Orso Gets Life In 2012 Lottery Store Robbery, Murder

May 10, 2014

Michael Brad Orso, the third suspect to face trial for the November 2012 shooting death of a Davisville lottery store owner was found guilty Friday afternoon of first degree murder sentenced to life in prison.

Orso, age 28 of Atmore, was convicted for his role in the attempted robbery and killing of Thomas Kroll, the owner and operator of the O’Yes Lotto store on Highway 97 in Davisville at the Florida/Alabama line.

Witnesses at trial testified that Orso suggested the lottery store as the target for the robbery, participated in the planning of the robbery, and provided the weapon to be used in the

Malcolm “TJ” McGhee was convicted in September 2013 for his role as the shooter and was sentenced to Life in prison. Brent Lambeth, who entered the store with McGhee, entered a plea and provided testimony in the trials of McGhee and Orso. Lambeth is  currently awaiting sentencing.

NorthEscambia.com file photos.


31 Responses to “Orso Gets Life In 2012 Lottery Store Robbery, Murder”

  1. ORSO DOWN! :D on August 19th, 2014 12:59 pm

    This particular guy started his decline after middle school. It was only a matter of time before his thug lifestyle caught up with him. I understand he may be dear to some people, but that will not change the fact that he became a scumbag by making bad decision after bad decision.

  2. Everett on May 14th, 2014 2:55 am

    Mary Surratt has hanged in 1965 because she rented rooms to the conspirators who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. Her only crime was she knew them.
    The guy in this crime suggested it the place to rob and provided the murder weapon. He has the luxury of living to see many years ahead of him.

    Good people as has been suggested by many posters here don’t plan to do harm to others in an organized form.

  3. LaBue on May 14th, 2014 1:36 am

    I don’t even know how to put this. So here I go. Brad is and always be a dear friend of mine. Now the others..not so much. Don’t know them from Adams house cat. And my heart truly goes out to the victims family. Now it’s a bad deal and situation all the way around. Really it is. Just goes to show, one stupid knuckle head decision can and it will, follow you for the rest of your days. So to sit up here and blast my friend and label him as a monster!? And to think, you dont even know him. Well he’s not one hardly. Did he make a stupid decision? Well hell, i’ll be the first to tell you that. And that’s somthing he has to live with. So before you label, or judge someone. Look in the mirror and judge that. Let this be another lesson learned. Unfortunately it had to be a terrible one.

  4. Patrice Fountain on May 11th, 2014 7:19 pm

    I feel bad for both families but the man was not there and he has life over something a girl said she need to be in a cell her self. I hope he gets the Appeal. You can hate or like it 

  5. art on May 11th, 2014 12:47 am

    Tommy was a good man!!! and so missed by family and friends . the boys still have there lives and there family’s will still be able to see them. I knew Tommy back when I was a kid going to echo bowling lanes.

  6. stephanie on May 11th, 2014 12:09 am

    Kristin McGhee deserves life also! I pray his case will be over turned.. I hope his family stays in touch with attorney for appeal. I don’t think Brad had a fair trial.

  7. The loss of a good man on May 10th, 2014 10:08 pm

    U all can judge but i feel so bad 4 these boys family. i miss tommy dearly .and kathy and his children and family members miss him more than words can say.i pray 4 all and ask the lord 2 be there 4 tommys family and these boys family .god has a plan 4 us all…. no one is a winner here

  8. molino jim on May 10th, 2014 8:46 pm

    @ just the facts. Not only is he a burden on the state– who will take care of the family? He did have a felony in his history— so why did he have a gun to give to the others. As far as the girl goes– the fat lady may not have sung yet on her. To the family member– yes there were people who followed this case and were in the court room.

  9. Just the facts on May 10th, 2014 7:39 pm

    Here’s the facts; he planned, conspired, and even provided the weapon to ensure that Tommy would comply with their demands. He’s no one to be proud of, he let his family and friends down with his cruel selfishness. He has no respect for life except his own. He got off light with life in prison… and now he’s a burden on society, someone we all have to house, and feed, he deserves nothing.

  10. Ronnie Huskey on May 10th, 2014 4:57 pm

    First of all, I’m not one who hides my name when texting on the internet. Second I’m a proud family member of Brad. Last, I haven’t seen any correct information in reference to Brad’s case. I was in the court room and didn’t see any of y’all. So before you talk about someone that you apparently don’t know get your facts straight. If not, there are plenty of his family members that would be glad to discuss it with you.

  11. Joe on May 10th, 2014 11:32 am

    I think Kristen McGhee should be charged with the same thing as the others how do u sit in the car outside with the guys that done it and not be charged with anything she should be the one with life in prison

  12. Robert S. on May 10th, 2014 7:47 am

    Have seen many instances where “the family is good and are God-fearing people” yet their spawn turn out to be individuals who make really bad decisions and end up like this guy, in prison for the remainder of his life.
    This guy was part of a group that murdered, get that folks, MURDERED a 74 year old man over whom they obviously have the physical advantage to overpower him and do whatever they wanted.
    What was the reason for the robbery? “Spice” or make believe weed. Was that really so valuable to make them take a life and now spend his life in Prison?
    If you are “close” to this guy then you should have stepped up and tried to change the direction he and his thug followers were going.
    Pray for Orso if you wish.
    Pray for Orso’s family.
    Remember to Pray mostly though for the VICTIMS in this senseless MURDER because this Orso is NOT the one who was harmed.

  13. leochic69 on May 10th, 2014 7:32 am

    They deserved DEATH…not life. Hope they get what they deserve in prison.

  14. ME on May 10th, 2014 7:16 am

    His ‘ plan ‘ led to a life sentence for Mr Kroll, He in turn was issued a life sentence.

    Justice Served

  15. Justice isn't really justice anymore on May 10th, 2014 5:42 am

    I don’t know if he had anything to do with it or not…. But according to reports Lambeth was in there and he’s only getting thirty years? Really? That’s WRONG…. This guy, Brad was never mentioned in 2012 and now all of a sudden someone is saying he was on the scene. Where is Kristen McGhee? She had to know what was going on!! “Oh guys why are wearing masks today?” Whatever!!! This system is SO messed up!!! Looks like Lambeth is making up people to get his sentence shortened!! The three known people that were reported in 2012 all deserve the SAME sentence!!!!

  16. Lee on May 10th, 2014 2:19 am

    THUGS – true definition! got off to light – should be excuted – Mr.Tommy did not get a choice! – his poor wife who worked with him most days now goes to bed alone – VERY SAD!!!! Good luck in prison – you will need IT!!!!!!!!!

  17. marshall on May 10th, 2014 1:28 am

    Curious…what some peoples idea of a “Good Man” is??? This so-called “Good Man” may not have been present, but he was just as guilty as the others in taking the LIFE of a GOOD MAN! They are getting exactly what they deserve! Thomas Kroll’s Family is facing LIFE without him around because of Orso and the others. So if the Family has to go through LIFE without him, then the others can spend LIFE in Prison thinking about it! Too bad this “GOOD MAN” did not find something Positive to do with his life, because then his family would not be paying for his Murder either! Maybe those of you saying what a Good Man Orso is, should be thinking more about what the Victim’s Family is going through…for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!!!

  18. SHO-NUFF on May 9th, 2014 11:42 pm

    “Brad is a good man and an even better father!! We are praying for you and your family!! We love you and hope that you can one day come home where you belong!! The Lord works in mysterious ways!!”

    A good man??
    He participated in a robbery that ended in murder of a “Good Man” trying to make an honest living. He has made his bed and he has to lay in it, and he is not coming home. A good father would of considered the consequences before acting this way.
    Yes, the good Lord works in mysterious ways… Justice is served !

  19. g on May 9th, 2014 9:05 pm

    Stop saying he is a good this or a good that. He was involved with a robbery that led to a murder of Tommy. Robbery for spice. U walk in or you tell buddies to walk in just the same.Tommy defended himself best he could they got lucky. Murder is murder. See what’s coming to them. Glad they are young so they can feel the pain of all the years it takes to reach his age

  20. Gembeaux on May 9th, 2014 8:50 pm

    @who are we to judge When you are a regular on the felony arrests ledger, when you plan robberies and traffic in weapons, when innocent people die because of your sad criminal schemes, you are NOT a good person. You are a criminal, a liability, a pariah.
    Everyone deserves forgiveness, everyone can change, but this slug has not been a good person for a long time.

  21. Heathr on May 9th, 2014 8:40 pm

    prayers going out to Brads family just as well as the family of Mr Kroll. Sad the family of both are torn and hurting …. Prayers to all involved.

  22. molino jim on May 9th, 2014 8:16 pm

    Poor Brad. He only has an arrest record going back to 2004. Mostly traffic– but a felony once in a while. Poor poor Brad. For those who think he is such a good person, you may wish to rethink what a “good person” is.

  23. Who are we to judge on May 9th, 2014 6:52 pm

    Brad is a good person and has a good family just as TJ and Brent but I think that all should be punished that was involved in this. Not just the young men there was also a young lady with them and she should have to pay just as well as them. May God be with all of them and their family’s you are all in my prayers…

  24. justice on May 9th, 2014 6:03 pm

    This sorry excuse was walking among employees at WCA, Nothings gonna bring Mr. Kroll back, but at least this scumbag is not coming back. Rot in prison along with the other one, and as far as the one that plead out, he deserves life regardless of his testimony against the other two. He’s not going to fare well anyway. Even in prison rats are not welcome.

  25. Leo on May 9th, 2014 5:26 pm

    Orso was trouble before this ever happened. Now Florida needs to go after the girl that was in the car with them. She is just as guilty as the guys are. She knew exactly what was going on!

  26. Jason on May 9th, 2014 5:16 pm

    Orso shoulda manned up and accepted responsibility for his involvement and sought a plea bargain that would allow for something other than a life sentence. There is no winners in this incident. Tommy Kroll is dead and many others will never see freedom again.

  27. Kathy on May 9th, 2014 5:05 pm

    Brad is a good man and an even better father!! We are praying for you and your family!! We love you and hope that you can one day come home where you belong!! The Lord works in mysterious ways!!

  28. rick on May 9th, 2014 4:49 pm

    Dam orso !!! They give life and he wasent even their come on system really

  29. It's me on May 9th, 2014 4:37 pm

    Omg…! No. I’m prayin for you brad… Love your friends and family..

  30. me on May 9th, 2014 4:14 pm

    He gone…….good riddance. And to all those that are gonna say “he didn’t do it” well neither did Charles Manson but helping plan the crime makes you just as guilty

  31. Wanda Jones on May 9th, 2014 4:08 pm
