County To Seek New Doctors To Deal With Jail Explosion Victims

May 15, 2014

A total of 184 inmates and corrections staff members were taken to several local hospitals on the night of the explosion at the Escambia County Jail’s Central Booking and Detention Facility.

County official said anyone expressing a medical concern following the explosion was taken to area hospitals for medical care. In some cases, after being returned to Escambia County Corrections, some inmates have requested and been given return trips to local medical providers for follow up on any issues or concerns they had about their medical well being.

Last week, Corrections Director Gordon Pike met with jail doctors (one who handles physical issues and one who handles mental health issues), the Escambia County budget office and the Human Resources staff.

That meeting, according to Escambia County, ended with two goals:

  • To solicit additional doctor to work at the jail to address any lingering physical issues that may have been caused to an inmate the night of the explosion. Jail leaders hope to have a contract for this physician signed by the end of the week.
  • To solicit a mental health doctor to address any/all mental health concerns of inmates and their families. An additional six staff members will be brought on to help address these concerns. The purchase order for these six counselors has been signed and jail officials are working to create a schedule for these new additions. file photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “County To Seek New Doctors To Deal With Jail Explosion Victims”

  1. Trina on May 17th, 2014 1:19 pm

    All I can say is God Bless everyone. Lets get one thing straight. I do my part as a citizen. My husband is a figherfighter/EMT and has a full time job at GP. I am a manager of a company. I am also a disaster housing inspector for FEMA. I have over 12 years on the executive PTA board and coached two soccer teams for over 15 years…. We do our duty. As far as my child. He got in trouble for fighting. The other kid threw the first punch. My son kicked his butt so the defeated kid called the police…. He will do his time as a man and has learned his lesson. I have and still work with numerous police departments on many different occasions and for many different reasons. I have offered Gordon Pike, Lumon May, Sgt. Boswell and numerous others to help in anyway possible. I try and keep the peace between the two sides and squash bad rumors. I have offered to help man phones go to Tallahassee and/or Washington if needed whatever Escambia County needs I AM HERE TO HELP and may I say on my own dime. What have you done besides try and belittle me and the other families. How sad don’t worry I added you to my prayer list weeks ago. YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME so throw stones if you must. I can take it. I am here, I am an active member of three different communities. Every single comment I have posted I give props to the ones that have helped and love and prayers for all concerned. I have donated money to the officer to make changes to his house in order for him to come home. How much have you donated? I do my part and then some. I pray daily. This was a horrible event one that will take years to dull in my mind. I just want the truth to come out and accountability. I am glad that counselors are at every site however, daily medical on site ( a roaming doctor) is all it would have taken and it would have cut down on transportation, guards and money. It is easier for one person to visit the sites than for every site to have to transport inmates to the main jail. I wish everyone a speedy recovery and peace.

  2. Justice on May 15th, 2014 11:27 pm

    alarmed and armed to be laughing all I can say is hope you never in a situation. you need god. Reality, she has offered to volunteer. many ignorant people who like to judge. very sad. two week is plenty of time to get in order to see immate’s. jail should have had a plan. point blank.

  3. Traci on May 15th, 2014 11:18 pm

    I am appalled at these comments. First off for the one’s judging the immate’s in the jail, if you had someone in there at the time of the explosion you would be thinking much different of how this has been handled. If you have watched the news you will see that this jail was NO VIOLENT people and not thugs and criminals. until you have walked in the shoes of anyone in this situation, you shouldn’t be so judging. It has been said they had no plan and if you are responsible for people’s lives some kind of plan should be in place for any situation. secondly, these people have been treated like crap like some of the CO’s and even when out, guns were put at them at gunpoint and told to get in line. no compassion. not every CO has been nasty but there have been many that have. all I can say is in the end when the truth comes out, the people being nasty on here will not be laughing as one said he was. These people need doctors and people to talk too. can you imagine being in a cell locked and an explosion that splits floor in half and you have no idea if you will get out? so yes visitors should be allowed and doctors should be in every place people taken to make sure they are getting the attention they need. I feel sorry for you people who judge, probably the same people who are nice on Sunday in church and hypocrites the rest of the week. I attend Olive Baptist and everyone there has been so sad by this. your comments are disturbing. god bless and hope you are never in a situation where you are in jail. never say never, after all this is Escambia county.

  4. Alarmed and Armed on May 15th, 2014 11:16 pm

    No, that is exactly what it is going to take. A community to speak up and “jump down your throat” to speak out against your skewed perception, expectations and reality.

    Its sad you use your children as a pawn to try and make it more dramatic and worse than it really is. Do not and try and take away from the inmates who were killed or seriously injured and the correctional officer who was critically injured.

    Do not drag out your little inconvience and make it out to be like you and your family are some sort of victim because aren’t getting video visitation two weeks after a massive disaster. Please! Save that for Facebook.

    I’m sure your children can wait to see their loved one they so desperately need to see. I’m sure seeing them in jail is a great lasting impression on their minds. If this is just “a first mistake” and their sentences “aren’t that long” then why is video visitation such a big deal? Its like you want to be in some reality TV show with dramatics that you’re pulling.

    What about the victims of the perps you’re trying so hard to see? Have they been paid back? How were their lives affected? Were they ever repaid, repaired, or their emotional/mental statuses returned to normal after they were victimized by a “one time mistake” perp?

    The whole “we can’t get video visitation so now we’re victims” card is not going to work with real law abiding citizens who work and pay taxes. Might want to email the ACLU for that.

  5. mine on May 15th, 2014 9:14 pm

    Let me start by saying I agree things take time and there has to be a method to the madness. I do believe officials, doctors, c.o’s and other staff are working very hard to straighten all this out and should be commended. I do also have to say that it still however blows me away how people assume because someone is in jail they are a “thug” or “career criminal” or even better dead beat parent. It’s not possible I suppose that some of them made a human mistake? True enough , they should have made better decisions and have not put themselves in a position to go to jail. Even so does it mean they love their children less then anyone else? Better then that does it mean their children love them any less then yours? So maybe visitation isn’t a top priority right this second, but I could imagine for a mother, a wife, A CHILD it probably feels that way. What world do you live in? In this world people make mistakes. No need to jump down someones throat for wanting to see someone they love.

  6. Trina on May 15th, 2014 8:08 pm

    Man up. At least when I have something to say I use my real name while you guys hide behind aliases. Thoughts and prayers to all employees, inmates and families involved. And by the way, yes I understand both sides completely.

  7. Reality on May 15th, 2014 6:32 pm

    Do you understand how this impacted the jails in Escambia and Santa Rosa County. When you interject more inmates without the manpower due to budget issues, scheduling has to be adjusted, programs and staffing for medical have to be addressed. Do you think this money falls out of trees? So what you cannot visit now, it will come in time. Walk a day in their shoes before you whine. Maybe you should volunteer to assist in their efforts?????

  8. come on on May 15th, 2014 6:22 pm

    Do you realize how much operations occur within the confines of a jail or prison. Everything cannot be done overnight or in a month. Give them time to work it all out. They are doing the best they can with what they have. I forgot, this is the age of snap, snap and get it done when you want it. It does not happen that way.

  9. Alarmed and Armed on May 15th, 2014 4:22 pm

    Is that comment serious?

    Trina, what planet are you living on? Haha

    If these were such good “parents” who truly cared about their kids, they would have never put themselves in a situation where they may be taken away from their family in the first place! You have got to be kidding me.

    Its funny how a massive disaster happens and everyone has these demands and cryouts of “outrage” of how things are happening. You people cannot be serious. I sat back and absolutely laughed out loud while wathing my TV at you people. The bailbonds ladt who was screaming outside the jail was the best. You people live in a complete bubble. When andisaster happens and personel respond it takes time (days) to sort out the mess. Its like you all have these Hollywood TV/Movie expectations of how things are. Well I’m here to tell ya, welcome to the real world! What about the outrage that your “loved” one is a career criminal thug or deadbeat dad?

    When you commit a crime in one of the poorest counties in Florida and get caught, locked up and the jail blows up, expect only the resources allotted from the taxpayer base. If you haven’t noticed, this is NOT New York City with a massive taxpayer base, unlimited fire, ems and police at your beck and call. The personnel are only good as the dollar paying them and Thats NOT MUCH! All “loved ones” need to know is that the inmate is either alive or dead and/or injuries if they were life threatening. Otherwise, sit down, wait and don’t expect Hollywood style responses. Not everything is as you see it on TV and movies. This is the real world Trina. Hahaha

  10. Trina on May 15th, 2014 3:52 am

    Yay thanks Gordon Pike. You personally promised me you were working on this. Thank you for following through. I am kinda confused of the wording of the article. I was under the impression that there would be at least roaming medical doctors so the inmates didn’t have to be transported to the main jail and spend 17 hours in the hole in order to see a doctor. Some clarification would be nice. Mr. Pike I have something that’s bothering me. We are now on day 15 and were told 14 days ago that everyone was working on getting visitation set up. Also inmates filled out visitor lists and moms told kids they were going to get to hug their daddys. Then I hear that this is being changed also and video visitation is being set up. Seriously?? Are yall that heartless after the endless hours of misery not knowing if our loved ones were dead or alive or what their injuries were. I would think this would be the least you could do… Fellow neighbors please don’t write any negative comments. And to squash this issue it isn’t a safety issue because everyone moved out at the camp has less than 12 months and are non violent offenders most were trustees or ones who were waiting on court dates and haven’t even been found innocent or guilty yet. In order for everyone to start the healing process it should at the very least start with great big hugs and probably lots of tears (tears of relief that is)…. Thoughts and prayers to all the officers, inmates and families. I know personally this week has been just as hard, if not harder for me. I pray we can all work on healing and everyone on both sides being treated with and showing compassion. Thanks to the COs and nurses and others who truly do care. Especially the ones that go above and beyond. One day I will be able to thank you in person.