Florida Lawamkers Ban E-Cig Sales To Minors

May 3, 2014

Florida lawmakers passed a plan Friday that would ban the sales of electronic cigarettes to minors. The House voted 117-0 to approve the bill (SB 224), which had earlier passed the Senate. It now goes to Gov. Rick Scot for his signature.

“Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular,” Senate sponsor Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, said in a prepared statement. “However, by putting age restrictions on these harmful nicotine devices we are taking the steps necessary to keep our impressionable children healthy and strong.”

Supporters of the bill contend that use of the trendy tubes, which deliver nicotine, can lead to young people smoking tobacco.


3 Responses to “Florida Lawamkers Ban E-Cig Sales To Minors”

  1. Mark T on May 3rd, 2014 1:46 pm

    Kids should not be allowed to buy e cigs I agree, but this is just the beginning of Government trying to demonize this product so they can tax the fire out it!! I thought Republicans were against big Government !! Guess the like taxes just like Democrats huh !

  2. E on May 3rd, 2014 10:03 am

    What’s funny is I am a retailer here and have been selling these for over 5 years. I have not had 1 single minor attempt to purchase one of these in my store. Maybe utilize the time to pass a law that really matters.

  3. Me on May 3rd, 2014 4:03 am

    As far as I know nobody has been attempting to sell these products to minors. I have been using an electronic cigarette for a while now and every store and online merchant that I have purchased supplies from have required you to be 18. I think that the government is just taking steps to regulate the use of these devices so they can slap their taxes on the cost. It is cutting into the money they were getting from the sales of overpriced cigarettes.