Scott Asks Obama To Issue Major Disaster Declaration

May 6, 2014

Gov. Rick Scott has asked President Barack Obama to issue a major disaster declaration for Escambia and Santa Rosa counties because of storms and flooding that have inundated the western Panhandle since April 7.

“At this time, I request that only individual assistance be included within the major disaster declaration,” Scott wrote to the president Monday. “However, I anticipate a future request for a public assistance declaration. Also, I expect that additional counties will qualify for federal assistance under both the individual and public assistance programs.”

Scott added that economic losses could exceed $100 million.

Last week, Scott declared a state of emergency in 26 counties from Escambia to Alachua due to heavy rains and flooding.

“We must do everything we can to ensure that these families can get back on their feet, and this declaration would support those efforts. I look forward to going back to the Panhandle later this week to further assess the progress of recovery operations,”  the governor said.


13 Responses to “Scott Asks Obama To Issue Major Disaster Declaration”

  1. Charles on May 6th, 2014 3:38 pm

    There is a process that must be followed. Assessments must be made. Damage estimates must be provided. If they meet FEMA guidelines then FEMA steps in. It’s not political like some of you say. The storms don’t discriminate. They damage everybody. The governor just requested the President declare this a disaster area today.

  2. No Excuses on May 6th, 2014 3:22 pm

    Say what you will about President Bush. If he were still the President, then a national state of emergency would have been called for this area and FEMA would already be here. They did not do much for me after Hurricane Ivan since I was insured and had a job, but they did help others. There is no reason for President Obama to drag his feet on this other than he doesn’t like Rick Scott. Governor Scott is doing his job in asking the President for these things, not panhandling for re-election. He’s doing his job. I don’t think making pot-shots at him for doing his job is in the general public’s best interests. Be realistic when making posts please! It’s like nothing any person in charge does is the right thing because they are “seeking re-election”.

  3. ABC on May 6th, 2014 12:28 pm

    Well people are not being able to work due to the damage of their buildings and offices, and if Fema doesnt help them what the heck are they supposed to do…….. Jobs are hard enough to find here in Escambia County, because the fathers want to hold out to collect ” tourist money” thats a joke.

  4. James Broel on May 6th, 2014 12:17 pm

    Henry Coe your comments are spot on!!

  5. dnl on May 6th, 2014 10:20 am

    “Well Rick Scott may not be liked…but he’s trying to get reelected it seems. The irony to me is he is a Tea Party favorite asking for government handouts.”

    To me, a government handout is something that someone gets on a weekly, monthly and/or yearly basis when they have not contributed to that fund.

    What happened to these people is a natural disaster that has destroyed what they have worked hard for years to accumulate.

    I haven’t seen them out waiting for someone to come to their rescue but instead they have rolled up their sleeves ( along with some great volunteers) and are trying to get their lives back together.

    A government handout is the last thing I would call it.

  6. Henry Coe on May 6th, 2014 8:36 am

    FEMA acts based the information it receives from State and County Officials and while we have people who’s homes have been damaged or destroyed, we are talking about a pretty small percentage.
    That doesn’t mean much if it was your home that was destroyed and you aren’t getting help, but FEMA doesn’t load up and move in on its own when State and County governments are able to handle the problem and people aren’t dying and starving.
    GWB moved FEMA under the DHS and DHS re-allocated FEMA’s funding so FEMA isn’t what it was 14 years ago.
    I’d guess that as County and State ask for FEMA’s help with funding repairs and maybe in other funding that it will happen.
    I realize folks are frustrated, but if you want FEMA to have money and to be set up to where it jumps on the scene for every disaster no matter the size of that disaster, you need to elect Democrats into Congress.
    It would be like Republicans to make request of FEMA in such a way that those request don’t get approved so they could use FEMA as a campaign talking point in the media. If they do that, make sure to investigate whether what they requested was within reason so you will know if you are being played and manipulated.

  7. Robert S. on May 6th, 2014 7:39 am

    After Hurricane Ivan, FEMA set up a few offices where those with losses could go and request help.

    Help came, at that time, in the form of a Small Business Administration loan with the usual interest costs and liens attached to property.

    That said because if anyone is expecting any “free” long-term help from FEMA it most likely is not going to happen.

    We may remember,after Ivan, the FEMA trailers with the toxic materials in them and how they were quickly removed from our area.

  8. ME on May 6th, 2014 7:26 am

    He’s probably too busy playing golf , meeting celebrities, throwing dinners or vacationing around the world to help out Floridians.

  9. Workin Man on May 6th, 2014 7:09 am

    I agree with you Jane. The government isnt for you or me and they make that very clear. Whenever there is a disaster in America the government should not have to be asked for help, it should be automatic. Its actually heartbreaking to know the U.S. throws money at other countries for aid but U.S. citizens have to beg for it.

  10. James Broel on May 6th, 2014 6:25 am

    Well Rick Scott may not be liked…but he’s trying to get reelected it seems. The irony to me is he is a Tea Party favorite asking for government handouts.

  11. R. A. F. on May 6th, 2014 6:16 am

    Jane – Why would he send someone to see what happened? I mean (a) he is not up for reelection like he was during Hurricane Sandy and (b) he holds Rick Scott and Panhandle Floridians in contempt since they disagree with his moronic agenda. The assistance may come – but he’s going to make Rick Scott beg for it. He’s probably still trying to find a way to blame the floods on Bush.

  12. Wet Dog on May 6th, 2014 5:40 am

    I contacted FEMA and they said that since the President did NOT declare this event a disaster , FEMA cannont help us. Bet that if the president had this mess in his home and backyard, there would be a declaration !!!

  13. Jane on May 6th, 2014 4:33 am

    If they can send millions of dollars to other countries the Feds can help their own people. It has been a week and the president has not even sent anyone to see what has happened. No wonder people don’t like him.