Facebook Posts Lead To Rescue For Couple Trapped In Flood

May 1, 2014

In our attic. House underwater….Please let them know we are in the attic.

A terrifying Facebook post from Dana Jacobs. She and her husband live on Bristol Park Road where Tuesday night’s flooding was some of the worst. And they live in the lower end of the street where the water was highest.

What?? It’s flooding!!!??? I hope you guys are ok!!!!

That was the response from Dana’s friend Ashleigh in California. Another friend posted a reassuring link to a NorthEscambia.com Facebook post.

ALERT — Officials reporting water to the roof of houses in the Bristol Park Subdivision of Hwy 97/297A. Including Bristol Park Road and Ashbury Lane. EMS/Fire rescuing residents.

Ashleigh responded to the NorthEscambia.com post.

Please get help to (9XXX) Bristol park road water is almost in attic.

NorthEscambia.com responded by contacting Ashleigh in California directly by Facebook chat. She verified the information along with names and addresses, and NorthEscambia.com make a direct call to McDavid Station Chief Eric Gilmore on the scene with the information and also reported the situation to Escambia-Fire Rescue dispatchers. All that was about 12:40 a.m. Wednesday.

“It was crazy scary,” Dana said. “We never expected the water to rise like that. First the floor was wet. We started moving things in the house up higher. Then in like 30 minutes, the water was to our waists. We panicked. The water went up over everything we’d moved up. We didn’t know what to do.”

The couple made the way to their detached garage. The smell of gas was overwhelming from gas cans that overturned in the flood. They crawled into the attic and called 911.

“911 told me they could not get to us right way until they got some boats,” she said. Outside, at the entrance to the neighborhood, firefighters were risking their own lives wading as far as they could into the rushing water to rescue adults and children.  A frantic effort was underway to get boats to the scene, but responding agencies were hampered by flooded roads and overrun bridges along the way.

Dana and her husband were concerned that rescuers might not check the garage attic. They used a hatchet to chop a hole in  the roof. Then they could hear the screams of their neighbors.

“The neighbors and their kids were on their roof. The screams for help….the screams for help..I’ll never forget them. It was awful.”

The raging flood waters were rising, approaching the attic. Dana said she was afraid they would not be found in time.

Dana and NorthEscambia.com continued the Facebook chat throughout the early morning hours, updating their status. In the meantime, firefighters were working their way down the street, now with boats, continuing rescue after rescue.

Then, at 3:25 a.m. NorthEscambia.com received a phone call from Chief Gilmore on the scene.

“They are out and on a boat,” he said.

Dana and husband had been rescued; they believe with the help of a cross-country Facebook conversation and the mostly volunteer members of Escambia Fire Rescue that responded to their call for help.

“They are our heroes. We can’t thank them enough for saving our lives,” she said.

Pictured: Dana and husband Damien Jacobs.  Courtesy photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “Facebook Posts Lead To Rescue For Couple Trapped In Flood”

  1. Debbie Nobles on May 4th, 2014 8:47 am

    I am so glad Dana is safe. I was her kindergarten teacher at Longleaf a long time ago.I heard about her story from her mom.Dana always was a special girl even way back in kindergarten. Our house flooded too or I would be out helping.

  2. Jennifer Bandura on May 1st, 2014 9:44 pm

    So thankful that everyone is safe! We have family that live on that street. We’re thinking if you Bandura’s! Prayers!

  3. Paul Williams on May 1st, 2014 6:42 pm

    I would like to express gratitude and appreciation from ECFR to the citizens who volunteered their efforts and personal watercraft to effect what turned out to be a successful rescue of many residents of Bristol Park and other neighborhoods. If not for the assistance of these citizens we could not have made this possible. Their willingness to assist while putting themselves in harm’s way with the rescues and utilization of their boats was invaluable. We also had fire department personnel assist with their personal watercraft that was equally as valuable to the operation. Gulf Breeze Fire Department and Escambia Search and Rescue also assisted with the rescues as well as volunteer and career personnel from Escambia County Fire Rescue. Everyone worked tirelessly, in extremely difficult situations, to make the total operation a success for the citizens of Bristol Park, Bristol Woods, Ashbury Hills, and Plantation Woods. In all ECFR, ECEMS, FWC, ESAR, ECAT, Escambia County School Board, Gulf Breeze FD and private citizens had 9 boats and 2 wave runners in-service rescuing residents.

    Paul Williams
    Deputy Chief, Escambia County Fire Rescue

  4. David Huie Green on May 1st, 2014 6:01 pm

    Ya done good, Eric.
    All of you did well.

    David for better people
    Like this

  5. Frankie on May 1st, 2014 10:03 am

    What a great story! The good Samaritans throughout this disaster never faltered once with putting their own lives on the line. The community always pulls together at a time of need. Viva Pensacola!

  6. WOW on May 1st, 2014 9:54 am

    What an amazing story! Thank God they were rescued in time!

  7. Jane on May 1st, 2014 9:46 am

    Glad they are Ok. Thank you William and Ashleigh for helping them! FB is no longer just a scial network…it helps people in trouble!

  8. Jen hogue on May 1st, 2014 9:18 am

    Amazing! Thank you heroes!!!

  9. Lynda on May 1st, 2014 9:12 am

    So thankful no lives were lost. THANK YOU to all the Fire Rescue responders and volunteers that helped this neighborhood.

  10. Leslie on May 1st, 2014 9:12 am

    Glad they are safe.
    Thank you NorthEscambia, California friend, Chief Gilmore, and Escambia Fire Rescue for getting them out safely (and whoever else was involved).

    Thanks William for going the extra mile! Northescambia rocks as always!!!!

  11. Sheila on May 1st, 2014 8:39 am

    So happy to hear how technology helped. And thankful the couple is safe and proud of EMS for all they do!!!

  12. 429SCJ on May 1st, 2014 7:38 am

    They certainly appear euphoric after having survived such a harrowing event. I am sure that I would feel that way as well.

    Magnificent is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of the brave EMS personnel, who braved the danger and came to the aid of so very many!

  13. Amethyst Sweet on May 1st, 2014 6:56 am

    This made me cry. I’m so happy they got out. Thank you to all the brave people that went and got everyone out. We use to live in McDavid and it floods fast. My grandparents house(Dot and Ed Ellis) always floods. However this time it didn’t. Way to go everyone that helped save everyone.

  14. Jane on May 1st, 2014 5:04 am

    So glad they are safe and thank you William and Ashleigh for helping them! Guess they will have to stop calling FB “social media” now!

  15. melody on May 1st, 2014 4:56 am

    way to go Northescambia.com – Thank you for not only being a source of news but a source of compassion and action. I don’t know this couple but I am thankful for their safety