Man Enters Diversion Program In Animal Cruelty Case

May 13, 2014

An Escambia County man has entered a pretrial intervention program in an 2013 horse starvation case.

Marcus James McCreary, 41, pleaded no contest to two animal cruelty charges. He was ordered by Judge E.P. Nickinson to complete community service work, own no horses for at a least a year and pay $567.25 in restitution to Panhandle Equine Rescue.

In the fall of 2013, PER received a report that a very thin horse was down in McCreary’s yard on Bowman Avenue, just off Nine Mile Road. PER and Escambia County Animal Control responded and found two  Tennessee Walking Horses in poor condition — one unable to get up on her own. McCreary voluntarily signed ownership of the horses, mares name Capona and Sweet Mary, over to PER.

Until the pretrial intervention program, charges will be dismissed in one year against McCreary if  he successfully completes the steps ordered by the judge.

Pictured: Capona, one of two horses seized from Marcus James McCreary, in September 2013 (above) and after recovery and being trained to ride  in May 2014. Courtesy photos from Panhandle Equine Rescue for, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Man Enters Diversion Program In Animal Cruelty Case”

  1. the truth on May 14th, 2014 12:17 pm

    You people are so hypocritical. You don’t even know all the facts. First of all this man LOVES horses. They failed to leave out the fact that he has other horses that are healthy and well taken care of and that these horses were recently given to him b/c a friend couldnt afford to take care of them. He was trying to nurture them back to health. It disgust me that people are so quick to jump to conclusions without even knowing the whole story. GET A LIFE!!!

  2. Ron Hendricks on May 14th, 2014 6:37 am

    “Its a shame we live in a world where the value of an animal is placed above a human being.”

    Well John, it is about responsibility isn’t it? If this is your horse, it is your responsibility to take care of it and see about it’s well being. I place the value of the abused animal above the human abuser. You have to be pretty cold-hearted to watch an animal starving and not doing anything to help.

    If you are more worried about the human in this story, why don’t you pay Mr. McCreary’s restitution to the PER?

  3. mrs.B on May 13th, 2014 9:31 pm

    Pre-Trial Diversion is merely a mild probation, drug testing counseling and restitution. The perks are he gets the charges adjudicated. Basically “off his record”. I do think the justice system is sometimes flawed however I don’t see where in this case “where the value of an animal was placed above a human being”. I don’t know his story and I try not to judge however I will say if you cant tend to your animals needs then simply give them away. This was cruel and inhuman. Further more to be quit frank Sometimes I like animals better then human beings. Look what they do. Round of applause for bringing her back to health!

  4. Mike on May 13th, 2014 3:49 pm

    The after pics are awesome! The horse looks great now, & I’m guessing the tail has a braided extension, ala The Black Minx by Walter Farley. Every horse needs a tail to swat flies in the summer. Great job rehabilitating this horse PER! :)

  5. haley on May 13th, 2014 2:26 pm

    WOW!!!!! This man should never be able to have the pleasure of owning any animal. A year is just not enough. Shame on the judicial system in this case. The sheer thought of the pain and suffering these horses went through–all for a slap on the wrist. I just don’t understand. It is a shame…..

  6. john on May 13th, 2014 10:40 am

    Its a shame we live in a world where the value of an animal is placed above a human being.

  7. jan on May 13th, 2014 9:28 am

    Unfortunately, it seems we see all too many repeat offenders in the animal cruelty area…the animals pay a heavy price. Breaks my heart. And, there are not enough homes for rescues.

  8. Pat on May 13th, 2014 9:19 am

    This is WRONG …. These helpless creatures almost died!!!!!He doesn’t need ANY pets of any kind EVER … And he should have gotten jail time!!

  9. bewildered on May 13th, 2014 7:24 am

    Who is conducting this intervention program? It would be interesting to know what therapy will make a person an animal lover and can teach how to nurture and care for something.

  10. Honest John on May 13th, 2014 6:44 am

    I had to read that story several times for it to sink in . Let me see if I got this right. At the end of one year he can have more horses and his charges will be dismissed if he completes his diversion program! So it’s ok to abuse animals in Escambia County?

  11. Jane on May 13th, 2014 4:50 am

    That’s It? A slap on the wrist for almost starving 2 horses to death? Until penalties become stronger these things will keep happening. This should be a felony conviction with a stiff sentence.

  12. troubled on May 13th, 2014 4:28 am

    I am sorry the judge is wrong for the action he took!! He can’t own a horse for at least a year, well that really hurt him. McCreary is really hurting from this. What about making him pay for rest of his life. He mccreary) is really hurting now.What if he does it again? Then what, Can’t own an animal for two (2) years! The judges around here need to get real and look at some of their judements concerning animal abuse and start giving more then a slap on the butt.
    Just me,saying
    we need judges
    to get real and
    do a better JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. bartender on May 13th, 2014 3:45 am

    dirty rat wow 567.00 and no animal for one year.what a slap in the face to horse owners. he should starve like that poor horse. well you can tell onething that judge is not an animal lover. shame on both of you.i hope one day he will answer to the man above. why arrest him just let the cowboys take care of him the old fashion way.