4-Year Old Falls Off Boat; Child’s Name Released

May 25, 2014


The search for a 4-year old boy who fell off a boat Saturday afternoon continues.

About 4 p.m., a 911 caller reported the boy had fallen off a 20-foot boat somewhere  between Ft. Pickens and NAS Pensacola. The child has been identified  by Florida Fish and Wildlife as 4-year old Logan Fontana Maye.

According to FWC the child’s grandfather, Steve Maye, said he was idling away from the Coast Guard Station near Fort Pickens when the boy wanted assistance in getting sand out of his life jacket.

The life jacket was taken off the child, and Maye told authorities he gave it back to him and thought he put it on before he moved the boat at just 10 mph. Maye told officials that it was about one minute later that he looked and did not see Logan.

Officials confirmed Logan was not wearing a personal floatation device at the time he fell overboard.

Escambia Fire Rescue, LifeFlight, Florida Fish and Wildlife, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the U.S. Coast Guard, Navy Fire and Escambia Search and Rescue were among the agencies that took part in Saturday’s search. Numerous agencies were back on the search on Sunday and will continue on Monday.

Pictured: The search for a 4-year old that fell of a boat Saturday. Photos courtesy WEAR for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


39 Responses to “4-Year Old Falls Off Boat; Child’s Name Released”

  1. 429SCJ on May 26th, 2014 12:13 pm

    A tragic misadventure. Prayers for all.

  2. DD on May 26th, 2014 11:36 am

    Sad!! My heart goes out to the family…….Lord please keep them strong

  3. ABC on May 26th, 2014 7:23 am

    I pray that God will put his hands of healing on this entire family, this a dreadful tradgedy, as a grandparent, my heart bleeds for this grandfather as I can imagine the pain he is suffering now and in the future. May we all realize such a tradgedy can occur to any one of our families, at any time, who can say they are able to give 100 percent attention to every child every moment. no matter how we try . Being judgemental is a very dangerous road to take……May God puthis Healing Hands on all concerned.

  4. MomOfTwo on May 26th, 2014 6:34 am

    This is such a tragedy and a devastating accident. Children are super fast and unpredictable at times. I have had to jump in the pool fully clothed a couple of times to keep my son from taking on water because he just had to jump in the deeper end. You can turn your head for a split second and they get themselves in a bad situation. My prayers go out to the family. Place no blame, only compassion for this family.

  5. unknown on May 25th, 2014 10:28 pm

    I hope and pray they find him. When he fallen off the boat why didnt the boy scream. I just pray they find him.

  6. April Garcia on May 25th, 2014 10:14 pm


  7. JT on May 25th, 2014 9:53 pm

    Ok I am going to bat for paw paw. Warren?? have you ever had or kept a kid of this age they move 7 times faster then speed of light. Then you said”They need to charge the Grandfather for not making sure the 4 year old had his life jacket on”.

    What do you think is going to threw this man mind right now? I can tell you cause i am Paw paw my self and i have been very blessed by GOD that nothing has ever happen to mine. but this man is a MESS right now. Most of us that have grand kids they are our little buddy and little Princess and i would kill or even die for any of mine.
    Folks this is a accident a Very Hard to say accident. but they happen every day

    To the Grand daddy of this baby My heart goes out to you i know you are thinking I should have made sure he had it on or i should have done this ….. but look when you took that baby out on that boat your plans was to make a memory that he would have told his kids when he got older. You had no plans that this was going to happen put your faith in our GOD. May our GOD bless you and your family and never give up you have a chance in life, just like all of us to see that baby again in heaven cause if he has gone. He is there

  8. Luvmyboys on May 25th, 2014 9:45 pm

    @John…you would not go on a boat alone with a 4 year old, but what else do you do every day that you see no harm in, that an accident could occur in that someone looking on from the outside would say ‘wow, I would never do that!’ Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere that’s why they are called accidents not ‘malicious acts against the ones we love’.

    @Warren…what would you charge the grandad with? Being human?!? I pray that something tragic never happens to your child or grandchild when you are the only adult around! I can assure you, you would be receiving prayers from me not condemnation. This grandad has a life sentence of thinking about this for the rest of his life.

    For the family of Logan, please know that people are praying for ALL of you!!

  9. Winnie Wolf on May 25th, 2014 9:40 pm

    Today I had prayer with young Logan’s family whom I may have seen when visiting my brother and his wife. They are very much hurting about this tragedy. As a minister of the Gospel, my prayer was meant to provide God’s comfort and strength to this family who is missing a son, grandson, a great grandson. My brother and his wife are nexr-door driveway neighbors who called me this morning to come to the family for prayer. I responded and was met with love. Community the family is in pain and needs your prayers for strength, especially mom and grandpa. Lord in your mercy hear our prayers.

  10. Karen OBrien on May 25th, 2014 8:21 pm

    The only thing I am sure of is that this family is going through hell now. We do not need to make any judgements. Accidents happen. I pray to God with all my being that Logan is found alive. I pray for his family as no one needs to feel this kind of pain.

  11. Alarmed and Armed on May 25th, 2014 8:20 pm

    Prayers :/

    Please pray and consider the difficulty, panic and emotions for this family at this time. I wouldn’t wish this on any enemy.

  12. Scott david brobst on May 25th, 2014 7:32 pm

    I like to send out a special thanks to the guys on the ‘ Got live bai bait ‘ boat ! They searched all night untill they slung a rod in their boat motor ! And I know they would do it again if needed ! THANKS GUYS ! ALL MY PRAYERS TO family !

  13. John on May 25th, 2014 6:51 pm

    Hey Amy we know the grandfather took the vest off to remove sand all we are saying is why he didn’t put it back on him. Every one has an opinion so why get mad when their opinion don’t agree with yours. If I were a family member or friend I wouldn’t be on here reading all the negative comments.

  14. only me on May 25th, 2014 6:32 pm

    My prayers are with this whole family. I couldn’t imagine what they must be going through so I will not pretend to. But I know how fast accidents can happen. My four year old took her arm floats off in the pool the other day because she couldn’t go under. Luckily I was sitting by the pool and noticed before she made it down the steps completely. Or I too could be finding myself in this position with so many casting blame. May God be with this family in their time of need.

  15. MOTHER on May 25th, 2014 5:38 pm


  16. Christian on May 25th, 2014 5:07 pm

    Before anyone points ‘blame’, try and put yourself in the situation facing this family. How tragic, and how sad… None of us may know the outcome, but I do know that God is still on the throne and my God is STILL in the business of miracles. Look around, and look hard enough – you will find miracles everywhere. This family, this mother/grandfather – will need all the support they can get. Prayers, yes – they still change things!! To the Mother/Father/Grandfather, may God wrap His arms around you and bring comfort when no one else can; the kind of comfort that surpasses all understanding. May He bless you and surround you with praying Christian friends in this time. I can not even begin to imagine what hurt and despair all of you must be going through. The waiting, the unknown, the mind wandering…. God, please – in your infinite wisdome – direct the rescue workers and bring peace to this family. I was once corrected by a very wise Pastor: I said, the LEAST we can do is pray – he admonished me – “NO, THE MOST WE CAN DO IS PRAY!!” I encourage everyone who reads this, take a moment and pray, pray that God DOES a miracle in this situation. My prayers…..

  17. Lynne on May 25th, 2014 4:53 pm

    This is a terrible ACCIDENT…..what this family must be going through is unimaginable. Having had a 4 yr old son who, as all 4 year olds was very active and adventurous ( he is now 24) I agree with the others who have shared that their children managed to get out of their life vests, seats belts and car seats. Mine was very adept at it. We kept very close watch on his safety. But it happens in a split second. Instead of placing blame, let’s send our prayers and thoughts to this family and the horrible loss they are enduring. No parent (or grandparent) should lose a child. Compassion here PLEASE

  18. Robbin on May 25th, 2014 4:33 pm

    Prayers for Logan and his family. What this family needs right now is support and compassion. Hateful comments add to the grief this family is already dealing with.

  19. Carleigh on May 25th, 2014 4:17 pm

    I don’t see why people are making the Grandfather look bad. I mean it was an accident But everyone has different opinions tho. The only thing I want to say is that my opinion is I believe that little boy is still in that water floating on that life jacket so tight;because he is so scared n he knows there is people out their looking for him. So all of you people need to say Positive things not Negative. Prayers go out to Logan and his Family I know ya’ll will find him I promise :) just thank Positive

  20. Roll Tide on May 25th, 2014 3:26 pm

    Prayers for Logan and his family. Also praying for those searching for him.

  21. cheryl linholm on May 25th, 2014 3:12 pm

    God Bless this family.

  22. Heather C on May 25th, 2014 3:12 pm

    Prayers that God performs a miracle and he is found alive. Prayers for all involved.

  23. amy on May 25th, 2014 2:01 pm

    It was literally an accident. He had only removed his life vest for a moment to remove sand. In the moment it was off this tragic accident occurred. It could’ve happened to anyone. I know the family and have seen many many pictures of the boy wearing his life vest on board. What’s worse than this tragedy is how you fools judge a situation you know nothing about! Have you never made a mistake? Your senseless hate and judgement leaves me feeling saddened for all of humanity. Peace to the family!

  24. leslie on May 25th, 2014 1:56 pm

    All these people who are so swift to judge this man ought to think about all the things they’ve done wrong that’s caused heartache for someone else. This is a tragedy. Prayers for the family.

  25. Forgiven on May 25th, 2014 1:45 pm

    Lord, hold Logan in your arms. I know he is happy there, but his family wants him back here with them. You, Lord, know best. May your will be done in Logan’s life. Help us to accept your will. Mercifully grant forgivness and healing for all our broken hearts. Help all, who learn of this, to add caution and vigilance to their caregiving lest we walk in their shoes. Most of all let us feel your presence. Amen

  26. Susan on May 25th, 2014 12:57 pm

    Prayers for the family and for the perfect people that are so fast to condemn, never before have they made a simple chose that could have change a their life forever. Prayers for peace and comfort and yes I am a mother and a grandmother and yes I have made a decision that I see now that could have been a bad mistake thank the good Lord it wasn’t ,just sorry this one was, again prayers and peace.

  27. Jessica on May 25th, 2014 12:40 pm

    My heart goes out to this poor four year old boy and his family. :( I couldn’t imagine losing one of my kids. But I must say although my five year old is able to put on and take off her own life jackets and seat belts..i always make sure i put on her life jacketmyself. I’m over protective… but we never think anything like this will happen to bus. accidents happen.. i hope they find this little boy. This is very sad. Any time a kid is involved it is heart breaking.

  28. Faye on May 25th, 2014 12:34 pm

    Prayers, we need more prayers & miracles for this little boy, that he’ll be found safe and alive. Sending my prayers up, Amen.

  29. John on May 25th, 2014 12:23 pm

    Hey Puddin I would not trust a four year old to put life jacket on. I would put it on for him .I myself would not take a four year old out in boat fishing (just him and me)as you can’t watch every move they make.

  30. Sylina on May 25th, 2014 12:22 pm

    Dont dare judge ! Before u judge that man, remember it could happen to ANYONE. .. Its a tragic ACCIDENT! Unfortunately my 3 year old takes her seatbelt and life jacket on and off all the time because she knows how. We CONSTANTLY have to check on her because of that and I pray that something never happens like this to mine because of that. It can happen so very quickly. This poor man im sure is devastated. Judge not lest you be judged…he doesn’t need outsiders adding to his sorrow!!!

  31. Warren on May 25th, 2014 12:03 pm

    They need to charge the Grandfather for not making sure the 4 year old had his life jacket on.

  32. Melissa on May 25th, 2014 11:56 am

    This breaks my heart! Prayers going up for this child and his family! As a parent I must say that although 99.999% of the time we do our very best to protect our children there is always that one mishap that we wish we could change. Most times we are lucky and nothing bad happens during our slip ups but let’s face it, this could happen to any of us! Let’s lift this family up! I am quite sure they are beating themselves up enough without any help from outsiders!

  33. Puddin on May 25th, 2014 10:51 am

    Wow John, it was an accident. We dont have all the facts so lets not judge. How about praying for this poor child and his family. My grandsons are all capable of putting in and taking off life jackets, seat belts and car seat straps.

    Just for thought. Maybe this type of accident could be prevented by child proof seat belt, life jacket, and car seat closures.

    Ive been trying since my two year old son (now 30) popped up between the seats during a thunder storm, while zipping down the hwy i n bumper to bumper traffic. Having unhooked his car seat, even though I had safety pinned the darned thing shut.

  34. sam on May 25th, 2014 10:13 am

    come home logan we are not giving up we will find you <3 i love you logan

  35. Judie on May 25th, 2014 9:38 am

    Our prayers goes out to the family. Please Do not start giving anyone a hard time. They are dealing with a horrible accident. Remember our God shows us mercy and grace over and over daily.

  36. A Mom of 4 on May 25th, 2014 8:51 am

    Mary, you are so right, God is still healing & performing miracles, & I’m like you, I do hope that this could be one, but everybody needs to pray for this whole family, for healing & peace amongst each other, because, this is something that could completely tear this family slap apart, this is one reason why I don’t want my kids going off with other people, my dad told me one time that he nor anybody else is gonna watch them like I do, well, you guessed, my kids don’t go with him, but I’m thankful he told me that, because it has probably kept them safe more times than I could count, because he does get busy & sidetracked, it has also helped keep the devil from playing the blame game with us, pray for this grandfather too, because, not only that he didn’t place this on this precious baby, he trusted a 4 yr. old, I have a 4 yr old & I can’t imagine what they must be going through, they listen, but not all the time, they’re still babies. But, this family is not gonna be needing this from other people, they’re gonna be doing it enough on their own, so instead of blaming on here, why don’t people pray for them on here.

  37. Jill on May 25th, 2014 8:17 am

    Such a sad accident. I’m praying for him and his family.

  38. Mary on May 25th, 2014 8:07 am

    Very sad to hear this. Praying for the family of this little boy. Lord please give the search crews wisdom and hope. In your timing give the family peace. I know that if it is your will – this little boy can be found alive on a sand dome somewhere. An unexplained miracle can happen even now. However if you have different plans for this family please put your arms around them during this time of heartache. Allow others to be more cautious when it comes to safety devices. Giving this to you Lord. Amen

  39. John on May 25th, 2014 7:14 am

    Why in the world would you not put life jacket on a four year old ? He’s four years old .