Escambia County Releases Flood Damage Numbers

July 8, 2014

Escambia County released data Monday that shows the number of damaged infrastructure items in the county from the late April floods, including roads,  bridges, sidewalks  and  drainage systems.

According to the data:

  • Total County infrastructure damage sites  – 2,138
  • Damage sites completed or repaired  – 1,627
  • Damage sites assigned for design or repair – 355
  • Remaining sites to be assigned  – 156

Escambia County still wants to hear from residents that have not reported drainage problems in their neighborhoods. Residents are urged to contact the Escambia County Engineering Department by Friday, July 11 to identify all damages eligible for FEMA reimbursement funds.

For more information, call (850) 595-3440.


One Response to “Escambia County Releases Flood Damage Numbers”

  1. Ronda Wood on July 10th, 2014 10:19 am

    I live at 7030 Nathan Road. My house is the last house on the right side. I have 5 acres next to me and EVERYTIME there is a large amount of rain the woods drain onto my property causing flooding. I’ve fought this for 20+ years and now at a point of why should I have to pay to repair damage caused by someone elses’ property. It’s undeveloped land and the last time I tried calling around I was told by the county “you have to maintain your water” ok then why isn’t the property owner of the 5 acres not required to “maintain the their water”. With the last significant rainfall in April 2014 my property remained flooded for 12 days afterwards. No use of septic tank/restrooms/water etc. I was not eligible for FEMA because I have homeowners insurance however no flood insurance because I do not live in flood zone. So now everytime this happens I have out-of-pocket expenses that should not be.