ECAT: Dump The Pump Today And Try Public Transporation

June 19, 2014

In celebration of the ninth annual National Dump the Pump Day, the Escambia County Area Transit (ECAT) team is encouraging everyone to try public transportation today.

This initiative, sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), coincides with ECAT’s new engagement effort that asks people what it would take for them to break up with their cars. According to the APTA, a two-car household can save more than $10,000 each year by getting rid of one car, and these are savings ECAT representatives feel are important for the community.

“Initiatives like Dump the Pump remind us that cost savings demonstrated through the use of public transportation is significant,” said Tonya Ellis, director of marketing and community relations for ECAT. “More dollars in the pockets of riders means far-reaching positive benefits for all areas of our local economy, so we’re challenging the community not only to dump the pump on a single day, but asking them what it would take to break up with their vehicles on a more permanent level.”

“If we can provide potential riders with the information and education they need to use ECAT, we’ll do that,” said Ellis. “We are dedicated to helping our community and to meeting the needs of our riders – from our senior citizens to young professionals and families.”


10 Responses to “ECAT: Dump The Pump Today And Try Public Transporation”

  1. john on June 19th, 2014 10:32 pm

    One thing that wasn’t mentioned is your chances of being assaulted or robbed are probably greater, look at what happened on that bus in India recently when that women was raped by four or five men and they killed her. If that can happen in a bus in India it can happen in good Ole’ Escambia County Florida.

    No Thanks!!! ECAT you can’t convince me, and yes after the 4 cent gas tax I purchased a more fuel efficient vehicle and so you are getting less of my hard earned money.

    Bunch of crooks…

  2. Freda Whaley on June 19th, 2014 9:37 pm

    Little hard to ride the bus when it doesn’t come anywhere near where you live or go where you need to go.

  3. Not a hitch hiker on June 19th, 2014 5:04 pm

    Ever see a ECAT bus with more that six riders? This city isn’t big enough. Wonder why they screen out the windows? Hint: So tax payers can’t see in. All for helping the less fortunate…but have just about had it with the redistribution of $. I rode a bike to work. The elderly cannot navigate the steps of a bus. Vote the CC out…this issue is similar to what the DOT did to the Scenic Hwy/I-10 interchange…Grooooover just assumed all was good. “I was unaware that all the trees would be eliminated”…it’s because the voters don’t hold these cats accountable. starts at the local level and drains uphill…drain the swamp…

  4. Mark at on June 19th, 2014 12:15 pm

    ECAT. Is for those without transportation , the elderly and or the poor..I don’t mind paying a little more in taxes because I’ve been Blessed so far not to need to ride a bus.. Just glad it’s there for those who need it !!

  5. NOT on June 19th, 2014 10:10 am

    I do not make a monthly payment on a car to ride ECAT!!!

  6. Gedunk on June 19th, 2014 9:26 am


    ECAT is useless for almost everyone living north of I-10, yet we get taxed to pay for this “service” we just didn’t want and can’t really use.

  7. Just me on June 19th, 2014 7:59 am

    Well Tonya, if it means “More dollars in the pockets of riders..”, then raise the price of THEIR ride and stop taxing the rest of us more for gas. It’s also a matter of independence. When I’m ready to go, I’m ready to go…….NOT…..’When I’m ready to go, I wait until you’re ready.

  8. William 2 on June 19th, 2014 7:36 am

    If you don’t mind turning a 5 minuet drive into a +2hr ordeal ECAT is the way to go.

  9. mike on June 19th, 2014 6:37 am

    The gas tax for ecat that we didn’t get to vote on is paying for the bus system. Those who ride the bus don’t pay the tax. The system does not serve most of the county and doesn’t go near my home.

  10. Delores on June 19th, 2014 4:24 am

    What is the point of dumping the pump and trying to ride ECAT when it takes you an hour or more just to reach your destination that would only take 15 minutes by car? Riding the bus is not practical time-wise. And standing out in the hot sun waiting for a bus is surely not enjoyable either. Sorry to be a negative nancy, but I have hear horror stories about trying to get around town on the bus.