Doctors Will Appeal ‘Docs Vs. Glocks’ Ruling

July 29, 2014

Doctors and gun-control advocates said Monday they will appeal to the full 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals a ruling that upheld Florida’s controversial “docs vs. glocks” law.

A three-judge panel, in a 2-1 ruling last week, said the state Legislature had the right to pass the law, which includes provisions restricting doctors and other medical providers from asking questions about gun ownership during medical visits.

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which is helping represent Florida doctors fighting the law, announced the appeal Monday.

“If the appellate court’s decision is allowed to stand, the corporate gun lobby and its political cronies will be given license to silence the medical community from speaking the truth to patients about the real risks of guns in the home, and any powerful industry will be able to dictate whether families get complete, honest information about the dangers posed by its products,” said Jonathan Lowy, director of the center’s Legal Action Project.

Supporters of the 2011 law, which was backed by the National Rifle Association, say doctors might turn away patients who own guns or who don’t answer questions about gun ownership. Critics argue that doctors need to know what’s in a patient’s home so they can offer safety advice.

by The News Service of Florida


12 Responses to “Doctors Will Appeal ‘Docs Vs. Glocks’ Ruling”

  1. Roger Jackson on July 31st, 2014 10:17 am

    I believe the government wants to institute this policy because when this country has been pulled into a dictatorship, they will know just where to go and confiscate your firearms. Don’t believe it can happen here? All it will take is an executive order signed with the right people behind this administration, and things could change overnight. Homeland Security didn’t just buy up over three billion dollars worth of bullets for target practice. Half of the bullets they bought are hollow point. According to the Geneva Convention, hollow points aren’t used in war. Research info. On the armoured personnel carriers that have been purchased to be used on Americans in case of civil unrest. I’m afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  2. M in Bratt on July 31st, 2014 8:57 am

    Most are missing the most important point in this discussion. With the advent of Obama-Care, ALL of your medical records are now being placed in the custody of the IRS for safekeeping. If you doubt that as fact, ask your Dr. or Congressman. Do you really trust the IRS with any more of your personal information than they have already accumulated?

  3. David on July 30th, 2014 7:40 am

    The question is a hidden agenda for both sides and provokes just what everyone on this posting is doing. Bickering.

  4. Marvin on July 30th, 2014 6:40 am

    I have to wonder just how much all of these court proceedings have cost the taxpayers. Would it not be more efficient to put it before the citizens and let them decide if they want their doctors to ask them about their guns?. Stop wasting our money, lawyers and politicians. Must be close to a billion dollars at this point.

  5. marshall on July 29th, 2014 12:08 pm

    Actually it is pretty simple…Doc ask: Do you have firearms in your home? You answer: Sorry, but it is NONE of YOUR BUSINESS what I have in my home. Now, will you please provide me the Medical Help I came for? If not, report the DOC! Case Closed!

  6. NWFLA Linda on July 29th, 2014 10:44 am

    Opponents of the Circuit Court of Appeal’s decision say the gun lobby and its political cronies will silence the medical community from speaking the truth about gun dangers to patients. Their argument is worded to provoke fear, anger, and paint an untrue picture of malicious interference with the medical profession.

    Believing folks are so uneducated about guns that they need their doctor to educate them while giving them a prostate exam, lancing a boil, or setting a broken leg is ludicrous. With the ever increasing scarcity of doctors, the acknowledged increase in paperwork required for each patient thanks to Obamacare, the increase of patients to be seen each day (and made even worse with our nation’s newest population expansion thanks to the immigration issue), and no increase – even by executive order! – to the number of hours in each day, it would seem physicians’ time is better spent addressing the health concern presented before them during each appointment. Side conversations about guns, seatbelts, swimming pools, hair dryers near bathtubs, avoiding outdoors/windows/plumbing during lightning storms, number and type of dogs or livestock owned, not running with scissors, etc. take up precious time needed to address the current issue or to provide enlightenment in areas of diet, exercise, stress control.

    Medical records will now be more subject to government scrutiny than they have ever been. It is not much of a leap to deduce the real purpose for providing gun ownership info to the new healthcare oversight agency, your friendly, apolitical, and efficient IRS, via our doctors’ records.

  7. Carmen on July 29th, 2014 10:39 am

    The only time the doctor would need to know this info is if the patient reports suicidal or homicidal thoughts or is seeking mental health treatment for these thoughts. Family or friends can then remove the weapons to a protected place until the condition no longer exists. Otherwise, it ain’t nobody’s business if a person owns a gun or not and I will tell my doctor that it is none of her business if she asks.

  8. gail on July 29th, 2014 9:59 am

    I asked the same question. Why? Until I talked to my sister. They dont usually ask adults. This is a question that pediatricians ask. They ask people with children. If you have a gun. Secure the gun. The also ask about swimming pools (security), chemicals, etc. Also, if the dr thinks patient may harm himself or others, 17 children were killed or injured in florida over the past year because of the accidental discharge of a firearm. Keep your gun. Just keep it safe.

  9. Bob C on July 29th, 2014 9:19 am

    My doctors have never asked whether or not I own, possess or house a gun in my home or anywhere else.

    They have also never asked if I have fresh batteries in the smoke alarms or if there is a fence around the pool or if there are child-safety latches on the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen nor have they asked if the dog has had its shots or if we make sure to dump standing water out of buckets and plants to prevent mosquitoes and they have not quizzed if there is a ready to use fire extinguisher in the home. To me all of these are important to safety at my home.

    From what we read this gun question is more about recording and reporting which of us may have firearms in our homes and to me that is an infringement upon my right to have and bear arms. Where and how far would this information go if one answered “Yes” to the question.?

    I am very confident my doctor has the skills to help me maintain my health.
    However, I am not as certain that they have the “gun sense” to counsel anyone on the responsibilities of gun ownership and control.

    Thank You, North Escambia for helping us maintain our First Amendment Rights as citizens of the United States of America.

  10. molinoman on July 29th, 2014 8:24 am

    What a bunch of baloney! Dr’s need to know gun ownership status! Phoooey!!!

  11. PJ on July 29th, 2014 7:05 am

    Should we make a list of dangerous objects around /in my home: bath tub, pencils, frying pans, hammer, water, swimming pool, random insects(most are hiding on the garden so unable to identify), screw driver, ice pick, panty hose, coins, electricity, automobile, etc. etc. My doctor and I will need at least a year to discuss every object so the next sick person will just have to wait. Who would have thought i had so many dangerous things when used in the wrong way and my government feels that I’m not intelligent enough to know the difference. Sorry for the inconvenience doctor’s patients! Oh, and Don’t forget your list!

  12. needtoknowbasis on July 29th, 2014 6:56 am

    I feel its a need to know basis and the doctors dont need to know. Do they ask if there are drugs, dogs, other weapons etc? Its just another ploy to get into your home and snoop via your “trusted” family doctor. I dont think so. Stand up for your rights Americans get involved or suffer the consequences. Ask France how its working out for them. Socialism, progressivism, communism havent worked and never will.