Girl, 11, Called A Hero For Saving Younger Sisters From House Fire

July 15, 2014

An 11-year old Atmore girls is being called a hero today for saving her two younger sisters from a house fire early Saturday night.

Rubye Nix was in the living room with her sisters when it’s believed lightning struck outside the home, causing sparks to fly from a window air conditioner and start a fire. She was playing  on an iPad when the fire started and she immediately went into action.

“My one-year-old sister was asleep and my four-year-old sister was on my lap. I smelled something burning and saw a small fire, so I grabbed my baby sisters and ran them out of the house,” she said Monday as her mother Toni Capers and stepfather Jerry Capers were searching through the charred ruble for anything that could be salvaged.

Jerry was home with the kids Saturday night as Toni was at work. The power went out, so he went two doors down to check and see if a neighbor had also lost electricity. It was in those few minutes that the lightning struck, sparking the fire. As Jerry returned home and saw smoke, he rushed back into the house thinking the three girls were still inside. He suffered first, second and third degree burns on his hands as he searched through the burning home for his family.

Rubye said she had learned from her parents and her school teachers about how to get out in the case of fire.

“You teach them what to do,” Toni said, “but you hope they never have to do it.”

“I was thinking, ‘okay, there’s a fire, I’m getting out’,” Rubye said.

“Nothing makes me more proud than to know that you grabbed them and ran,” mom Toni told Rubye Monday as they stood in the debris. “Because I can get through this.”

The home on Forest Avenue was a complete loss from the fire. The American Red Cross temporarily put the family up into a hotel through Tuesday night. Beyond that, the family said they don’t have a place to go.

Picturd top: Rubye Nix, 11, and her mom Toni Capers. Pictured top inset: Rubye’s stepfather Jerry Capers suffered burns on his hands after he entered the burning home looking for his three girls. Pictured bottom inset: Rubye and her mother search though the rubble looking for salvageable items Monday. Pictured below: The family’s home was destroyed by the fire. Photos by Anthony Pura/WEAR 3, for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Girl, 11, Called A Hero For Saving Younger Sisters From House Fire”

  1. Leslie on July 16th, 2014 9:21 am

    Very glad the kids were not hurt. Hope Mr. Capers heals quickly.

    If someone could list clothing/shoe sizes for everyone and where can items be dropped off, that would be great.

  2. melodies4us on July 16th, 2014 7:48 am

    Good goin’ Rubye! Smart thinking saved the lives of your sisters.

  3. Jason on July 15th, 2014 11:55 am

    Thanks to Rubye, this family survived an almost tragedy! I have three girls of my own an can’t imagine life without them. Rubye, you are a HERO!

  4. Way to go, kiddo on July 15th, 2014 10:28 am

    Great Job! Rubye!…..You kept your head and now you still have your whole family! Outstanding!…Mom and Dad….please list sizes on clothing for all of you…thanks…

  5. Adam on July 15th, 2014 9:48 am

    I am Rubye’s father. There is an account at Pen Air Credit Union under Toni Knotts Capers for donations. I am so proud of her and just very thankful everyone is safe. Possessions can be replaced. The family did lose everything.

  6. Kathy Byrd on July 15th, 2014 9:09 am

    Rubye what a wonderful thing you did you got your family safe so happy you did the right things your mom and dad are the best I work with them both my son and you go to the same school I really hope that other kids think the same way you do if it were to ever happen to them god bless you Hun take care of yourself and your sisters / family god bless you

  7. TJ's Mom on July 15th, 2014 9:01 am

    God Bless this family!!!!!

  8. Atmore G on July 15th, 2014 8:38 am

    I agree with “just me”.. The young lady kept her head and saved her sisters and this family is going to need help.. They probably have little or nothing left after the fire.. I hope some kind of account can be set up for them.. I will contribute..

  9. Ashley McBride on July 15th, 2014 6:53 am

    I’m so very proud of Rubye. She did a wonder job taking care of Katie and Saphira, her baby sisters. Rubye, you were very brave and strong. I love you. Keep your heads up Toni and Jerry, things can only go up from here. I love ya’ll.

  10. Just Me on July 15th, 2014 6:06 am

    First of all…… What a BRAVE young lady to get her sisters and herself out safely…what a HERO she is!!!! Second, is there/or will there be an account set up to help this family?? God Bless this family and I sure hope their brave father will heal quickly!!