Convicted Century Sex Offender Back Behind Bars

July 9, 2014

A convicted sex offender from Century has been arrested for failing to register his address after being released from prison.

Michael Alexander Dubose, 20, was released from the Lake City Correctional Facility after serving out a sentence for the lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under 12. Dubose is now back behind bars in the Escambia County Jail for failing to register his address as required as a convicted sex offender. He is being held with bond set at $10,000.

When arrested July 4, Dubose told officials at the county jail that he is currently homeless.

Dubose was 17-years old when he was arrested in 2012 after a male victim told investigators at the Gulf Coast Kids House that Dubose had sexual relations with him over a one year period at two different units at Century Woods Apartments. He was later transferred from the Department of Juvenile Justice to adult court.

Dubose was sentenced as a youthful offender to two years in state youthful offender/sexual offender facility, with credit for 301 days served, to be followed by four years probation.

He was also ordered to complete sexual offender counseling while in custody and follow up with a sex offender evaluation and recommended treatment upon release.


11 Responses to “Convicted Century Sex Offender Back Behind Bars”

  1. perdido fisherman on July 11th, 2014 9:34 am

    @ Me, These perverts can’t be fixed with medicine, surgery, or counseling, only death will cure a molester.

  2. molino jim on July 10th, 2014 3:40 pm

    @ME- Pull up the list of sex offenders who list “wooded areas in a tent” for where they live. It is true that life will be very difficult for him. But his not following the orders he had is his fault and no one else’s. Maybe he felt better in jail and just didn’t want to leave his friends behind.

  3. Century Person on July 9th, 2014 4:05 pm

    My friend sharnice use to date this fellow Ohh the shame people have of this man

  4. ME on July 9th, 2014 9:27 am

    @429SCJ – I agree with your point about it being a catch 22. How can he register without a permanent address? While I don’t agree how our tax money is spent, I would wholeheartedly support a mental health treatment facility specifically designed to help these kinds of individuals.

    On the side of law enforcement, how can you release someone with a condition of registering an address when they can’t supply an address upon release? The system releases individuals with a high probability that they’ll return for something so simple.

    At the same time, let’s be real. This guy was out for nearly 3 months. Even without an address he could have done his best to explain his plight to his P.O. Did he? The story doesn’t say…

    I feel this story undermines the more serious issue of lack of mental health support while in prison. Too many crimes are looked at as a plain and simple lock-em-up and they’ll learn their lesson. Some of these individuals need to be looked at as being sick (mentally). They need to be treated as patients, with a name, and not just Prisoner #123456.

  5. paul on July 9th, 2014 7:46 am

    he has an address now.. :)

  6. Bob C on July 9th, 2014 7:30 am

    Appears this guy doesn’t get it that he had a fairly light sentence for his first offense.
    Now that he is an adult it would seem he needs to go back to jail / prison for another rehabilitation and educational term.
    Just a dumb move on his part.
    Sorry for his victim(s) out there, some go on and do well, others are damaged for life and never fully recover.

  7. mom of 2 on July 9th, 2014 7:07 am

    People like this should NEVER be released into the world to become a repeat offender for the sake of all kids.

  8. 429SCJ on July 9th, 2014 7:04 am

    There is a catch 22 for these monsters, for if they are indeed homeless they are unable to provide a permanent address.

    I propose a reservation for these sexual offenders, a place where they can live amongst themselves, under the surveillance of law enforcement.

  9. sick on July 9th, 2014 6:28 am

    He deserves to be in jail & that’s where he should stay, hes old enough to know better & must be sick in the head. So sad

  10. Smh.. on July 9th, 2014 2:15 am

    What is wrong with people these days…. smh :(

  11. Layy on July 9th, 2014 2:14 am

    Lord Have MERCY JESUS