June Is Move Over, Slow Down, Save A Life Month

June 6, 2014

Move Over. They are two simple words that can mean the difference between life and death to the first responders who work alongside Florida’s busy highways.

In an effort to bring new awareness to Florida’s Move Over law, the Florida Highway Patrol and law enforcement agencies across the state have declared June as “Move Over – Slow Down – Save a Life” month.

During the month-long safety campaign, law enforcement officers will work together to better educate the public about the law and the threat that ignoring it can pose to first responders.

“Our troopers are out there every day working traffic stops and crash scenes along busy highways with cars speeding past them, often just feet away,” said Col. David Brierton, director of the Florida Highway Patrol.  “And every day they face the real possibility of never going home to their families because someone fails to obey the Move Over law.”

Under Florida’s Move Over law:

  • The law protects law enforcement officers, emergency workers and tow truck drivers stopped along roadways while performing their jobs;
  • It requires motorists to move over when a patrol car, emergency vehicle or tow truck/wrecker is stopped on the side of a road with lights flashing. If such movement cannot be safely accomplished, motorists shall slow down to a speed of 20 mph below the posted speed limit.
  • Approach the emergency vehicle with caution;
  • Violating the Move Over law puts motorists and public safety professionals at risk.

Pictured:  First responders work along Highway 97 last month. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “June Is Move Over, Slow Down, Save A Life Month”

  1. DJSheffield on June 7th, 2014 4:36 pm

    I just wish others would obey the move over laws. Yet so many fail to do so. It’s a shame because my son is a first responder and I see it all the time. There has been times I’ve been on scene with him and watch him direct traffic and they just blow by him like he isn’t even there. {Especially up here in Chumuckla/Allentown/Berrydale/Jay}.

    Think about one thing people….it could be your loved one they are trying to save and give aid to in order to save their life. These first responders are more than likely volunteers because they have a love for life and do it because they love it, not because the pay is great. Not to mention you will NEVER know when YOU may need them yourselves.