Scott Signs Bill Targeting Synthetic Drugs

June 17, 2014

Gov. Rick Scott on Monday signed a bill that is the latest chapter in the state’s effort to curb the sale and use of synthetic drugs.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Clay Ingram, adds six new synthetic drugs to criminal drug laws.

With Attorney General Pam Bondi taking a lead role, Florida has made repeated attempts during the past few years to crackdown on synthetic drugs, which involve mixes of chemicals that produce highs similar to drugs such as marijuana and cocaine. The new law also adds three toxic compounds – commonly found in the street drug “molly” – to the trafficking statute. The bill passed the House and Senate overwhelmingly during the spring legislative session.

“Thanks to the hard work of our superior law enforcement officers and prosecutors, Florida is at a 43 year crime low, but we must keep working to ensure our children are protected from these dangerous substances. By signing this bill into law, we are giving the brave men and women who serve in our communities each day the authority needed to keep Florida families and visitors safe,” Scott said.

“We must protect our youth from dangerous synthetic drugs, and this key public safety legislation will advance our efforts to keep these drugs out of the hands of Floridians. We are committed to doing everything in our power to continue to outlaw emergent forms of these deadly drugs,” Ingram said.

Century Mayor Freddie McCall took time during Monday night’s Century town council meeting to praise Ingram and the new law.

“Sometime drugs overflow in our town,” McCall said. “It  (the new law) is going to make it harder on those selling drugs in our town.”


5 Responses to “Scott Signs Bill Targeting Synthetic Drugs”

  1. danny on June 19th, 2014 4:30 pm

    Who is manufacturing this stuff?? Why not shut them down? If a store sells it shut down the store and arrest the owners.

  2. north end resident on June 18th, 2014 12:38 am

    Finally they are going after drugs that really hurt people. Now, maybe bondi and scott will leave doctors alone that really try to help people that are honest.
    would love to know who profits from all the unnecessary drug tests. Yes, there needs to be drug tests but not to the extreme it goes on today. Innocent people don’t deserve to have to pay for it. Nor should doctors be scared to help honest people.

  3. melodies4us on June 17th, 2014 5:44 pm

    Thank you, Gov.Scott.

  4. brat from beulah on June 17th, 2014 10:52 am

    Yes it has torn a lot of families apart and the people walk around like zombies its sad and there children do without so the parents have money to get this crap with and there is lots of stores selling this stuff you walk in these stores and there’s nothing on the the shelf not even a drink in the cooler for you yo buy

  5. TJ'S MOM on June 17th, 2014 7:58 am

    Thank God!!!!! Thankful, but wishing this had been done sooner!!!! This stuff has messed up ALOT of families!!!!!!!!