Century Looks To Extend Term Of Mayor, Two Council Members For One Additional Year

June 3, 2014

The Town of Century took the first move Monday night toward extending the term of the mayor and two of five council members for an additional year as part of plan to align the town’s election cycles with the rest of the county and state.

With the current election date cycle, the positions of Mayor Freddie McCall, Council President Ann Brooks and member Annie Savage would be on the ballot in 2015 — when there are no other local elections in the county. The town is looking to extend their term expiration dates from January 2016 to January 2017 and put the three seats on the 2016 ballot, coinciding with other local, state, and national elections, including the presidential election.

The idea is two-fold — it would save the town and county money, and there were likely be an increased number of Century voters casting ballots for the local offices.

During the 2012 presidential election, 764 Century residents cast their vote, compared to 468 in the 2011 Century election for mayor and two council seats.

The move would save an estimated $2,500, according to the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Office. Spokesperson Sonya Daniel said the elections office would see about half the savings by not paying for extra travel, absentee ballot postage, legal announcements, security and supplies during 2015. The town, she said, would see a savings on poll workers and ballot printing by combining their elections with the regular cycle.

Monday night, the Century Town Council held a first reading of the ordinance that would make the change. The second reading of the ordinance and a final vote will be held during a special council meeting on Friday, June 13 at 3 p.m.

Pictured: Escambia County Supervisor of Elections David Stafford and Century Town Clerk Leslie Gonzalez review final vote totals in 2011 at the Century Town Hall. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “Century Looks To Extend Term Of Mayor, Two Council Members For One Additional Year”

  1. Dave on June 5th, 2014 7:10 am

    Not going to happen.

  2. Pete on June 4th, 2014 11:54 am

    In city governments, over the years in small towns, if a council member or mayor dies or resigns, the positions can get staggered. rather then shorten they lengthen the elected officials term when they realign the election cycles. Simple as that.

  3. Paul on June 4th, 2014 11:38 am

    I believe the council votes on an ordinance to accomplish this, There are guidelines in place for city governments to align the election years such as the term can’t go over a certain time limit. There are legal limits. it’s a fairly common practice in small towns to do this because it makes sense. I’m sure the town attorney will keep them in check.

  4. Dennis on June 4th, 2014 9:20 am

    This Dennis agrees with the 1st Dennis. Then there won’t be any claims of someone trying to hold onto power in politics of Century.

  5. lnbratt on June 4th, 2014 7:37 am

    To the Mayor, Clerk, and Council: We appreciate you, your dedication and hard work. Thank you for all you do.

  6. Duke of Wawbeek on June 3rd, 2014 8:23 pm

    @Marie, but Century is such a small world to dominate.

  7. Concerned on June 3rd, 2014 8:05 pm

    Is this changing the charter without a vote of the people?? Four years is enough time for a person to serve without another election…the voters elected them for four years and that should be all they serve without another election

  8. smokey on June 3rd, 2014 5:18 pm

    Don’t do it. That’s why our gov. has the problems now. They stay so long they forget who they work for.

  9. Dennis HE Wiggins on June 3rd, 2014 2:03 pm

    Well, Marie, if they are doing such a fine job (and I am not be any means saying they are not), why have an election at all?


    As I recall that is what this whole electoral system is about. Let the PEOPLE decide whom they want representing them in government. So, even though YOU may feel “it would be hard to replace any of them,” maybe the other 1697 residents of Century see it differently.

    And just because a person does not see things the same way as you DOES NOT make his opinion “ignorant negative comments.”

  10. Marie on June 3rd, 2014 11:50 am

    That is a very good move to align everything. Mr. McCall, Ann, Annie.Leslie and others are very smart and caring people doing a good job and trying their best in their current positions. I hate seeing any ignorant negative comments from other citizens. I think it would be hard to replace any of them. This is just another example of them looking to save money and streamline the organization of the town, not a conspiracy for world domination.

  11. Dennis HE Wiggins on June 3rd, 2014 9:31 am

    Why not leave it like it is for now and SHORTEN the next term? Always a little apprehensive about “extending terms.” It would apply more to national elections, but any extension like that is what leads to PERMANENT status!