Century Seeks Support In Fight Against Pensacola Energy

June 6, 2014

With an offering of smoked pork and baked beans, the Town of Century took their gas franchise dispute to Walnut Hill Thursday evening, making their case and hoping to drum up support against Pensacola Energy.

Pensacola Energy customers in Walnut Hill and Bratt were invited to join the Walnut Hill Ruritan Club for a BBQ thrown by the town and its gas department. During the event, Century Mayor Freddie McCall explained the town’s current dispute with Pensacola over a gas franchise, and he presented several reasons why Century’s gas service would be superior. The ultimate goal was to drum up support among Walnut Hill and Bratt residents with the hopes that they will lobby Escambia County commissioners to pass a new Century gas franchise agreement.

“We can sell it (natural gas) cheaper than Pensacola Energy can,” McCall said. “I can give you better service.”

Pensacola  Energy currently provides natural gas service to three schools and one commercial customer in Bratt and Walnut Hill, plus 43 residential customers — all within the Town of Century’s exclusive gas franchise area. Pensacola and Century are disputing Pensacola Energy’s continued right to serve those customers, as Century seeks a franchise extension from the Escambia County Commission for a geographic area that spans from the Escambia River westward to almost the Perdido River and from the Alabama state line southward to near Bogia.

McCall said he expects the town will prevail and get their franchise renewal and work out amicable terms with Pensacola. He and Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward had just spoken for the first time about the dispute on Wednesday.

“There won’t be interruption in service,” he said. “I’m willing to cooperate to get them to move out quickly.” McCall said Pensacola Energy has threatened to destroy their Walnut Hill and Bratt gas lines if they are pushed out, but he did not think that would happened or be allowed by the state.

One resident complained that he recently had a gas bill from Pensacola Energy that included $20 for gas and $35 in fees.

“Y’all are being gouged,” McCall said. “They are just pirates.”

Pictured: Century’s gas department made a presentation at the Walnut Hill Community Center Thursday evening. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Century Seeks Support In Fight Against Pensacola Energy”

  1. john on June 7th, 2014 6:42 am

    I personally think no matter what happens both sides will loose because time and time again city government or any government for that matter has proven they just cannot run a business that should be in the hands of the private sector. Look at ECAT they are going to continue to bleed the tax payers dry because they will not charge a reasonable fee for their riders. Eventually you have to give subsidies to every public business that is owned by government.

  2. Lady on June 6th, 2014 10:41 pm

    It’s time the North end stands together on this and other things. Century should have the courthouse completely functional as it once was for ALL services. Now let’s stand together on the gas issue. Let’s let Pensacola know we are tired of everything being offered from Pensacola; we can operate this gas business better and cheaper than anything down south (Pensacola).

  3. c.w. on June 6th, 2014 1:47 pm

    Its hard to support a city that has allowed a gas leak to go unfixed for years.

  4. Marie on June 6th, 2014 1:46 pm

    Thank you for working so hard for the town of Century Mr. McCall. Your hard work and dedication are much appreciated.

  5. just listing on June 6th, 2014 9:08 am

    It seems to me that Energy Services of Pensacola know they are wrong. We talk to our children daily about Bully’s at school etc. Now in the grown up world we see there are grown up Bully’s too. A business like Energy Services of Pensacola acting like a Bully and threating to do all sorts of things when they are pushed into a corner. Shame on you Energy Services of Pensacola and Pensacola City Of too if you act and play in this manner. Admit you are wrong. Hand over the system that is in place for being in a place you do not belong. Zip up your pockets full of money you have already made and while at it zip up your Bulling mouth and stay on the coast.. Just saying…………..

  6. Louncentury on June 6th, 2014 7:20 am

    I would only support the disbanding of century city government.

  7. Jane on June 6th, 2014 3:49 am

    Pensacola Energy has threatened all sorts of pipe removals and gas disruptions over this. Does a reputable business do business this way? Seems a little fishy to me. They want a monopoly, like Gulf Power and we see how our rates went up this year with no recourse.