. Many families in our community cannot afford to send their kids to regular summer camp at various sites around the county, when I was a child, I attended summer school at Ransom on that same site. I encourage all of our valuable citizens to educate them self on what a valuable community center can do to revitalize a low income community. The opportunities are unlimited.

  31. mary on July 22nd, 2014 7:14 am

    Mr. Womack, you are exactly the person who can answer my question….what does one do at a community center? I’ve never been to one and I too am a lifelong Cantonment resident.

  32. josh Womack on July 22nd, 2014 3:28 am

    The C.R.A. Department of Escambia had vision meeting the whole month of October last year at Jim Allen Elementary, the people who attended thoses meeting also vision a community center on that property. That was put on by the county.

  33. josh Womack on July 21st, 2014 11:12 pm

    Went everybody have time to talk like adult and with truth about the community and its needs for the community that I call home.We and I stand ready for that conversation as a concern citizen or The Chairman of The Cantonment Improvement Committee. IT’S Personal because i do Love what I call home…

  34. Cantonment Mom on July 21st, 2014 8:06 pm

    I live in Cantonment now and have all my Life! We do not need a community center in Cantonment. Just another place for more crime to occur!!!

  35. Bob C on July 21st, 2014 6:32 pm

    Much better to take down the building and remove an old and decaying structure that attracts unauthorized persons and vermin.
    Great use as a bus compound where there will be school board personnel on site and have a active life for the area.
    An improvement to the overall situation and an excellent use of county owned property.
    Yes, there are alternatives for community center and park nearby.
    Good call on this Mr. Thomas.

  36. mary on July 21st, 2014 4:57 pm

    What does one do in a community center?

  37. Brutus on July 21st, 2014 4:07 pm

    They have a huge sports plex around the corner and a community area in farmhill a mile up the road. Comment sense says to use it as a bus Depot!

  38. Questionable on July 21st, 2014 1:03 pm

    From my understanding the property was donated with the intent of helping the community and the children within the community. A parking lot goes against the spirit of that.

  39. CW on July 21st, 2014 9:36 am

    They don’t even bother removing light fixtures, stage curtains or anything, stuff that could be reused. They just bulldoze it all into the landfill.

  40. ED on July 21st, 2014 9:27 am

    Cantonment has a park for the community and the Cantonment Sports association. I agree with Mr. Thomas to utilize the property for the school buses its only logic and common sense. Not for a few Cantonment residence to try and flex there muscle and try to make a name for themselves off of Tax Dollars a community center would be a waste of money

  41. 429SCJ on July 21st, 2014 6:43 am

    I remember performing in band concerts during my 7th and 8th grade years at Ransom Middle, on that stage over 40 years ago.

    Time flows on down the line.