Escambia Man Gets Life For Brutal Murder Of Woman

June 20, 2014

An Escambia County man was sentenced to life in prison Thursday by Circuit Judge Terry Terrell for the 2010 murder of a woman in Ensley. A jury had recommended the death penalty.

Joshua Wayne Douglas, 26, was convicted of the brutal rape and murder of whose body was found in wooded area off Nine Mile Road.  The body of 25-year old Jamie Broxson was found near a Gulf Power substation not far from Broxson’s home in November 2010.  Douglas was tied to the murder by DNA evidence.


14 Responses to “Escambia Man Gets Life For Brutal Murder Of Woman”

  1. just information on June 23rd, 2014 11:41 am

    I realize people think that prison is a piece of cake, but I know there is no a/c or heat…they lay on steel with about a one inch piece of foam…the medical care is terrible and they won’t give them aspirin for a headache…they reduced the caloric intake from 2500 calories a day to 1800 per day so they don’t eat well…the only way they get extra is if their family sends them money for their “commissary”…they are kept inside and have to be given permission for going outside, showering, and so on. they are housed together with those who are dangerous so they are always at risk…now…I agree that this man should get the death penalty as well, but just wanted to tell folks that prison is prison. it is not easy. nor is it a walk in the park by any means. a lot of people visualize prisoners sitting back in a/c or heat, watching tv, getting medical care at the drop of a hat and all that. it is not true. prison is different from county jails. that is where some of them may have a/c and heat, but most do not. and when it is hot, they are made to stay inside where it is like a heater. so, before you think prison is easy, maybe you should do a little research….

  2. melodies4us on June 22nd, 2014 3:54 pm

    Preach it, Micheal Weaver.

  3. kimberley willams on June 21st, 2014 6:44 pm

    I think folks should be killed like they killed if any of ya’ll remember susan smith, she’s in a fancy prison while her children drowned in a car cause of a man, now I know there is alot of innocent folks in prison, but dna doesn’t lie

  4. Michael Weaver on June 21st, 2014 7:42 am

    Absolutely horrible what this guy did. It should be an eye for an eye. Taken against his will, beaten, raped and killed. Why should you and I pay for a lifetime of housing, food, medical care etc. for a lowlife scumbag like this. Should be executed day after the trial.

  5. Just asking on June 20th, 2014 8:07 pm

    To the one who said they where on the juror is that why y’all came back so quick with the verdict because someone knew of the second body just asking. I have heard a little about the case. Didn’t get a chance to keep up with it. I kind of remember when it came out over 3 yrs ago. What took so long to bring it to today?

  6. perdido fisherman on June 20th, 2014 3:07 pm

    John, he will not ever be executed, unless he murders someone in prison. The jury recommended death but Judge Terrell gave him life instead. They should have taken him outside to the nearest tree and hanged him, he is not worth taking care of for the rest of his life.
    I wish the victims family the best and hope that now his trial is over, they can begin the healing process. I’m curious if the victims family had anything to do with the judge giving him a life sentence instead of going with the juries recommendation of death.

  7. Joan on June 20th, 2014 2:00 pm

    He will get everything that he deserves when he gets to prison but Xs ten everyday for the rest of his sorry life..I hope this young ladies family finds some relief knowing that he will suffer every bit of what she did over and over again in prison

  8. Rufus Lowgun on June 20th, 2014 12:31 pm

    Juries decide guilt or innocence, and can make sentencing recommendations, but the Judge has the final say. Life in prison is not “letting these guys off easy”, btw, and if convicts are “getting better health care than the rest of us”, maybe we need to be taking a look at the health care system for the rest of us, not executing more prisoners so they don’t get health care.

  9. Dennis HE Wiggins on June 20th, 2014 10:33 am

    I agree with all the comments about putting him to death. But . . .

    Death penalty sentences are AUTOMATIC appeals. This results in a HUGE cost of a tax-payer-funded trip through the judicial system. We would pay not only for his “care and upkeep” but also for the continued prosecution AND defense!

    Also possible is the chance of, on appeal, him being acquitted. While that is HIGHLY unlikely, there is the chance. Or, it could be sent back to a lower court and he RETRIED. Then there is a much greater chance that he could be acquitted. Then we would have to worry about being sued for whatever he finds a bleeding heart liberal lawyer to sue for!

    I agree that he should have been put to death, but in this case, I think Judge Terrell went with the better way to make certain he pays a penalty for his crime, especially with the recently botched execution in Oklahoma.

  10. Juror on June 20th, 2014 8:25 am

    A waste of my time and money. I knew he wouldn’t go with our decision. What about this poor woman? She didn’t get a second chance with her family. Let’s see if he gets away with the other body that was found.

  11. susan on June 20th, 2014 7:50 am

    Life isn’t long enough….at least he will be caged like wild animal.

  12. paul on June 20th, 2014 6:51 am

    The judge should have listened to the jury..

  13. ME on June 20th, 2014 6:39 am

    Should have gone with the jury decision. That’s why they were there, to make the call. Terrell needs to find another profession. If he was not going to use their decision, why did he waste their time and out money?

  14. john on June 20th, 2014 6:02 am

    He’ll sit in prison for 30 plus years where we’ll feed and clothe him, he’ll get better health care than the rest of us, free cable tv, air conditioned cell. Then maybe that will decide to execute him ,but probably won’t.

    What about his victim people, What about her.

    I’m sick and tired of our judicial system letting these guys off easy.
    And these judges have no discernment whatsoever. They should listen more to the jury. Its no wonder people dread getting a jury summons in the mail.