Man With DUI History Charged With Two DUI’s For Recent Wrecks

June 11, 2014

A Cantonment man with a history of DUI convictions was arrested this week for two DUI traffic crashes on Beulah Road back in April.

Victor Keen Gallaher, age 60 of Pace Parkway, was charged with two felony counts of DUI fourth or subsequent offense, two counts of DUI property damage, one count of refusing to submit to a DUI test, one count of leaving the scene of a crash with property damage, and two counts of careless driving.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, Gallaher first struck a Mazda Miata on Beulah Road at Frank Reeder Road on April 24. The driver of the Miata was allegedly rear-ended by Gallaher before he fled the scene in his white Chevrolet S10 pickup.

A few miles away, witnesses told troopers that Gallaher was traveling about 80 mph when he lost control, ran off Beulah Road and wrapped his pickup truck around a utility pole.

Gallaher was airlifted to Baptist Hospital, where, according to a trooper, he refused a blood alcohol test.

According to the FHP, Gallaher’s license was revoked at the time of the crashes for three prior DUI convictions in 1996, 2004 and 2006, and he has prior charges of refusing to submit to a DUI test and driving while license suspended.

At the time of his arrest on the outstanding traffic warrants this week in Cantonment, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office reported finding Gallaher in possession of 16 Alprazolam (trade name Xanax) in his back pocket. He told deputies, according to an arrest report, that he did not have a prescription for the pills.

Gallaher was charged with one felony count of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription.


19 Responses to “Man With DUI History Charged With Two DUI’s For Recent Wrecks”

  1. North end resident on June 12th, 2014 3:52 pm

    He refused a refused a blood alcohol test? :/ That is one law that needs to be changed asap. People under the influence, like this man, should not have that right to refuse. This could have turned out way worse than it did and someone could have been killed. It’s only a matter of time before we are reading another story about this man because it’s apparent, he thinks he’s got rights and can get away with things like this and get a slap on the wrist. Just makes my blood boil!

  2. Louise on June 12th, 2014 12:04 pm

    Personally I feel anyone who drinks and drives and causes an accident should be charged with attempted murder. They know before they get behind the wheel that they are impaired and what the potential results are. This just tells me this jerk doesn’t have a care in the world for anyone else or himself. IT’s fools like him though that wind up causing a wreck and killing someone else but he walks aways. Time to strengthen the penalties for this crime. DUI is NOT something to be sneezed at…it is an attempt on the drunk drivers part to kill someone…charge it as attempted murder. Maybe while they cool their butts in prison for many years it will help dry them out. One can only hope and pray.

  3. DJ on June 12th, 2014 10:56 am

    Prison will get him off the pills but inmates brew their own alcohol in so he’ll still be a drinker when he gets out UNLESS HE wants to quit. Alcoholism is a terrible illness that quite a few people can’t dry out from. If the illness is fed by inner demon, those demons MUST be dealt with first before drying out can be successful. Thank God this man has not killed nyone along the way. Let’s hope the court orders him into counselling, detox AND AA before they decide to lock him up & throw away the key.

  4. Betty on June 11th, 2014 9:22 pm

    The idiot needs to be UNDER the jail with no alcohol, no pills, no access to a motor vehicle. There HAS TO BE A WAY to keep alcoholic, self-centered, totally irresponsible jerks off the roads! THIS GUY fits the description well and should be confined to a solitary confinement cell beneath the jail!!!!! Leave him there to dry out for say, TEN YEARS! Sorry I can’t be nicer with my comments, but how can you have nice thoughts knowing that utility pole COULD HAVE BEEN the vehicle of a relative or friend of yours?

  5. southern man on June 11th, 2014 8:40 pm

    Hay!!!! Just let him out again!!! That’s how the courts get there money?? Oh don’t forget the lawyers they need there money to….?? Its looks like he hasn’t learned his lesson yet???

  6. D Hall on June 11th, 2014 8:00 pm

    Is there a quota on the number of people that must die before he does prison time ?

  7. mick on June 11th, 2014 5:40 pm

    He’s a drunk and a pillhead with no respect for himself ,the law or anyone else. Off the streets, and out of society, let him sober up in prison for a few years. If you don’t he’ll be right back out there trying to kill someone else

  8. David on June 11th, 2014 4:47 pm

    The real problem is – the legal system acts like its not liable for letting this ..this what ever he is out of jail.
    The legal system is about $$$ – got enough you can get out and be given many chances to kill someone.

    Thank you legal system that breeds these people about judge and states attorney ..lets give him probation for 30 days with time served and cut through the chase of ” appearances” of giving a crap about you being responsible for many cases of people like this.

  9. Susan on June 11th, 2014 11:05 am

    It’s not necessarily the system, WHO gave him a truck to drive??? WHO in his family is codependent & never reported him driving???

  10. David Huie Green on June 11th, 2014 10:31 am

    A danger to himself and to others.
    Good for auto sales, though.

  11. haley on June 11th, 2014 10:26 am

    This man has some serious issues. And yes, he doesnt care whether he has a valid license or not—–apparently. Not sure what you can do to keep him off the road. I thought after 3 DUI’s you were given prison time. But, that’s not going to stop him until he gets the professional help he needs. If and when he decides to. He is a dangerous person.

  12. Ajhenn on June 11th, 2014 10:05 am

    Please, let’s get this man off the road permanently. He’s going to end up killing innocent drivers and bystanders until he is locked up. Obviously he has no conscience after fleeing the scene of an accident.

  13. Dan on June 11th, 2014 8:38 am

    Seems like the only thing that will keep this criminal off the
    road for any length of time will be a long prison sentence
    with NO chance of parole!

  14. Really? on June 11th, 2014 8:01 am

    ….this is what’s wrong with our system.

    among other things..

  15. Billy D on June 11th, 2014 7:58 am

    unless he goes to jail for an eternity it won’t do a bit of good to sentence him. His license was REVOKED when all of this happened so he obviously could care less whether he has a license or not on TOP of his inability to break the substance abuse problems. People like this don’t CARE about anything but themselves or that next drink so as soon as he’s out of jail he’ll have another car(probably has one now) and will likely be driving to the liquor store the next day. Wrecking that little truck was merely a stumbling block. Mark my words….he’ll be back on the road soon.

  16. 429SCJ on June 11th, 2014 7:13 am

    @Good Grief. When I was active duty Air Force the only chemicals authorized by the Secretary of Defense were alcohol and nicotine and I consumed both.

    When I retired I put them both down and have not touched alcohol or nicotine in 14 years. I feel that marijuana is a much safer alternative, though it should not be used in conjunction with operating machinery

    Wake up legislators! Alcohol is a deadly toxin.

  17. Robert S. on June 11th, 2014 6:59 am

    Mr. Gallaher, it sounds like you are a potential assassin on the highways with a motor vehicle as your choice of weapon..

    Having you free to be impaired and drive — and no matter what, we know you will drive — is like having a mobile IED on the roads with our loved ones, school busses, innocent bystanders and even your own family members.

    You do not seem to have the strength of will, ability or desire to control your own actions and choices even with past DUI convictions.

    What will be the penalty this time or must someone be severely injured or killed before your movements are severely restricted?

    We do not want to see your irresponsible / addicted actions result in a vehicular homicide yet that is a strong possibility.

    Prayers for protection of all those who are in the area when you are behind the wheel.

  18. good grief on June 11th, 2014 5:38 am

    When will people learn that alcohol is a snare? NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM DRINKING ALCOHOL!!! I know, I drank for years. It will get a hold on you and not let go!!! It destroys good people, families and lives!!!! I know young people think it’s fun (and that is a trick of the enemy) but I’m sure this man could tell you differently. It always starts out fun! Wake up folks!!!!

  19. 429SCJ on June 11th, 2014 5:32 am

    I say take a blood sample from his arm or off the floor.

    Somebody please get that idiot off the road, permanently!