Obama Excuse Not Good Enough For Judge In Case Of Drunken Century Man

May 9, 2014

An excuse involving President Barack Obama wasn’t good enough to keep a Century man from being convicted for a drunken disturbance in the middle of a local street.

John Henry Shiffner, now 19, was charged convicted of aggravated battery and disorderly public intoxication. He was sentenced by Judge Michael Jones to time served and 12 months probation.

Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a public disturbance in the intersection of Mayo and Front streets in Century in October 2013 After deputies arrived, they reported Shiffner pacing back and forth in an agitated manner and cursing loudly. Deputies determined the disturbance was only verbal and sent Shiffner back to his home in the 7500 block of Mayo Street, accompanied by his 30-year old girlfriend.

After the couple rounded the corner, deputies could hear a loud disturbance. They responded, at which time Shiffner was detained in the back of a patrol car. Deputies reported the disturbance was loud enough that neighbors were gathering on their porches to watch.

Shiffner’s girlfriend, who is two and a half months pregnant with his child, said he had pushed her, causing her to land on her back on the ground. She refused medical treatment.

When deputies tried to question Shiffner in the back of their patrol vehicle, he began yelling at his girlfriend. When deputies explained her claim that he had pushed her, “he stated he did not touch her and then began rambling on about how Obama is right,” deputies reported.

“Obama said cops always listen to women,” Shiffner said, according to his arrest report.

Deputies were not able to determine where Shiffner, 18-years old at the time of the crime,  had obtained alcohol. His mother, according to the report, denied purchasing alcohol for him.


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