Florida DEP Revokes Rolling Hills Pit Permit, Will File Suit Against Operators

July 31, 2014

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is revoking the permit for the Rolling Hills Construction and Demolition Debris Disposal Facility in Escambia County and will file suit against the operators.

The Notice and Order of Revocation issued to South Palafox Properties, LLC alleges that compliance issues at the Rolling Hills Construction and Demolition Debris Disposal Facility located at 6990 Rolling Hills Road in Pensacola constitute violations of Florida law. Such compliance issues include the facility operating outside permitted dimensions and failure to implement the Remedial Action Plan approval order issued by the department on July 3, 2013.

“We are committed to taking any and all regulatory and enforcement action available to us to ensure the ongoing compliance issues at the Rolling Hills Construction and Demolition Debris Facility are addressed,” said Northwest District Director Shawn Hamilton. “We have worked diligently with the facility in an effort to address the issues, and despite our attempts, the noncompliance continues. Revoking the permit and filing the lawsuit will prevent further violations and compel the facility to address compliance issues and implement corrective actions as required.”

The department will file a lawsuit against South Palafox Properties, LLC seeking a judgment that will order the company to resolve compliance violations and comply with department orders.


6 Responses to “Florida DEP Revokes Rolling Hills Pit Permit, Will File Suit Against Operators”

  1. citizen on August 4th, 2014 11:36 am

    The county is simply trying to get the land that the landfill sits on at a cheap cost. The road project has been on the table for years between the county and the landfill and the county wants to make esculated accusations to shut them down so that they can swoop in and buy up the land cheap. Typical county politics and they will throw anyone under the bus. Shame on the county for allowing more costs to shut down a facility just because a resident in the area wants to complain. The same resident that was more than likely cought stealing metal from the landfill for their own pocket money.

  2. well on August 1st, 2014 8:01 am

    Gene, they ran out of money before they could buy a ball and net.


  3. Gene on July 31st, 2014 9:22 pm

    What ever happen to the BCC going to make Saufley field being transformed into a soccer field?

  4. Mr. Reality on July 31st, 2014 8:52 pm

    If they’re an LLC then they too will one finger salute the county.

  5. well on July 31st, 2014 8:26 pm

    Right on jeeperman.
    Can only cost the county if closed.

  6. jeeperman on July 31st, 2014 1:55 pm

    Big whoopee
    Remember the Saufley Field C & D landfill fiasco?
    Same type landfill
    Same non-compliance issues
    Same foot stomping threats by DEP and Escambia County.

    Landfill owner gave both the one finger salute and walked away scott free.

    Escambia spent millions (so far) to cut the height down, haul some debris to the Perdido Landfill and cover it.

    Millions more will have to be spent in the future to remediate the damage caused when pollutants escaping and contaminating the environment eventually happens.

    These landfill owners fill their pockets with profits until they get shutdown.
    They know up front that no matter what the regulations are, the enforcers will not do their job for years.