Century, Pensacola Begin Gas Franchise Talks

June 17, 2014

After months of silence, Century and Pensacola are now talking in their North Escambia natural gas dispute.

“We are in negotiations with their people, but we are not getting anywhere at this point,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said Monday night. “We are working at it…I’m not giving up.”

Pensacola  Energy currently provides natural gas service to three schools and one commercial customer in Bratt and Walnut Hill, plus a few dozen residential customers — all within the Town of Century’s gas franchise area. Pensacola and Century are disputing Pensacola Energy’s continued right to serve those customers, as Century seeks a franchise extension from the Escambia County Commission for a geographic area that spans from the Escambia River westward to almost the Perdido River and from the Alabama state line southward to near Bogia.

About two weeks ago, Pensacola Energy customers in Walnut Hill and Bratt were invited to join the Walnut Hill Ruritan Club for a BBQ thrown by the town and its gas department. During the event, Century Mayor Freddie McCall explained the town’s current dispute with Pensacola over a gas franchise, and he presented several reasons why Century’s gas service would be superior. The ultimate goal was to drum up support among Walnut Hill and Bratt residents with the hopes that they will lobby Escambia County commissioners to pass a new Century gas franchise agreement.

McCall said Monday night there were no real results so far from the BBQ event, but it was a good event for “setting the stage” to let the residents knows the Town of Century Gas Department is serious about their franchise and potential customers.

“We want to serve them. We can sell them cheaper, and we need their help,” McCall said.

In April, the Escambia County Commission delayed action on the franchise agreement for Pensacola and Century to come to terms. So far, McCall said, that has not happened and Century is not yet ready to go back to the commission.


2 Responses to “Century, Pensacola Begin Gas Franchise Talks”

  1. Jane on June 18th, 2014 4:13 am

    Why is Pensacola Energy trying to take over in Century? It seems to me that since Century is not part of Pensacola they should be able to have whatever utilities they want and not allow whatever utilities they don’t want. What am I missing here?

  2. Sam on June 17th, 2014 8:54 pm

    It’s ours. Provide the lines and take it to court.