Century Extends Term Of Mayor, Council Members; Sets Election Dates

June 14, 2014

The Century Town Council voted Friday afternoon to extend the term of the mayor and two of five council members for an additional year as part of plan to align the town’s election cycles with the rest of the county and state.

With the previous election date cycle, the positions of Mayor Freddie McCall, Council President Ann Brooks and member Annie Savage would be on the ballot in 2015 — when there are no other local elections in the county. The town council voted extend their term expiration dates from January 2016 to January 2017 and put the three seats on the 2016 ballot, coinciding with other local, state, and national elections, including the presidential election.

The council also set 2014 election dates for the council seats currently held by Gary Riley, Jacke Johnston and Sandra McMurray Jackson. If a contest has three or more candidates, a primary election will held on Tuesday, August 26. A runoff, if needed, and the general election will be Tuesday, November 4. Candidate qualifying was set for June 16-June 20.

Pictured top: Century Town Council membersĀ  (L-R) Ann Brooks, Sandra McMurray Jackson and Jacke Johnston review an elections ordinance during a special meeting Friday afternoon. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Century Extends Term Of Mayor, Council Members; Sets Election Dates”

  1. Rooster.Cogburn on June 16th, 2014 9:31 pm

    They knew that they needed time to let the animal ordinance flap cool down…

  2. tlw on June 16th, 2014 9:33 am

    @just saying, I totally agree. This just sickens me.

  3. M in Bratt on June 16th, 2014 9:18 am

    It’s sad to say that a rooster isn’t safe in Century for at least another year. I wonder why they didn’t just suspend elections forever, and order their crowns. It is pretty clear in the Century Town Charter that the Council CANNOT change the length of their terms or move elections around without putting it on the ballot for the citizens to vote on.

  4. Paul on June 15th, 2014 1:38 pm

    I think if the town of Century was dissolved and absorbed into Pensacola, We would definitely be the end of the line and in no man’s land. We would pay their taxes and not receive the services. I think we need to support these folks and what they do. Even if all they do is provide utilities (which is not all they do).
    I would not like to have to get a septic tank or water well put in at my own expense, turn on the gas to heat, cook or heat hot water and it not be there, haul off my own garbage, put out a house fire, call a policeman for assistance and they have to come all the way from the city of Pensacola. I think the city government in Century is doing a fine job and I’m glad they have the courage and foresight to continue in the face of the dissenting comments. I am not embarrassed at all by the town officials. If any embarrassment it would be from dissenting citizens that don’t realize how good they have it. I wish they would stop looking for the negative and fearful side about what these good people are accomplishing and try to look for the good.

  5. Marie on June 15th, 2014 1:21 am

    Good! Keep Century going and strong.

  6. steve on June 15th, 2014 1:06 am

    It is not corruption. It is a representative democracy we live in. A republic. The system would fail if every single thing were put up to people to vote. That is a proven fact. For the most part people need these officials in place who are aware of the issues of running a town and utilities and to obtain grants and who knows what else they do. We, the people elect these folks to take care of this for us. The terms will expire soon enough and God knows who will be in there next.This is a good thing. Keep up the good work Century.

  7. DLo on June 14th, 2014 8:35 pm

    Aren’t the folks of Century tired of being embarrassed by the actions of this joke of a governing body? I can tell you that as a North Escambia resident that spends some time in the town of Century, many of us are embarrassed for you. And now the Mayor and council members, without an election have just decided arbitrarily to extend their terms, and the vote was on a Friday afternoon at three pm, that’s shady no matter how you cut it. They say it was to save money on elections, I have a better way to save on elections in Century, stop having them. If I remember correctly, last election less than 500 people turned out, it doesn’t sound to me like that’s much interest. It’s time to dissolve the town government in Century and have it join the rest of the county, they serve no purpose.

  8. just saying on June 14th, 2014 11:44 am

    So the politicians voted on something that would allow them to stay in power longer then permitted. What happened to a government by the people and for the people. The people should have voted on this not the politicians. And why hold a meeting on a weekday at 3:00pm no individual with a job could attend. I am sorry it just looks like more corruption in Century.