A Tale Of Blood And Honor: Graduating Tate Siblings Join The Marines

June 2, 2014

For two graduating Tate High School seniors, it started with bedtime stories – stories of exotic lands with strange foods, cultures and peoples, stories of brave men and women who fought for freedom and protected the innocent, stories that extolled the virtues of honor, sacrifice and bravery.

These were the stories often heard in the Goodwyn home. There were no wizards, elves or knights. Only brave men and women who had taken up service for their country. It was these stories, told by dad Hosea Goodwyn, which first kindled the flame of service in his son, Hosea Goodwyn Jr., and daughter, Alexis Goodwyn.

“Each time he told his stories, they would continuously interest me,” said Alexis Goodwyn.

Their father shared with them his experiences in places like Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain and Dubai. Places that are as mystical and mysterious to a young mind as a fantasy world.

“His journeys inspired me to go on my own,” said Hosea Goodwyn Jr.

The question for the young Goodwyns was not if to serve, but in which branch – a decision that would drastically effect how their own stories and journeys would unfold. The young siblings sought professionalism and service to country, but it was the bond they saw among the Marines that solidified their decision to enlist.

“They would help each other out through the worst of situations,” said Hosea Goodwyn Jr., a senior from Tate High School. “Everyone in the Marine Corps is like a brother or sister.”

“The Marines had a tight bond with one another,” added his sister, also a  Tate senior, explaining why they chose the Marines.

As the two prepare to start their new journey, their father had one final story to share – a story of honor.

“You have people who stand back and watch, and then you have those who step up to the plate and make a difference in this world,” Hosea Goodwyn said.  “Honor, courage and commitment, and the words we repeat while taking the oath are not just words to take lightly.  Freedom is not free and it takes brave men and women to ensure we continue to have freedom in this great nation.  My father was a police officer, and each of my brothers served in the Army and the Air Forces.  We don’t have followers in this family. We have leaders, and they are demonstrating this trait now.  I am proud and honored to be their father.”

With their decision made, the only story left to tell is their own, which they will forge with honor, courage and commitment.

Story by Sgt. Jon Holmes, 6th Marine Corps District

Pictured: Alexis Goodwyn and her brother, Hosea Goodwyn Jr., made the decision to serve their country by enlisting in the U.S. Marines. The siblings were inspired by their father’s stories of his own deployments. Now, the two  Tate High School graduating seniors are planning on beginning their own story as U.S. Marines.  Photos by Sgt. Jon Holmes for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


14 Responses to “A Tale Of Blood And Honor: Graduating Tate Siblings Join The Marines”

  1. Karen on June 3rd, 2014 12:09 pm

    What a wonderful family, and what a wonderful Daddy you have, I got tears in my eyes reading this story and all the great comments. Hosea sir Thank You so much for your service to our great country and for also raising two beautiful children who want to follow in your footsteps and also serve our great country. God bless you all and again Thank You.

  2. Lifendason on June 3rd, 2014 7:29 am

    Thank you Hosea and Alexis for stepping up. May God bless you during this great adventure.

  3. Cynthia on June 3rd, 2014 12:04 am

    Praying God’s blessings for both of you. Thanking you now for all that both of you will do for our country.

  4. Brattman Marvin on June 2nd, 2014 8:33 pm

    I joined the Marines June 6/1961. I went to Parris Island knowing nothing about the Marine Corp. I was honorably discharged June 6/1965. My life was changed to a better person “Forever”. Give it all you have SemperFi!

  5. patti on June 2nd, 2014 6:41 pm

    I would deem it an honor to meet the both of you. I have a husband that served in the Navy, a son that served in the Army for 9 years, and a son that’s been in the reserves for 29 years so far. I agree with what “E” said in one of the above messages. I’ll keep you in my prayers, and am wishing the both of you the BEST!!

  6. Barbara on June 2nd, 2014 3:55 pm

    Thank You both so much! I believe it is the responsibility of the youth to step foward and defend our great nation! It has been that way since our great nation was founded. You have been raised well and are certainly an asset to the Marines. God Bless you and keep you both safe!

  7. Anne on June 2nd, 2014 11:05 am

    Thank you to both of you and to your parents! In our family we have a Air Force Veteran married to a Navy Veteran (this is alphabetical) and the respect for each other and their children is wonderful. All military Veterans receive our respect and both of them will tell you they hated boot camp and would have been booted out of the Marine boot camp! This is a great story and I hope we will see more of them in the future!

  8. mq on June 2nd, 2014 10:48 am

    Congratulations and God be with the two of you. You have made your Daddy proud and now your county and country.
    Once again William, thank you for publishing the good and inspriring news as well as the bad and the sad.

  9. Wharf Rat on June 2nd, 2014 10:00 am

    Many years ago, prior to Vietnam, I graduated from high school on a Friday night. Sunday afternoon, I was at Ft. Jackson, SC, and being “dressed down” by a U.S. Army Sergeant, who was already mad at me, and he didn’t even know me.

    I had never strayed far from the straight and narrow, but that entire experience in that long and hot summer and the kind of people I learned to deal with in the military, taught me a lot, and I gathered a whole new respect for the “real” world.

    These lessons served me well in later years, and I retired from a civilian career with the satisfaction that I had done well.

    I wish the same for you. Good luck!

  10. Workin Man on June 2nd, 2014 8:27 am

    Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. E on June 2nd, 2014 8:02 am

    This old retired CPO salutes you both. It takes a special person to do what you are doing. May the hand of GOD be always on your shoulder. Mr. Hosea Goodwyn, bless you as well for raising such a wonderful son and daughter. America should be filled with men such as yourself that teach Honor, Courage and Commitment. THANK YOU.

  12. The Baggetts on June 2nd, 2014 6:59 am

    Congratulations on becoming two of the few and the proud! Thank you for your decision to serve and protect our America!

  13. Sam on June 2nd, 2014 6:55 am

    Your lives are about to change. You will arrive at parris island after midnight, your feet hit the ground on yellow footprints, your whole life changes. You will know you made a terrible mistake. Sleep deprivation, constant yelling, constant running, you will be pushed to your physical and mental limits. When you finish its the proudest day of your young life. No one, other than a fellow marine can ever understand it. Semper fi

  14. Shelley Wilson on June 2nd, 2014 4:16 am

    congrats on your decision to join the Marines and serve our wonderful country. I too joined the Marines and left for boot camp 3 weeks after graduation. I also graduated from Tate, although many years ago. It wont be easy, but it will certainly be worth it. Semper Fi!