Three Charged With Multiple Counts Of Animal Cruelty

April 10, 2014

Three people have been arrested on multiple animal cruelty charges after an investigation in Cantonment.

Casey Tyler Ahl, 19, Frances Rebecca Ahl, 72, and  Randolph Hewell Rigby, 43, are facing multiple counts that include causing the cruel death, pain and suffering of animals, and unlawful confinement of animals. The charges against the trio were brought directly by the State Attorney’s Office. Authorities said warrants are outstanding on two additional people in the case.

Multiple horses, donkeys and goats were seized from the 400 block of Crowndale Court, while several other animals were found dead on the property.

Escambia County Animal Control officers began their investigation last December. A 17-page document released Wednesday by the State Attorney’s office details the investigation and provides numerous graphic examples of abuse investigators said they found.

Officers reported finding one horse that was dead and apparently stuck in a fence. Several horses were so malnourished that their bones were protruding, while other had hair loss and marks consistent with a condition called rain rot fungus. Many of the animals had numerous sores and wounds, according to the report. Most were malnourished, and one horse had resorted to eating feces. There was little food available for the animals.

Animal Control also located eight poodles, a doberman and five cats on the property.

One of the malnourished horses, a black Tennessee Walker named Ebony, was taken to Panhandle Equine Rescue for rehabilitation. When officers found Ebony on the property, her bones were showing, her stomach was distended and distended, and she suffered from rain rot.

Over the next several weeks, PER and volunteers worked to save  Ebony. She was the subject of several articles as PER and volunteers kept watch over her and raised funds for a sling to help her to her feet. Now, she’s able to walk and run on her own and has gained several pounds.

Thursday morning, Casey Ahl remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $16,000. Frances Ahl was released from jail on a $16,000 bond, and  Randolph Rigby was free on a $21,000 bond.  They are due to make their first court appearance May 1. In the meantime, they have been ordered, if released on bond, to not possess any animals.

Pictured above: Escambia County Animal Control, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Escambia County Fire Rescue’s Cantonment Station and volunteers use a makeshift sling to lift Ebony, a horse seized from Crowndale Court in Cantonment.. Pictured below: Ebony, was unable to get on her feet in her stall about a week after she was seized. Photos for, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Three Charged With Multiple Counts Of Animal Cruelty”

  1. PATRICIA PULMANO on April 25th, 2014 11:03 pm

    There really is no discussion. I appreciate all the irate comments about what should happen to people who abuse animals to the extent that these people did. Truth is, the rules don’t apply to animals. Law enforcement, city ordinances, all the laws, they change when it comes to animal treatment. All of us that are responsible owners of all kinds of animals, dogs, cats, birds, horses, goats, pigs, snakes, etc., have to realize, a big stink is always made about it, but nothing is ever done to the people that criminals. I agree, people who are arrested for animal cruelty should have to be a registered offender. But they don’t have to be. There is no law that says they have to be. All of us who love and care for the furry creatures that we have placed in our own care can only do one thing, report any cruelty you see and treat your own four legged friends with love and caring, and if you do report abuse, follow it up, make sure it is handled. The local law enforcement agencies don’t have the funds and the personnel to do it. If you’re gonna report it, follow up on it. Make sure the punishment is dealt.

  2. G. on April 12th, 2014 12:39 pm

    @ Bob’s Brother
    I guess I should clarify myself here. Having horses CAN be expensive. I have 2 that are very healthy and happy. However, I spend roughly 150.00 a month to feed them. 50$ every 6 to 8 weeks for farrier, shots twice a year, which I give myself, and coggins 1 time a year. To some that is probably outrageous. For me it is a way of life. I have had and been around horses my entire life. It is my experience that when it comes to “horse people” they are either super good honest people or flat awful evil people who will lie steal and cheat you out of anything.

    The truth is horses are sensitive beautiful creatures, and if you do not know anything about them or know someone close to you that does. You should NOT have them or care for them. Accidents and illnesses can be very very expensive.

  3. brittany on April 12th, 2014 11:06 am

    What I want to Know is why the 19 year old is still in jail he obviously didn’t purchase the horses so why is he being held accountable for the grown man and woman’s mistakes? Seems a bit unfair.

  4. eyeswideopen on April 11th, 2014 11:29 pm

    A picture of a farm with horses, donkeys and goats is fun to look at. You don’t have to feed the animals at all. But, Honest John you probably eat and drink every day and so do farm animals. Before you get any animal find out what their needs are and if you can afford the upkeep. The 3 people look like they been eating good. Some people are animal endangerment predators and should register their address so the public can be aware, just like other predators. Thanks again Panhandle Equine Rescue and every one involved that helped.

  5. SherrI Gilmore on April 11th, 2014 11:07 pm

    All animals was brought here just the way we was BY GOD….I believe the 3 people involved doing this should endure starvation and being malnourished !!! This makes me SICK to see this and any other animal abuse!!! I hope ALL animals that was rescued gets better and A GOOD home!!!

  6. Nokomis Horse owner on April 11th, 2014 4:56 pm

    HONEST JOHN—- U DIDNT KNOW THAT YOU HAD TO FEED AND WATER THEM EVERYDAY?? REALLY!!?!? Dont you eat everyday? Dont you drink something everyday? How could someone let that animal get down that bad? Even a dummy should be able to look at that animal and see all its bones, and know that it needs more or SOMETHING to eat!!! AND, U thought it was suppose to be fun? It can be fun. Part of the fun IS going out to feed them, water them, groom them, and all the other equine activities that can come with being an equestian. If u dont LOVE them, dont get them!! And just bc they are free, DOES NOT mean that a person will starve them. We have 2 that were free, and we love them just the same.. Matter of fact, if they had cost anything, we would not have been able to get them. & bc they were free, we did not have to skimp on any bills or cut corners on their care..!

  7. linda snowden on April 11th, 2014 12:57 pm

    i’m a animal lover. when i c this, it breaks my heart. no living thing has to go through that. just down right “MEAN”.

  8. haley on April 11th, 2014 9:39 am

    This is bad. And yes, it is very expensive to take on the care of a horse, if done properly as “Bob’s brother” states above there is a lot of expense that goes into taking care of a horse. One of your readers’s who thinks its unimportant to hand out stiff finds and bail money for animal abusers is somewhat alarming. Im hoping these three accused of this abuse are never afforded the opportunity to own another animal.

  9. Bob's Brother on April 11th, 2014 7:21 am

    @ G. With all respect, sir, or madam, horses are expensive to keep. We have 2 and the cost is up there. With farrior, feed, hay, wormer, coggins test, wellness cert. and other shots, you’re looking at over $300 per month for the pair. Our horses live on our land. If you board, add 150 to 300 dollars a month for that.

  10. Otto on April 11th, 2014 6:07 am

    “I wish child abusers got such high bond.”

    Why don’t you try to stick to the issue at hand. This doesn’t have anything to do with child abusers, abortion, or any other subject that people like to off on tangents about when discussing animal cruelty.

  11. Just saying on April 10th, 2014 9:57 pm

    I wish child abusers got such high bond.

  12. mick on April 10th, 2014 5:10 pm

    Look at this trio, a jail cell is where they belong with no food or water.

  13. erica on April 10th, 2014 4:13 pm

    It breaks my heart to see any animal abuse story! just the thought of it makes me cry and wish I could save all of them. How can these pieces of trash sit down and eat a meal knowing those poor babies are starving??????!!!!! I cant imagine how a person can do this. And from the pics they haven’t missed a meal. If u fall on hard times and cant care for the animals give them to someone that can! They need to make harsher sentences for abuse. God bless the folks that rescued them I don’t know how they can do their job without crying. I say a prayer for these poor babies.

  14. Animalover on April 10th, 2014 1:07 pm


  15. SusieQ on April 10th, 2014 12:00 pm

    No one with any horse sense or compassion would like this happen. Got to wonder…..where did they get these animals? My guess is they got them “free” from someone getting “rid” of them, therefore placed no value on them, put them in a pasture to rot.

  16. G. on April 10th, 2014 11:33 am

    You know its really not that expensive to own horses. The problem here is priority. These people had no business owning horses or any other animal for that matter. When you take on the responsibility of owning ANY animal they depend upon you completely for every need. This is so sad.

  17. mn on April 10th, 2014 10:44 am

    This is horrible. I think this type of animal cruelty should come with some stiff prison time. This may sound a bit dramatic, but these animals should not have to suffer such horrible lives. This is just deplorable. This seems to be an epidemic in Northwest Florida. Maybe it was a case of lack of funds to take care of the animals. Well, then by all means, call the Equine Rescue Group, call Animal Control (which have their own issues), there are agencies that can be contacted to take these animals before their lives become deplorable. It is just a shame that human beings, who know better, treat these poor defenseless animals through such pain and suffering. Very sad story. I just hope they are prosecuted to the full extent law allows.

  18. MM on April 10th, 2014 10:43 am

    I don’t know much about horses, but it seems very basic that any horse owner/keeper must first have: Land, Time, AND Money.

  19. E on April 10th, 2014 10:30 am

    NOW THIS….is the way you handle violations. You DO NOT follow the lead of DC and punish those that have been law abiding citizens for generations.

  20. ME** on April 10th, 2014 8:57 am

    I hope they rot in hell for what they have done to these poor innocent animals. I think all three of these waste of space people need to be starved to death!!!

  21. fred on April 10th, 2014 7:55 am

    Let’s all note that Panhandle Equine Rescue has yet again stepped up in another bad situation. I donated to them last year, and will again this year. Join me and others who help them do their valuable service.

  22. William on April 10th, 2014 7:46 am

    >>What happened to the other animals? I know another horse was put down, but were there others taken?

    Once horse was taken to a veterinarian for constant care but had to be put down. Some of the animals (goats, etc) were taken by Escambia County Animal Control, Most of the horses were taken by Escambia County’s livestock officer. Some of the animals died before being removed (first report was 12/23/13, last removal was 2/25/14, per the reports) and a few others were gone, with the owner saying they had been sold. (All per reports provided by the State Attorney’s Office)

  23. Honest John on April 10th, 2014 6:32 am

    I didn’t know you had to feed and water these animals everyday. I thought owning a farm would be fun. I wonder how many hours of community service will they receive?

  24. DK on April 10th, 2014 5:31 am


  25. Jane on April 10th, 2014 5:22 am

    They should never be allowed to have any animal ever again! And they should have stayed in jail and not been allowed out on bail!

  26. troubled on April 10th, 2014 4:26 am

    I hope they don’t make bail!!! What they did is bad and they should be treated as they treated their animals. I have said it before, if you own an animal it is up to you to feed, shelter, and water!!!!!!!!!!!!! I f you have it in you to love and cherish those animals you own, you won’t believe the rewards you get back from them.

    Me, just yelling about
    the unjust treatment
    the animals got.
    Hug don’t mistreat

  27. AL on April 10th, 2014 3:05 am

    What happened to the other animals? I know another horse was put down, but were there others taken?