Molino Teen Serves As Florida House Messenger

June 12, 2014

A young man from Molino recently spent a week serving as a messenger  in the Florida House of Representatives. Mitchell Singleton, who just completed his freshman year at Northview High School, served as a messenger for Rep. Clay Ingram.

“Mitchell has served as a page in the House of Representatives during previous sessions and really made a name for himself as a hard worker. I couldn’t believe how many people at the Capitol remembered him when he came back this year as a messenger,”  Ingram said.

Pages and messengers are students who work one week at the Capitol during the 60-day Regular Session. Each of Florida’s 120 representatives may sponsor one page (ages 12-14) and one messenger (ages 15-18).

Being selected to serve is considered an honor and privilege. Pages and messengers assist the representatives and their staff during the Capitol’s busiest time of year while observing state government in action.

“Mitchell has a bright future ahead of him and I’m glad that he is interested in public service. I usually introduce him to people as the future President of the United States, and he doesn’t shy away from the title,” Ingram continued.

The page and messenger program is a long-standing tradition in the Florida House, with journals making mention of them as far back as 1865.  Singleton and each page and messenger will have their name appear in the official Journal of the House as an official record of their time spent serving in state government.

Pictured top. Florida House Messenger Mitchell Singleton (second from left) with other messengers and Gov. Rick Scott. Pictured inset: Singleton’s “selfie” photo with Scott. Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Molino Teen Serves As Florida House Messenger”

  1. 429SCJ on June 14th, 2014 7:34 am

    I would vote for Mr Singleton without deliberation.

    Recent developments in the House of Representatives show that there is possibility and hope. We need men such as Mitchell Singleton to bring that hope to fruition.

  2. Jane on June 13th, 2014 3:44 am

    Wishing him the very best!

  3. perdido fisherman on June 12th, 2014 6:24 pm

    I hope you never lose your way and stay true to your self and others. We need people in goverment who want to really make a difference for the better and not just for themselves.

  4. Annette on June 12th, 2014 9:29 am

    Way to go Mitchell. Florida’s future congressman, OR governor!

  5. Stallworths on June 12th, 2014 8:04 am

    Hail to the Chief!

  6. Sarah-Jane on June 12th, 2014 7:18 am

    Congratulations Mitchell. Great Selfie. You are setting a great example for young youth to look upto and follow.

  7. Marie Holley on June 12th, 2014 6:56 am

    Mitchell is my great-nephew and I have been following his accomplishments for several years. He is the smartest and most grounded young person I know. I believe there are great things ahead for him because he is not afraid to fight for what is right. Our world needs more young people like Mitchell. If so, I would sleep better at night. Never give up on your dreams, Mitchell!

  8. lawson Berry on June 12th, 2014 5:47 am

    He is a fine young man!